Course General Discussion

I have been taking powdered white monoatomic gold on and off for the past few months. I recently started up again but I wanted to know if it was safe to continue consuming the white gold while doing the energy work. It’s a reputable well reviewed brand and I do notice results, but I do know it sort of “speeds” up and amplifies your energy body already. I just want to make sure it’s beneficial to the process


where did you find it ?!

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@SammyG be sure to let us know when the transcribation will be performed, we are really looking forward to it :slight_smile: this is an important moment for purchasing a course for some :innocent:


I listen to meditation audio everyday for several time. Sometimes when i read someone experience about astral travel. Just the thought of astral travel. Seems to make my astral body start levitating on its own. So with practice i would have the ability by a will. Everything seems working now by intent or will even influencing things. :slight_smile:


Since we can have the ability to influence things why not work together to make the course have a thousands of students and build community of energy sensitive people.




Well i didnt listen to meditation audio since yesterday morning. Today i was reading someone experience on quora about astral travel. And just by having the thoughts of astral travel my astral body start vibrating. And even now while writing about this it started again lol


It may that my brain still have the effect of brainwave. But i didnt have the effect while sitting watching tv or eating or being calm thinking. It start only when i had that specific thought of astral. Travel and tried to imagine things.


@Captain_Nemo or @SammyG , I have been asking the dragon to engorge me with the Meditation energies while meditating to the Epsilon and Gamma brainwaves.(While holding the tags in my hand) Will I still get the same benefits of better assimilating my tags (Benefits of the Epsilon/Gamma brainwaves) and will I still get the benefits of eroding the ego?(Benefits of the Meditation audio) Or must I meditate to them separately, to get those benefits? Tbh, I do feel the effects of my tags stronger, but I want to hear it out of the horses mouth and do it by the book.(Not saying that you guys are horses, just a saying. lol :smile:) Thanks guys.

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Couldn’t resist


Lol! :rofl:

Hi everyone, I started the course just yesterday. I am a little lost here as to when I should start with the exercises. Is it after completing the first run listening to the audios or should it be done complementary to listening to the audios? Also I read in this thread that many are listening to the meditation audio already. Do I listen the meditation audio on the same day as I listen to the other audios in the course? If so, should the meditation audio be listened first or later and should there be a break between listening to the mediation audio and the next audio in the course? Thank you for your replies.


Hey I’ll answer as best as I can

  1. Exercises can be done any time. I think it’s best to do them starting now. Some of these exercises will take awhile to master so what I suggest is go through the exercises as listed in the Regimen document and try to follow that schedule. But I would not move on to the next set of exercises until you at least get a hang of the first set. So for example if Week 1 takes 3 weeks then that’s fine. I wouldn’t rush through it because you won’t get the full benefit that way. Take your time. Keep the schedule for the audios though don’t change that!

  2. Meditation can be done any time as well. I don’t meditate myself but yesterday I had a rare few hours that no one else was home and it was super quiet so I tried out the meditation audio and I felt really good after. It’ll make you really relaxed and open to the energies of the course audios so you can do mediation right before playing the main ones and you should feel much more effects. But that’s totally up to you


Thank you for the quick reply :heart:


Is there a limit to how many times we can listen to Ego Dissolution in a single day?


In my experience, it is best to use the Meditation track every single day, at least when doing the course. It not only prepares you for the next day’s energy work, but also helps assimilate the current day’s energy effectively.

A quiet and aware mind inspires the Universe and its energies to work for you.


I use it several times for various reasons. (Usually just as my “warm up” video for whatever I’m working on).
No issues.


Is Ego Dissolution field also a part of one of the Vibration audios?

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I think its part of Vibration of Transcendence


Hi @SirChiropractixalot! Welcome to the forum.