Classical Orchestral The GOAT Scent

Makes me feel a wave of calmness. Moe grounded and at peace but it’s very subtle and not aggressive. Man it feels great! Hopefully og androstenol will make a comeback as well.:)

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Just experimenting for fun to see how I can Buff the field.

However, consistently doing it will eventually raise your vibration to that level. Kind of like Dream’s higher being experience. It slowly turns from a glimpse into a state of being.

You have done a lot of energy work. You have a relatively robust aura compared to other people, so obviously, tiny tweaks will work a lot more for you.

I’d parallel this to a gymnast doing bench press for the first time. Most of them can do up to 315 lbs for reps no problem.

Once the foundation is there, the rest is just practice.

When you direct them at chakras, and actually have the right energy flow to do so, you’re inviting the mantra’s energy into every aspect of your life. A lot of people are too focused on one area, when the real problem could be another.

For instance, you could be focused on your solar plexus (aura/presence) for sexual attraction, when your identity (muladhara) needs more work. (Inner game)

Of course, you can supplement this with external conscious work. But when you have the seed planted in your subconscious using these techniques, as well as the energetic access the mantra gives from so much use throughout millenia, it’s bound to happen a lot faster.

Edit: concerning that thread in particular, do it often and you’ll reach a point where currency will literally come out of the blue.

For big opportunities, a combination of Om Shreeng and Om Hreem Shreem Kreem Shreem Kuberaya Ashta Lakshmi Mama Grihe Dhanam Puraya Puraya Namah can do you wonders.


I always bring it all back to the 7 hermetic laws… learn how to apply them and you’ll make amazing discoveries, and find interesting bridges between distant concepts.


Thank you for the “hack” though.

I never liked the hermetic laws (or any laws for that matter)…so I guess I have to rethink it and look deeper into it.

It was out of the blue and miraculous xD…for real.

I did Golden Tara mantra too so I was kinda doubtful but I think it was the one you shared. I even chanted it with hands on my cat when she got sick…I experimented a little (apparently a common “translation” is that it creates a flow of golden light, which would explain why it works in the material plane quickly, and why I used it for healing).

I will do it regularly and if it keeps working like this I will log everything in the forum…this gotta be documented xD

I have anoher doubt about something else, but I will ask in the proper thread if I find it.

Thank you for the hack again…and for everyone else…give it a try. Don’t doubt the technique, results show up in physical reality within days…and for me it was a kinda impossible situation.

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I’m just applying valuable insights @Dreamweaver shared on the forum. There’s a lot to learn reading his posts. He brings perspectives from higher dimensions, but he can’t verbalize them outright because they don’t make sense for the average person… so you’ll need to do some homework, first… but he definitely never says “random” things.


What are other physical practise we can do apart from mantras?

Mudras, Yogic poses, tibetan bowls, music and artistic expression, writing out scenarios. Each has its own level of potency depending on the user and their individual affinities, birth charts, DNA, etc.


Okay, thank you for ur reply

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Rules are meant to be broken, laws are meant to be heeded and followed 🧙‍♂️


it’s on Energetic Alchemy


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Start chanting both around 108 times a day leading up to the party to build up momentum, then go for Om Kroom Lingaya Om with the mudra while listening to the audio as described an hour or so before the party.

Should work. Worst case, you’ll have a much better time than usual.


If you add this to the 4 songs on Quantum Love Album, just the fields can suffice, in my opinion.

thanks I’ll start doing it

I can’t seem to find the description for that album, I’m not a patreon sub.

This is the link to the forum discussion about Quantum Love Album :slight_smile:

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What is this thread you speak of? Interested in expanding my repertoire of mantras and mudras

I think he was referring to a channeled comment I left on the Kubera’s Blessing thread.

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:white_heart: fromYouTube



Oh, Captain! :blush: