Classical Orchestral The GOAT Scent

Im talking cold approaching here by the way.

Yeah, it’s not rocket science. If you’re attracted to someone and you’re getting a lot of stares, why not introducing yourself? What do you have to lose?


Its hard, because its not that normal were im from to do cold approaches in the mall and also insecurity and social anxiety has been in the way for a while.


Yep, they’re back 4 of them 2 days ago.

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break those chains


This is because today’s society lost the ability to hold a real life conversation and approach without using social networks. Sounds like a self limitation to me. Nobody is stopping you except your own insecurity and fear of rejection. It’s all in your head man, what’s the worse case scenario after all? See it as a skill that needs to be practiced. What if all social network disappeared? People would be forced to interact in the real way.

Luckily we have tons of field that could help :wink:


Doesn’t get much cleaner than this :100:.

I was at a stop light walking over to a little park to sit in the grass yesterday and I believe I’ve made eye contact with half the people driving that passed by this was during rush hours.

A simple smile goes along way when interacting with people. You don’t have to build relations with everyone you mert or see but appreciate their being for that “being”. That love goes both ways instantly.



But if you met with the looks, there must be something that binds you unconsciously or on other levels.

While listening to this chant: Om Gyanam Dhyanam Shantam Hari around 108 times … to make it easier, direct each chant at each one or your 7 chakras 15 times, then three out, one into earth, one into the galaxy and one into the universe.

Don’t be startled by the results … it’s not magic, just science


If anyone is wondering what the difference is between unconditional androstenol and GOAT, dreamweaver answered this:

Dream: there are some new smells added that make you smell better and tame some of the bad effects

Dreamweaver many thanks for the reply. Is it a secret what the other scents are

Dream: not really, it just smells nice man, like a good deodorant

this is a masterpiece, thank you very much


Have you noticed any confidence increases? Like being more sure of yourself? Any attraction? Thank you for any reply. I’m going to use it I just want more reviews:)

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Welcome Prince!


Hi PrinceAmadi!



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Thank you​:ok_hand::sunglasses:

what can one expect from doing this?


Om Kroom Lingaya Om, if you want to conjure a more topic-specific energy. Just make sure to do it with intent or the energy won’t be too responsive.


I used the specific mantra you stated, 15 times into each chakra and then out while listening, I didn’t feel too much, just uplifted mood but I guess things need time to change

It will grow with time, usually mantra energies can take up to 41 days to fully develop into your vibration, they call it a “Full Mandala”.

My experience:
Om Gyanam Dhyanam Shantam Hari: with this audio, it pulls people more towards you and makes everyone significantly more interested in you.
Om Kroom Lingaya Om: will make you a lot more likely to take action and escalate.

I also found a more “immediate” technique to support this field’s action.

While listening to it, use this mudra:

2-3 plays should be enough.

Holding the mudra, close your eyes, breath in very slowly (count of 10-15 seconds), and as you inhale, imagine this audio’s energy slowly climbing up from the coccyx up to the top of your head. Hold the energy there if you can feel it, then, as you exhale, imagine that energy pushing out through the pores of your skin, in the form of small specks of red energy, saturating your aura, and then spreading beyond it (your aura should not be expanding or you’ll get more male aggression, the specks should be spreading, how far will depend on what you intuitively feel called to do).

No need to do it for the whole session, 3-5 repetitions should be more than enough. You can continue listening passively afterwards. Once the audio is done playing: deep breath and say “thank you”.

That’s it. The results I got, and this, while not completely groundbreaking, has never happened with this volume/frequency: a few girls at the mall randomly got into my space as I was minding my business. No words, no questions. Just heavy breathing and getting closer and closer. Some would bump into me and just leave giggling. A few would stay there, really close, until I was done, and then move on. 1 which I really fancied I turned to and said: come on, I’m trying to buy things, not get a heart attack… (grabbed her hand and put it on my heart, it was beating really fast, couldn’t really help it). She responded: hot and sweet at the same time? Jackpot. I’ve never done this before, so I am nervous too. (She grabbed my hand and put it on her heart). I answered: sure, I’ll give you my number. She giggled: Sweet, hot and apparently a mind-reader.

I gave her a fake number because I knew being jacked up on energy is the reason she was pulled to me that way, but still, first time it happens so “perfectly”.

Obviously, the baseline you’re working with will affect what level this temporarily raises you to. The more you work on yourself, the more this will help when used. If you’re used to being attractive, this will make you attractive +++, makes sense?

If you have a lot to work through, you might get weird reactions, because the energy is so far removed from what you actually are, so people might feel repulsed or confused by your presence. You’ll give off a vibe they would perceive as “awkward” or “creepy”.