Cheat code for increased sensitivity to fields and possibly energy?

So I am in early 20s,healthy and diet is healthy.About 2 months ago I felt like trying intermittent fasting and I loved it.Now I dunno why I didnt notice it before(probably cuz I multitask),but whenever I use fields after 9pm(last meal 3 pm),I can legit feel them working if I am not multitasking,but also when I wake up in the morning until I eat at 11am.Is it possible fields work better on us when we are in fasted state and therefore our sensitivity skyrockets?Also I feel like being sober from weed play a big part.So basically this means energy sensitivity gets way way better if we are fasting.Now the question is if regular intermittent fasting will increase sensitivity over time and how much,like where is the limit.I am sure regulars here already know the answer,so please shed some light on the situation.


I noticed the same regarding fasted state / before breakfast - i assumed it was because digestion takes a lot of energy so it probably takes some energy “away” as well.

I don’t think intermittent fasting in itself increases effect.


Still it seems like a great idea to time our spiritual audios when we are empty stomach/fasted state.

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I think night and early morning listening benefits me big time as well. Added benefit of fasted/semi-fasted state (I never eat anything after 5.30 pm most of the time).

Sammy the Wise One had this tip:

An extra trick you can do is leave a field on auto repeat all night beside your bed. As long as your conscious mind can sort of hear the field, it will still continue to work for you all night. If you have a field in an item, you could place it under your pillow. Having these fields work for you in your sleep will help make these changes happen at an even faster pace than you’d imagine.

I currently have my main stack (read that as a lot of Plasma) started when I go to bed. At 4 am, I have set my speaker to start playing my Daytime stack (workout audios, a few other fields) and by the time I have consciously woken up, I can feel the “burn” and “energy” from the workout audios.


Plasma energises me too much to listen before bed, I made that mistake a couple of times :D
I now try to have more breaks in field during the day and use the night more - if I listen a lot during daytime, I always end up feeling drained by bedtime, especially with the tags.


Damn that is rly effective,will do it when I rent my own place.As for now I am testing something similiar with Audio Talisman.My first goal is having the deepest and most rejuvenating sleep,but when I put delta field I felt diziness while I was falling asleep(Also I have a hunch it would mess with my sleep cycles,force delta to be wayyy more present than it should,so my REM sleep would suffer).So as of now I stick to deep sleep audio from Programmed intention,and will try tonight Melatonin audio.And plasma wakes me up so I use it during the day only.I have Amethyst under my bed and it is a real game changer when it comes to overthinking


But feeling drained will let u fall asleep earlier and faster right?Why is that bad in your case?

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Basically I would appreciate your advice which fields to use during night if my goal is optimal sleep(since I have talisman it is kinda the same as looping playlist,but all fields are affecting me at the same time so take it into consideration).I feel like Ego dissolution is still safe,as weel as PI deel sleep,so I can probably add one or 2 more if I wanna play it safe until I get more experience


I may be totally the wrong person to advise you in this regard considering (a) I do not sleep beyond 3-ish hours a night since I was a kid (b) My body eventually adjusts to most audios in about a week at most.

The only fields that just don’t let me sleep are probably the workout ones :blush:


3 hours…I know only dedicated yogins manage that,only way a person with day job and responsibilities could do that is if they have DEC2 gene.As far as I know.I was always curious in regards how to achieve sleeping 4 hours and getting enough rejuvenating rest,maybe you could shed some light on that?
Edit:Do you agree using flower of life beforr sleep is rly good cuz it balances and grounds at the same time(I lnow it does so much more,have to read up on it)

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I remember there’s also one sapiens field which produces same effects in body as when we fasting
I forgot which one it is

Just saying if someone is interested


I mean I feel drained do it feels like I need sleep without fields, so I choose not to play them overnight .

Also drained doesn’t always mean I can fall asleep, this may be individual.

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Would it be dumb to play it when in fasted state?Like if I am on hour 13 field could make it like I am on hour 20?

Yeah I understand

Try ego dissolution first when the next day is a non-working day. I’ve done it on loop accidentally (it’s the first one in my overnight stack) and spent the next day pretty out of it xD




Lord we wish.


can we use skin regen all night


@Josh Yes, every few month I sleep a few night with it in a row. No problems, it didn’t even consume that much energy