Breathing issues due to covid

I think 2-3 times would be ok.

I and probably millions of others agree with you. It’s really good that you have a positive reflection mindset on this and showing gratitude to what you had. The higher vibration will help you in beating the virus faster.

Keep using the stack and remedies mentioned in this forum and take good care of yourself. It will be over soon and you will have new lenses for life. :blush:

Wishing you a fast full recovery soon brother.




Make sure your getting a surplus of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc. Give your body what it needs to fight the virus.


Use this.

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Read this thread:
It’s very complete.


Add the plasma before lung restoration then all the virus disruption ones then grounding.

Please dont forget to listen to stress relief and for the anxiety, a lot of times short of breath is related to fear and anxiety which increases in your situation.


In addition to @anon26869922’s suggestion:

If you’ve got Patreon, the Pleurisy field is specifically meant to address this particular type of damage to the lungs following infection.


I’m sorry you feel so bad, it really sucks.

I know.its hard to imagine now, but you’ll come out of it nice and shiny, as if new :crazy_face:
You have to take time to rest and heal, drink a lot of tea and whatever cough medication they gave you, and spam the fields. Let the fever run high even if you feel like shit (unless it is dangerously high).

It takes normally 2-3 weeks to get over it, so it will take some time, but you’ll be all right, I can tell/feel it :blush::blush:

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Don’t forget about plasma / Cosmo volt fields.
What do you listen to now?

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I will pray for you and send healing wishes your way… and you’re right, we often don’t realise that a simple and harmonious life is a wonderful treasure. :heart:

Don’t forget the book of cards has a healing sigil you can use (if you’ve already done the attunement)

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Give this a try!
And I am not a doctor but here’s a suggestion. Get yourself lots of Alkaline water, recommend vitamins from here, drink lots of super fruit drinks, and get lots of Sunlight. Don’t drink cold water and dairy products because they help support mucus. Don’t listen to too many audios just yet because your body is using it to recover. Use what is needed and the youtube links aren’t energetic but rife frequencies. The youtube links may destroy the virus and these are just all experiments. I hope you recover soon. :D


Been having orange juice, lemonade, and cranberry. Each one cup a day. The second video looks a lot more appealing to me but what I don’t understand is why the comments are off. :confused:

I apologize for the late reply. I really only listen to the silent and music version of the covid virus disruption audio. Sometimes I spam the audio for virus disruption.

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Well everyone. I am getting tested tomorrow and I can say with full confidence I feel completely normal as if sickness isn’t even in my dictionary now.

You got through it quite quickly :)
You might still test positive, but main thing is that you feel healthy again.

Well I want to be tested negative. I am so sick of being stuck at home like this. I want to get back to work and actually do something. Staying at home like this is like being stuck in prison.

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Her channel is good

How did it go?