Changing my life

I am 19 year old college student, I only have to go to college to give exams which I fear a lot. From the past 2 years I am spending all of my time at home - mostly gaming, social media and watching porn.

I am very skinny and fearful - which caused me digestive problems

I have now finally decided to improve my life.

My current goals are:-

  1. Earn $2,000 plus every month from video editing (currently learning how to edit videos)
  2. Improve my health
  3. Gain Weight
  4. Increase my height

My current daily stack is
Subconscious limits 3
Emotional release
Amygdala healing
Fat to stem cells
Attract wealth

Any suggestions to improve my life, advice or audio recommendations will be helpful
Wish me luck!!


First of all I would start with depatterning from the lower vibration self and lower vibration energies, this for a couple of weeks

1x Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning (at the very beginning)
1x The Exorcism Rite version 2.0
1x Ego Dissolution
3x Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0
5x Raise your Vibrational State.
3X Mana Circuits
5X Breaking the 3X Tab Habit )(PU)

It goes without saying that Porn must be quitted, the last audio will help you with this, but please be gentle with you, if it happens that you make some slippery steps and touch the old pattern again, be compassionate, and if ever you feel guilty

fire this: Alchemical Revision of Guilt

You can always add intercessions, Angelic Intercession is very good to begin with

For a much organised process, I invite you to check JAAJ Self Love Stack Tread

You are a young man, it is great you realized this at your age, and you are ready to embrace this transformative Journey!


thanks buddy, your response filled me with hope and motivation

It is good to see that people that I don’t know are helping and supporting me to improve


Also other than Gamiro’s stack, if you have the means, I recommend getting Stress & Anxiety and especially Proactive Brain to help you stick with your goals. Good luck! :slight_smile:


currently buying is not an option, I will stick to the public fields for now.

whenever I get money I will definitely give proactive brain a try

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The Blossom of Abundance (Mind Program Series 3)

This for wealth and a better mindset

Become a being of Beauty and Innocence (Mind Program Series 2)

This for the porn and to see your self as beautiful removing guilt etc

Pornographic Influence Healing (Free)

This to help with the porn and regain vital energies (silent audio can be looped over night)

Some other areas that can greatly help your life is


Become whole: self acceptance/self love/ dissolve insecurities


Thanks, man for this super specific field stack