Conciousness Copier

you don’t need that drama please sir

I don’t know but this thread is making me sad because I’ve never seen any of those and now probably lost all chance of experiencing more complicated fields lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Not at all, they were manual fields. Awesome, but now Dream is making automated stuff, with baby proof settings. It’s even better, it takes a few audios, but we don’t need skills.

At least that’s the way I see it.

It’s normal to get some FOMO but what we have now is awesome. Lots of people are saying they only had the old fields to work with now, the young kids have everything on youtube. People are never satisfied.


Yeah I wanna say I appreciate everything Captain and team has done over the years :stuck_out_tongue: That’s more than enough, anything else is just a bonus :slight_smile:


For some reason this brings to mind one of those Dan Brown books…

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@ everyone…not just ryantraveling

Grr… I’ve explained several times via PMs and here

I’m not sure why everyone is obsessed with fields that DW has already recreated in one way or the other
didn’t work cause people didn’t know how to use them (and those past users were advanced practitioners …not noobs)
and (as I’ve hinted at and said outright out several times…)
we’re also several times “weaker” than what he’s making now.

There’s absolutely no need for this obsessive (and often dishonorable) FOMO over something that any one of his fields NOW surpasses in power and effectiveness

They had cool names…great!!! :roll_eyes:

Go read up on what the Plasma Field can do via the principles explained by Dan Winter…and then you will realize it’s exactly like I said … 50+ fields in ONE…

But again, that takes “work” and “reading” and “patience”…
Some of the qualities that ensure those older “weaker” fields didn’t work for most people

why everyone’s missing the goldmine of the fields that have been coming out the past 6-7 months…

Enjoy trying to steal that old super tricked out BMX bike DW used to make on the black market…

I’m gonna use the new Lambo he created and try not hit you on the side of road when I drive by…


Well, for example, dna influences things such as personality, intelligence, and much more. Thanks for telling me it doesn’t, but if the field can change your personality and intelligence, I thought that it could possibly do something to your dna. Or to make it similar to the person’s consciousness your copying. I am sorta glad it doesn’t tbh.

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Absolutely what OM said!!! The fields that Dream is now making available to us are “NextGEN” - these are nothing like what we have seen before.

I am struggling to do justice to merely 5 of the latest fields which I think I can work with for a few years without needing anything else!




And now you are broke af :joy::rofl:


Indeed. Don’t let the idiots hold you back from releasing the ‘complicated’ stuff :smiling_imp:

The new fields have a fanbase of their own :wink:


Nah I’m not lol. Cuz I had people offering me consciousness copier for such cheap price than the actual price but I just ignored it. Cuz to me it didn’t make sense… I was talking about those who thought they could get top secret info of other people and bought it at high price lol
Also an idiot would only pay money to someone who is not even the creator of the item.

There was a lots of myth regarding this sigil…but seems was successfully debunked all together…It’s not even that powerful as people thought it would be like knowing their secrets without them knowing and etc… Now I’m sure those who used to sell this illigally at high price by telling people lots of fairly tale are pulling their hairs off lol. In short you would only know what the actual person would want you to know. You won’t know even a single world more than that. So I’d rather ask the real person directly instead rather than hitting around the bush. It would save my time and effort. Which means that the sigil is somehow useless if you want to copy someone to know important info or their secrets…I know you guys are watching this. If so then watch this closely lol

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offcourse not you dude

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Yah cuz I didn’t bother getting it :joy:

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Make me a bet I can’t recreate it interdimensionally.


hello everyone , guess there has been a complication, so let me clear it…

Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 23.21.07

This was my situation yesterday as I am new in this forum, I couldn’t do anything but see the messages being typed here …

My hands were tied , but now as this cool down is over you are free to ask anything….

also ,

you see i am new in this forum and the reason i created this cc convo is because i recently heard this news of cc field and got really curious and excited and then came here to know the real thing…

and about dale i dont know him… the above story/statement that i wrote was the news that i heard it was not my own created story… ( only the long ago thing was my improvisation , heee )

Sorry if it bothered you guys…

and a fucking special shoutout to these 2 guys , @Yuichi@Zen

for your kind information, I have known about dream for past 2 years and also been using his fields… so put your Troll somewhere else ( not you cliffet ), and yesterday you guys could run your mouth cause i couldnt ,

Come on now lets have a proper Conversation…

Dont know , maybe he got lost in a farway island and someone changed his name to captain nemo and now managing a forum created by sapiens in which there are users from dream seeds and energetic alchemy…


it was so not funny that it’s actually funny :stuck_out_tongue:

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