Conjunction of Spheres (album)

try this

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I donā€™t understand anything from this symbolsm
What is my planet fortune

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My symbol of fortune is in scorpio, what does that mean? Anybody!

Pluto is the ruling planet for Scorpio. You can read about the Part of Fortune here:

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Itā€™s complicated, isnā€™t it? :)

Talldude has given the key. Thatā€™s why some people (legitimately but naively) say: ā€œThey claim Iā€™m Aries, but I have nothing to do with Aries, nah! Bullshit!ā€. Because indeed, 2 Aries have rarely resembling natal charts and features! How would they??

And this is also why magazine-type astrology is mostly always inaccurate.

(Vedic astrology is also quite different).

It takes time to read, calculate, understandā€¦ Knowing your Sun sign is great. But you also have to know:

  • Your Rising sign and your Moon sign, which have their own rulers/lord planetsā€¦ and are sometimes more important than your Sun sign!

  • Your houses AND their rulers/lord planets. As Talldude said, your whole story, family, business/career path, ways to enjoy life, and even your potential lifetime partnerā€™s features can be read within the houses. Some good astrologers are even able to reveal your past lives by reading them.

  • As reminded by Atreides: your Chiron, which is an indicator of your wounds and potential healing tools.

  • North Node and South Node (Rahu/Ketu)ā€¦ of course!

  • Other asteroids and hypothetical planets, such as (again, as Atreides mentioned): Lilith, Part of Fortune, Vertex, Juno (marriage partner), Vesta, Ceres, etc.

  • The dominant element (water, fire, etc.), dominant planet + signature of your chart (which may be TOTALLY different from your Sun signā€™s).

etc. etc.

Time consuming but thrilling though. I totally respect those who donā€™t believe those things but for us ā€œbelieversā€, those informations are like goldmine, allowing to finally understand some of our own mysteries lol.

And I agree: CafƩ Astrology, Labyrinthos, Astro Seek and Astro Theme are among useful websites.


Have you tried this one yet? It gives more explanation, breaking everything down with paragraphs you can read and understand.


@O.O thanks for your trust but the link provided by @Atreides would give you indeed more useful insights than me.

You can also check their compatibility reports, about any kind of partner. Surprisingly spot on sometimes. Once, I had compared mine with my fatherā€™s and I was like ā€œhow the hell do they know all that?!ā€ lol


They feel like the Tropical or Western meanings of the Planets to me rather than Sidereal or Vedic. I can really notice after listening to Venus a few times in a row. Other planets too but that one is an easy litmus test you can try.

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Vedic Sidereal is way much more accurate than western astrology

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Hahahahaha :heart::heart::heart::heart:

I was precisely brainstorming to Atreides this morning about that, especially after Mysticstuffsā€™s latest post :) Vedic is really like ā€œstarting overā€œ the whole gameā€¦


So beings.
Should we play Mars audio in this Mars Retrograde?

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Well yes, it would be a good idea, also for those following the Vedic system (Mangal Vakri).


Thank you @Atreides for the great resource, it was insightful
However @everyone I am confused even more in regards to audios, what do I listen LoL. I should just loop all of them i guess


Yes, think about it like a healthy diet, putting in it all sorts of nutrients. Otherwise, our brains will soon be fried lol


Well, Ariesn Cap and Libra i guess should listen to Nullify audio one then Mars because those are the signs Mars retrograde will hit the hardest.
Leo and Sag will actually feel good an empowered however because of the other planets in conjuction at the same time it might be good just to play the nullify.
And maybe Cancer too.
O and scorpio will get it hard too with lots of tensions.
Gemini and Aquarius will recieve Mars influence from a very favorable point so bringing vitality, courage and energy so the amplify audio would do wonders too.
But Taurus and Virgo we will barely be affected however Saturn, Jupiter and Pluton will be on our side until Nov so play those to intensify the benefits along the amplify one :sunglasses:


Wow thanks a lotšŸ„° I am Sag so I guess Iā€™m of the hook, but once i get nullify tag Iā€™m invincible
Btw I still listen to all of the Sphere audios

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I heard there is some rare and auspicious alignment of planets for the next 52 hours. I am no expert in astrology, hope someone knowledgeable in astrology can dig this for more info. But I am gonna play Spheres album/ Amplify and nullify planetary fields. :pray:t2:

Today (Sunday, 13th September 2020), a rare cosmic phenomenon is taking place with 6 planes located in their own house (shasta graha kutami 2020) -Sun in Leo, mercury in Virgo, mars in Aries, moon in cancer, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn. Such a rare yoga is now formed after around 250 years and it has capacity to bestow good results for the world.

more info,


Impromptu Mass Meds to take advantage? :thinking: