Chest pain not heart or lungs

Hey guys,I have been feeling congested and my rib cage hurts but the doctor says the heart and lungs are fine. It scares me. Can you help? I’m listening to scar stem cell and myofascial release and lots of crying.


Plasma Flaunt!

I don’t respond well to it …

Have u tried Advanced Healer ++?


On it…the enhanced blood circulation helps. Could it be inflammation or anxiety? I feel like all my tissue in the chest area is heavy when I stand

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Probably an anxiety idk.

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You can look into POTS.

Its not,I feel energized and clear just heavy chest.
I listened to legendary lungs this morning. Could it be the field working?

it will help you a lot pleursy, listen to it once or twice and it disappears, it will happen to me too
the reason may be that you are listening to many or very strong fields


Just in case it’s muscle like a strain or a tear, could listen to the workout recovery fields


I did listen to it a lot for a while and it helped a lot. I do have a dry nose too

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i have kind of the same thing going on lately

by me it’s caused by anxiety in the heart center. the physical heart and ribcage is affected by this. probably the heart center is opening up. it can be intense.

try to rub or tap on the chest and see where it guides you. if it’s anxiety it can also be related to the kidneys therefor rub your ears. or you can lay your right hand on your chest and the left on top.


I love your reply as it connects to what I posted in the auric test thread I took where the therapist revealed that I had weak kidneys and 1st chakra.

I work with a healer who also worked on my heart chakra so this might be what you said.

I’m detoxing my kidneys and body currently with herbs teas and lots of fruit/veggies.

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I had same problem (Or similar) and it took few days of recovery
Muscle between my ribs (Don’t know name of that muscle of english) was inflammed

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Its better now,everyone. I don’t know which field did it. Maybe heart restoration and pleurisy and i took some vit D3.
Thank you for the support,may you all feel amazing💛


If you are subscribed to the Premium tier on Patreon this one is the best!

Smart Tap Tapper

If you are not subscribed, and nothing else works, consider subscribing even just x 2 months and loop it as much as needed daily.

That happened to me last year and it was terrifying, i ended up in the ER, i was already having SOB (short of breathness) but it turned out def to be anxiety/panick attacks.

And this field was my best friend then mixed with Alchemical Internal Crucible and The Welcomed if you have it. They put you right back on track

You can also sleep listening to Primal Urges on loop, to me at least it makes me feel like i am all protected/cozy inside my Moms Womb. Every time.


Sometimes when a muscle or your back gets tweaked, you can feel a like you having a breathing problem as the expansion from breathing is now expanding and pull on a system out of alignment… Also, heartburn, as its name indicates, can sometimes make you think there’s a heart issue going on–it might just be GERD.


I am playing it. The last 2 nights ,every time I feel myself falling asleep-my body jolts me back wide awake :confused:
Last night i took a magnesium glycinate and it did relax me but the same thing again-like shocks :/ :confused: and waves of energy?

I am playing the tap tapper now…thank you

Which one is primal urges? Can’t find it. Oh,found it but could i buy it as an individual track,not the whole album?

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Loop it non stop until you feel relieved, it is much better (ime) if you do the actual tapping as well while telling yourself things to make you feel good, tap around the chest, and youll notice how the stuck energy starts to move around like looking for a way out, follow it and keep tapping wherever it moves to, when the stagnant energy moves it may feel like palpitations in the new place it moves to, or like a dull pain.

But also even if it does not move, tap around, chest, throat chakra, cheeks, forehead, crown, behind ears, plexus, shoulders, legs, belly… repeat.

Youll love it.

And here is the Primal Urge

Mandelbrot Symphony

Its a set but you can buy just the primal urge one, but the heart throbbing could help as well, becauss it really expands and breaks blockages around the whole area front and back releasing whatever fear or uneasiness.

I hope you feel better soon, also try to sleep a little elevated. Like double pillow.

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The individual track does not work for me…

Does the tap tapper release muscles as well? Did it for you?