🌅 Conceptual Realization Development - Free Stack

Update #4: cleaned up the stack since theres solutions covered in :open_book: Divine’s Compendium of Stacks and added Alchemical Revision of Genius followed by some crystals

This stack brings alternative suggestions from this post by @JAAJ with some additions I added to form a more harmonious sequence and as a sort of toolbox to pick off from.

This is not a complete replacement for the official Conceptual Realization field so this is best used as an experimental reference or as stepping stones.

Pre-usage Notes

:no_entry_sign: I highly don’t recommend playing this whole stack at once unless you know the extents of your system. Pick what you need and/or use this as a template to duplicate and modify for yourself.

:zap:Using a lot of brain power may require more energy, so be sure you’re taking the necessary nutrients, water, and rest to aid in this process.

:1234: To optimize your experience(s), do the following to have a clean slate:

  1. Use the Point of No Return field to reduce any form of outside influence and make way for new changes
  2. Use Soul Restoration (My free stack) - to fix ‘the cup’
  3. Do energy cultivation such as Ancient Arts + Prana to ‘fill the cup’ after sealing the ‘cracks’

:warning: Ground after -or even before -the session to release any excess of energy which may overwhelm your systems.

:atom_symbol: Use the M-state series for boost

:brain: Here is a basic brain stack


Outdated info but still useful

  1. Prepares for transformation = Ego Disolution to Spiritual Growth States of Being
  2. Raises your vibration = Raise your Vibrational State to The Alien Songs of Moldavite and Libyan Desert Glass
  3. Cultivates some energy = Pranic Swirls to Ojas Refined and Defined
  4. Establishes your ‘inner compass’ / Higher Self and more benefits = Higher Self Connection to The K2 Stone Energy
  5. Sets the tone for brain development = The Brain Refresher to Superhuman Genius
  6. ‘Grows’ the brain = Brain Dancer to Animal Empathy/Telepathy & from Mindfulness Part 4 to Azurite
  7. Cools it down and ‘buffers’ = Brain and Spine Antioxidant Complex (Inflammation Help) to Aventurine (generally other crystals from Crystal Kingdoms help also)
  8. Reflection and connection = Pure Moonlight to Azurite
  9. Brings more permanence to the changes = Enpp6 Enzyme to Brain Regeneration
  10. Concepts of expansion and abundance of growth = Jupiter to Love Gravitation Wave
  11. The rest is self explanatory. Plasma at the end to bring negentropy (order) for the changes due to its powerful nature.

🪄 Mercury anywhere for an astrological boost in intellect, communicatiom, etc. (Planet list explanation)

If there is anything that you’re unsure about here, use the search box to find out first before asking any questions. This is subject to be updated.

Feel free to give suggestions and / or corrections


Maybe just gamma wave that will provide a more intuitive understanding

And also the one hour audio on Patreon that connects ur subconscious to ur higher self, I forgot what it’s called somthing divine I think

Cool stack


Imaginarium Divine. (You got halfway there; good for you!)


No need to be condescending


I wasn’t.


Store - Release.

sorry for turning this into meme thread xD


To clarify, I said that because you suggested to take it easy with that playlist and I was implying I’d use the storage card to store all the field’s energies and then release.


Thank you for the clarification i :rofl: @Drift


:thinking: maybe i should do this as a 2 part series instead. 1st part for brain development. 2nd part for the applications


I’d look forward for your brain stack for sure.

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Update: cleaned up the stack since theres solutions covered in :open_book: Divine’s Compendium of Stacks and added Alchemical Revision of Genius followed by some crystals

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