Consciousness Repair and Expansion - Psychic University

Wow! Thanks for sharing guys, sounds so promising to get. Also with creator’s note that it’s probably his most important field he will ever sell.


I dont think u will get the same experince maybe a had somthing missing in my energy system thats why i recived willpower, U might get somthing else

, But this seems to fix my energy system so i got results faster. I listen to PONR after this and that shit was hurting my organs and my head, so this is good to pair with that


Thats why i got it instead of the other audio i wanted


So… I am usually very cautious of other creators other than Dreamweaver (as a matter of fact, I have always completely disregarded anything not made by him), but something was telling me that Psychic University might be worth a try… both my intuition and my guides were suggesting me that this guy knows what he’s doing. So I bought Consciousness Repair and Expansion to try and I must say that I’m extremely impressed, the energy feels clean and pure and the connection to my Higher Self (which I experienced before) is clearly felt, along with the work on my mind/energy systems… Didn’t expect this at all, all I have to say is that, to me, this is very high quality energetic work, with potentially very profound effects.

By the way… after buying this I got immediately the Patreon Subscription and tried Negativity Transcendence: this one after looping it for 40 minutes got me feeling overjoyed and clear in a way that, to be honest, completely baffles me… :slight_smile: I could feel blockages I wasn’t even aware of melting away into a sea of love and bliss.

'Nuff said.


Hello. Would working with the consciousness repair & expansion & the psychic consciousness repair fields be a full repair of the entire consciousness? Are there other parts to the consciousness also?
Welcome to the forum @Psychic_University it is nice to have you here :wave:t4:


Consciousness Repair already covers it all. However, when you target fractals of a whole, you tend to get better results on this specific fractal. With this, what would likely take months to achieve with the more general file, now takes minutes. This is why I created the Psychic version of it.


Then you will love the next releases :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, PU welcome :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

So Psychic Consciousness Repair is for getting effect of fields faster ?

Why no godlike shen?

What I understood is, The regular Consciousness Repair works on Psychic Repair aswell, but Psychic Repair will give faster results FOR the Psychic aspect of our Consciousness.

In a sense Consciousness Repair is like a full body workout, and Psychic Repair is like an isolation exercise.

You’re going to get benefits from both, but isolation exercises are focused on one muscle to Maximise growth of that particular muscle.

Same way, CR targets all aspects of your consciousness, PCR targets the Psychic aspect foremmost.


Thanks FractalReality. Good metaphor.


@Psychic_University Can it help with a development of sensitivity & better self-integration to fields (as some kind of a foundation builder field for energy work)?



Though refer to this

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Next month.


Besides the beautiful track this one has, I do notice I take more time to notice the sky in the evening and the morning, enjoying the taste of food and beverages, so I am more conscious of particular moments. I also have the impression this calms you enormously (if you have kids :wink:)… I also can relate more to people. I am not using this very long… so I can imagine the power after a long time. @Psychic_University : Thanks!


Does this audio remove result from subliminals ? ?

Haven’t noticed much from this one. If anything actually

this is perfect to in a stack with bluprint off live alone

Hello @Psychic_University . Would you say this field would be your best field to strengthen and grow our chakras? I’ve been striving to expand my ability to tolerate fields better, and this seems it might really help. I’m also on your Patreon FYI.

Used this field today (Psychic University - Consciousness Repair and Expansion) - a few weeks after purchasing it on Easter Sunday.

After meditating to 3 rounds of Sapien’s Alchemical Blueprint of the Past (life-changing field), I wrote a 2-page “revision” of my father being encouraging, engaged, and assistive throughout my childhood. He built me up with confidence, self-esteem, and capabilities to succeed with people, girls, sales, and life. He instilled in me the confidence and belief that I was capable and was in fact becoming the greatest version of me I could possibly have imagined. And that (revised) belief carries into today, and gives me this incredible sense of certainty, calm, and centeredness for my life.

After finishing the above process, I thought that further healing, growth, and expansion would be useful and beneficial, and decided to play this Consciousness Repair track for the very first time. Not even 5 seconds into the track, I began to cry. I felt the wholeness, completeness, and unconditional love that I have always wanted fill my being. I feel the warmth in me of knowing that I have everything I ever needed and ever will need to be the very best man that I always wanted to be. As I am typing this now, the Consciousness Repair track is continuing to play in the background, and I feel it guiding me in support, healing, and knowing that even though life will continue to bring growth through many different paths (some said and/or painful), yet they all happen and are there for the highest and best good of my learning, growth, and expansion. This really is a beautiful life.

As I continue to reflect, I see and can more fully comprehend the truth in the statement: Life is not happening to me, but for me.

This experience this morning has been one of the most profound experiences of my life.

Wow. Just wow.


Bumping this because spending time with it definitely helped me a lot.

I’ve been seeking for expansion of consciousness and continuously bringing it up in various conversations.

This field has, and is, doing just that.