Conjunction of Spheres (album)

He has his reasons haha

But you will be covered by other stuff

Who knows maybe he will make one, maybe he wont

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I am sure … there could be reasons

Well, first of all the Moon is not a planet.

Be that as it may, if working with the moon is what’s calling you, you could connect via the Selenite crystal - there’s a field for that on the Crystal Kingdom 2 Album by Energetic Alchemy on itunes. And there is also the track called “Pure Moonlight” from the Arcana Archetypes album by Energetic Alchemy on itunes. They could also be available elsewhere…like itunes or Spotify but I’m not sure. I bought the digital files and haven’t looked back.

Best of luck to you!


Yeah not going into technicality since that way even sun isn’t a planet… these are luminaries … what we meant to say was all the celestial spheres that influence us astrologically speaking.
I was searching through the crystals for moon as well … thanks for sharing
Pure moonlight is archetype so maybe it’s somewhat different energy

Thanks for the wishes :relaxed:


If I combined Jupiter and Venus does that mean it’s like it’s retrograde? Jupiter retrograde in Venus?

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Absolutely nothing like that.

Alone or combined in whichever way youd like will still just bring the positive aspects of them.

Conjuction in Astrology means when two planets align bringing positive outcomes.

And thats what thes audios do. They bring forward to you the benefits of when so and so planets are aligned, without you having to wait and watch the calendar and your natal chart to get some lol

Its like an automated positive aligment

You might want to research a bit what conjunctions would you benefit from, and also when theres an event happening up there you can enhance it and like harnessing even stronger down to you by playing the combination


Combining Jupiter (an amplifier who makes everything bigger) with Venus (the goddess of love) might just amplify the love vibe in your environment.

That might be a fun experiment! :two_hearts:


No it doesn’t work. I tried it.



I see. I’ll listen to most of them then lol


Perhaps I should have added “Individual results may vary”.


Hey! That is not totally fair! Lol. Ok. Maybe. But let’s turn it this way. The planets do what the planets will. As in the old times.

The love of Venus may not ever be what attracts a woman. But it is the love that incorporates infatuated-ness with the familial. But does that appeal to anyone in our society? Whether it does or does not, this is what is offered in Venus.

Jupiter is the Strength of Prosperity that brings one to the point of giving with little restraint but does that gain respect among the members of our society to the point that our spirit of prosperousness would be recognized as such? Regardless, this is what is offered.

And if these are conjoined and synchronized will it bring an idealistic bountifulness and intimacy within our society or merely a thing that should be (recognized as such) but is not? Regardless, this is what is offered.


Perhaps what you say is true on a societal level. But for us, the individual, by and large, we’re primarily limited by our own imagination. Therefore, individual results really do vary.


So if I listen to all of them I would get all the benefits :heart_eyes::woozy_face::grin: from luck to Highetened intuition

The sun give me energy :sunny:


The music in the Venus one is so awesome :star_struck: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note:

#Synthwave #Cyperpunk


ok i hope u reply but this is from long ago fr, but is this based on vedic astrology, the link u just sent? are they talking about vedic astrology or western?

Welcome to the forum!

I’m not Sunflawy but that post isn’t Western astrology.

I believe Rahu and Ketu mentioned in that post are Vedic astrology. (Google them for confirmation and interpretation.)

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ok thanks a lot so, i am a pisces rising in western, and aquarius rising in vedic… which one should i follow based in that site?

That’s like asking us, “Should I be Catholic or Buddhist?” (And, friends, like is just a simple example, rather than a commentary on either religion.) None of us can answer that for you. It’s a decision that you have to make for yourself.

People choose the school of astrology first and then find an astrologer and reading from there.

If your world view and mindset is “western” in nature, I’d recommend you choose that. The perspective and interpretations will be easier for you to incorporate into your world view. If your world view is vedic in nature, choose that one. If your world view is Chinese in nature, refer to your BaZi.

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Hello, I’ll like to make this following month about emotional discovery and communicating those emotions to the world around me.

I was thinking of using Venus + Pluto + Mercury + Venus (possibly) 2x daily each morning.

any thought ?

The Moon is still MIA, right?

Because the Moon is, IMHO, more aligned with “emotions” in general. From there, each planet has their own specific emotions (e.g., Venus rules the emotion of Love specifically). In the absence of the Moon, you can play each planet’s track (I know, I know. Making a longer process out of it) with the intention of tuning into the emotion(s) that each one rules. That would allow you to discover what each of these emotions mean for you right now. (Because your emotions are always changing, one of the reasons why I see the Moon as in charge of “emotions” in general.)

Pluto’s an interesting choice in your stack. I’d like to hear your thinking behind your choice.

As I hear your intentions (and thinking about your earlier thread), I hear two different intentions/stacks: emotional discovery and then the communicating those emotions. It’s been a while since I’ve visited your earlier thread. Did you come to any clarity about what’s behind your reticence with communicating your emotions? It might be helpful for you to add some planets in to address the causes of your reticence, rather than asking Mercury to do that work. Without addressing the causes and relying on Mercury, you might be trying to speed up a hill in 5th gear (doable, but really hard on the engine).

For example, if–say–“fear of repercussions” was a cause of “my” reticence, then I might look to Saturn first to help with my fear. If I had issues around–say–“standing in the light of my own truth,” I’d probably use the Sun to adress that issues, and so on.

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