Conjunction of Spheres (album)

It’s good to play this today/tomorrow because of the special ‘Equinox’ day along with other fields complementing this event.

Good to run Detox fields too on equinox/solstice as it is highly beneficial I believe. Good to run meditations and other spiritual audios.

Edit: created a new topic :)


:heart_eyes:… Thanks for the always useful tips Chandu

You can, but be careful though with some of them. When the album was first released, I had listened to the Sun x2… and spent the rest of the night suffering, with ice cubes on my head.

Not saying that this happens to everybody but it’s wiser to be mindful, since these are powerful fields.


In combination with amplify and nullify astrological effects this should work better right?

Yes, you can use Nullify/Amplify to increase the beneficial effects. You can add Quasi Crystal too, if you wish, as suggested in the post below. For some reason (not scientific reason), it acts like a final cleanerr, makes you feel lighter…

  • helps to keep a meditative state. Some members have reported that it also influences memory recalls (you can check the Quasi Crystal thread for that).

Just posting so I can listen while not viewing videoc

What aspects should be considered with respect to one’s birth chart, per sapere quale pianeta é più adatto?

Personalmente caro :p I’ve stopped worrying about squares, bisextiles and stuff (even though I’m a believer). I play the whole album, without discriminating… so that the next time I incarnate, none of them tries to take a revenge or something, with uneasy placements on my chart :p Seriously, it’s a matter of balance rather than specific focus imo.

Edit add: same goes (for me) about the infusion meditations. Although I have my preferences within them, I try to spend time with each one.

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So instead of investigating the lacking aspects, you listen to the entire suite and are more confident?

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Sort of (about the confidence part).

I think I’ve already made an analogy with diet in this thread: I would gladly spend my days with only a bottle of Amarula and a few boxes of chocolate. But I also eat lentils and avocado, drink green tea though ;))

Hi friends. Do you know where is the Moon in album Conjunction of Spheres?

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It’s in Archana Archetypes album

Named as “Pure Moonlight”

Thank you.

So, the Moon has 2 description?

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The Magician is another track. Here is the whole playlist.

If you’re talking about how the moon description is different here from the one above, that is because this is from the tarot, not from astrology.

I wouldn’t worry too much about that. From using this Moon audio I can say the effect is what is described by Sapien Med, and also what you would expect if it were an astrology based track. They’re so closely related that it’s one and the same at the same time.


Wow thank you for your explanation. I thought i miss something about the track. :pray:

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Can you share URL of screenshot page you shared. I need to read the description. Thank you.


Hi. This is the best way to use this Planet album. Based on your Rising Sign. For example if your rising sign is Sagittarius, so you need to listen Mars or Sun for the best of your life.



thanks for info. Mine is Saturn.

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Is there still a use for listening to this album if one owns both planetary tags?

I’m assuming it’d boost the effects of specific planets no?


Yes :)