Can I use both height booster v1 and v2?

I mean estrogen is the lack of testosterone in you, your body needs testosterone to grow muscles

I know I have normal testosterone levels so I am fine. Also testosterone does not help you grow taller. HGH does

Yes but a body without testosterone will not grow

I DO have good levels of testosterone

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a question, how can you tell if I have good testosterone levels

I know you most likely have normal testosterone levels because most men fall into the average category when it comes to this hormone.

brother you know I had a strange dream, in which my subconscious told me that the author morfic fidel frequency is not reliable


the audio is to open growth plates


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do you think it’s a sign?

no idea :innocent:

Yeah, you’re right. Estrogen fuses growth plates together

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which HGH should i listen to the one on dream seeds or SM

Did you mean Gumroad (v2)?

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how is it going

okay bro, I also use the root cause, and the two Quadible subs, the Grow plates 1 hour, and the other one that I use all night, I’m 24 years old, I grew 1.7cm in just 20 days, the trick is don’t despair or measure yourself, just let it flow, I’m very happy, I’ll let you know when I reach my goal

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