Course General Discussion

Absolutely! With the Healer Prime audio. I am generally a happy, upbeat, preppy person - irritatingly so lol - but the audio does bring out emotional issues. I was watching this vlog of this guy named Indigo Traveller who travels to dangerous places and was watching a video where he went to Afghanistan, where they showed a little boy running behind a car trying to sell eggs and I teared up big time. Can’t remember the last time that happened to me.


His videos in North Korea from last year will get you big time


Its on my list to watch!! I saw only one video from his Korea list where little kids were clapping for hours in some kind of talent show and he was concerned about them. I finished Iraq and Afghanistan so far!!

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I’m experiencing much love right now.


wow incredible, I am delighted and I am looking forward to reading this comment you have worked a lot and i really appreciate it, thank you very much for all your efforts, to you, to dreamweaver and to the whole sapiens team.

I was able to see the whole transcribed course and I am going through it even now that I am writing this comment (thank you).on the other hand I can not display (and configure) the subtitles on the videos, it is certainly me who is zero with the technology, but anyway, I have access to the written course and this it’s more than enough for me, so the rest is okay, thank you again Sam, you’re super awesome :+1:


Ah, was waiting for someone to mention this. Got a little story for you guys.

My first time listening to the energy sensitivity and healer primer audios, I began to quickly feel a stronger energy flow and everything around me amplify. But in my mind, I was like well ok, this isn’t anything new.

Over the next few days though, I began to notice something very different. I was acting very emotional. I was sort of in touch with emotions before but didn’t have to deal with my emotions on this level. The emotional flow was heavily amplified.

It was quite amazing to me to be able to feel more… while at the same time was kind of annoying. Cause everything felt more great but negative things felt worse. In my mind, I was like ‘geez, how do women have to deal with this level of emotions all the time’ lol. Like I was getting teary eyed over small things and would think to myself ‘Really? That’s my reaction to this scene in the movie??’ Or sometimes laughing for a much longer period of time than I usually would.

Also, keep in mind this was in the beginning of the covid19 panic where everyone was really paranoid . Talk about good timing! For one, several people in my family passed away due it and then my entire family caught covid! Me included. That was some heavy weight to deal with but fortunately, that coronavirus audio worked wonders during this time. I was able to get rid of covid in a matter of 12 hours (no joke). Fam didn’t even believe I had it cause they didn’t think it was possible I could get rid of it so quickly (confirmed it when I got the antbodies test). Random, but I believe there were some real dark energies intertwined with covid in those days hence the very high death rates in the beginning. Also, obviously the lack of knowledge on how to deal with corona cause for that too.

Moving on… Outside, I could feel the heaviness of the paranoid energy immediately. Then public transportation… got weird. A lot of weird psychic things happening but I don’t share those kinds of things cause they might seem too outlandish. This is also when 800 people were dying a day in NYC so it was just overall not a great time to become super energy sensitive. Even my cousin, who was listening to the audios and had no idea how to handle his amped up emotions was like ‘damn sammy, this is intense…’ We’re good now though. (btw… try to not watch the news. That news loop will often keep you in a negative/fearful state)

All that being said, the positive thing was that the exercises were much more effective than they were before and energy work in general was amplified. I was always energy sensitive but this brought it to more palpable/psychedelic levels where subtle energy was as clear as day. Now, the emotional aspect was certainly something I had to work on more. Was a bit more impulsive and quick to argue… That’s where the emotional control article stemmed from haha. I literally had to learn a way to get my emotions in check and I really did. That method works wonders.

Anyways, if any of you ever have some sort of trouble after listening to the audios, please do share or pm me if you don’t feel comfortable sharing it here.


Wow you nailed it. Exactly the same for me. By the way i send much love and compassion and empathy your way for the loss of loved ones Sammy. I’m sorry.


I send my love to all of you on here. I really do mean it too. All of you are so great in your own unique way I wouldn’t be where i am without you all.

I learn so much coming here and seeing things presented from everybody’s perspectives. Sometimes I need to see things from a different angle to aquire a proper understanding of things. I’m transforming so much with y’all.

Got a few crazy days ahead so I’ll see all of you after, take care :grinning:


i suppose that’s because the video must be in selfie mode. often this confusion happens. i think it would be best to follow the audio instructions

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If he means that the video is horizontally flipped so the right leg becomes the left leg then yes, that’s correct. But there’s no way for me to change the animation at this point.

Perhaps in the future, I can pay to reanimate some things. I did what I could to make the audios match as much as possible.


He didn’t mean that. He was pointing out an error… that the audio and video are not in sync in terms of left and right. So i tried rationalising as to what could be the reason for the apparent confusion…as…in doing things in selfie mode…or on webcam…left appears right n vice versa.

You are doing perfect. You guys can’t go wrong. Extremely grateful for all your dedicated effort at empowering humanity. Much love.


This is hard. I feel sorry for your loss.


That’s fine if he pointed out an error. I did ask for people to do that. In fact, can you or him point out to the exact moment in the video where it happens? I’ve tried finding it and all I see is that when the audio is saying left leg, that the right leg is horizontally flipped and appears as the left leg. So I thought that was the confusion.

Thanks for the support though, I appreciate it.


Last night, I fell asleep on day 2 of my body primer audio. Does that count as one of my 3 listens, or should I start over?

Should be fine but considering the process works best when also conscious at the same time, I would suggest listening today and tomorrow as well, then take the 2 day break :slight_smile:



Hi Sam,
I have not taken up the course yet.
Am planning to enrol.
I live by sapien😊

Point Taken.
But am too much of a Sapien Champ! to take that lightly.

However, he is talking about that very thing that you are mentioning. He has mentioned the audio saying Left and the video showing a movement with the Right.

thanks…and regards… and immense gratitude for the work you do to uplift humanity.

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I’m really loving this course!

The only thing that i feel missing (obviously I’ve not completeded it, just taking a look to the titles of the various chapters) is a chapter on Grounding.

Something to take the things down if energy stimulation gets a bit “out of hand” lol
Or maybe there is no need with this kind of exercises? @SammyG

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This is why I also attached the emotional release audio and partly why we created the meditation audio as well. They both help ground you.

That being said, it wouldn’t hurt to have an extra chapter that makes that more clear and emphasizes grounding after perhaps getting overwhelmed. So I’ll see about doing that in the future.


Yeah, I feel meditation quite grounding indeed

I was more thinking about some “theory thing” only for the sake of completeness of a basic course, I think a document on it would be good enough

Thanks for your work