Can I use both height booster v1 and v2?

you are tall for your age, wtf

at your age I was 1.60

I was about 5’8" 4-5 months ago. I think using this audio has helped me grow 2 inches. the average height for a man in the USA is about 5’9", so 5’10" is not really that tall.

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I’m from Latin America, and 1.80 is tall

I think that has more to do with nourishment there. In regions where there is less food like africa or parts of latin american, people tend to not grow as much as they can due to this factor.

If ur still 15 ur growth plate is still open. If ur 17 then u can doubt it but at 15 your growth plate is still open trust me

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add sapiens metabolism booster to my list, no problem with the height increase list?

Yeah no problem

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Hi, has changed playlist? to improve height?

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Any changes Lawliet?

To be honest, I am not sure if the height growth I got was from the audio or from natural growth. I grew 1 to 1.5 inches in about 5-6 months. I also use HGH and play Height Booster 3-4x


escuche la eliminacion de limites de quadible y sapiens

I do listen to subconscious limits removal everyday…

and also that of quadible? is good

Sapien is better, way better


Both are good

are you reducing estrogen?

No. Sometimes I do but that has nothing to do with my stack.

Remember to do it as that prevents you from being taller

Not really. The height booster works on stem cells. Estrogen does not stop the stem cells from working.