I’m so sorry for this stupid question. I was wondering if I actually can steal or take energy from somebody I admire? I wish this person all the best, and his energi, soul and presence is so relaxing and safe for me it feels like something I know from before!?!?, Specially the first time I was in his office. I really don’t wanna be a “vampire” and drain him in anyway when I see him or think about him.
Maybe this is just a crush in a way, not gonna lie. Or he just has a really pure and good energy/aura. The problem is I wanna make a change because of him and he is already helping me with back problem, so this is a professional doctor. It’s just that I never in my life have felt someones energy like this… First time I just knew this man was going to change my life in some way. And he has… Sounds so stupid, but I really see “the universe” in his eyes.
One time I was there his energy was different, I felt that he had something hurtful going on in his life but he acted the same as always. I know we can sense this kind of things, but this energy felt like my energy instead of I feel the energy “in the air” when someone is sad. If you understand?
Sometime I think people come in your life for a bit and can change it in a good way. But I really don’t wanna take or use his energy for my benefit. As I type this, it’s just sounds really weird
And I think I needed to say this to someone. So thanks for reading my chaos.