Chakra Growth Accelerator dogtag

Does the chakra tag bring balance between the chakras or just energize and stimulate the chakras blindly.

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Rather this. The balancing aspect is indicated in 2 parts of the tag’s description:

It will also move energy between each chakra.


(…) is vital to one’s spiritual self-development.

(that second quote would be quite contradictory with a random pumping of chakras only or say dislocation. Not really his style anyway).


Don’t you think using chakra tag for long period of time can induce Kundalini awakening?


Ok let me not just answer that short lol

“Induce” wouldnt be the right word

But the chakra tag would help your chakras to be clear and grow with the energy flowing well, which is something necessary to achieve first before trying to awakening kundalini.

If thats what you want theres an audio that helps that on teespring

New release: Project Kundalini Vibration


Also you did the energy course right?

That could help you get the chakras ready for that audio


might interest you

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Makes sense because the left energetic cord that wraps around the spine is the lunar receptive/feminine current that receives the cosmic life force energies from “above” (the higher dimensions) and grounds them into our bodies.


how does this compare to the mandeldrot symphnony ? was thinking of getting a tag as my playlist is already full asf lol

With all due respect to the OG tag, Mandelbrot Symphony is light years ahead lol


How come, what is your experience with mandelbrot?