Course General Discussion

Anyone tried the Meditation track included with the course?


Yes, I played Meditation + emotional release before Primer . Its a powerful one than brain states audios.


I’m using it 2x a day when meditating instead of Theta 2.0


are 48 hours enough or should i wait 72 hours after listening 3 times with 24 h in between bc then it only takes 4 days to cycle 1 audio . My Question is when listened to the body primer audio for the third time yesterday at 7 and didnt today tomorrow at 7 48 hours would have gone by can i listen to the energy sensitivity audio

I am LOVING the Meditation track as well. As Dream pointed out, it seems to hit a sweet spot between Theta and Delta. Another thing I notice is the “awareness” during meditation as opposed to kind of like an absorbed or passive state - the state of effortless mindfulness. Unlike any other meditation audios by Sapien. My most favorite track so far!


The way I understood it was that it’s a 72 hr break between listening to the 3rd Body Primer and the 1st Energy Sensitivity audio.

For example:
Let’s say you start listening to Body Primer on a Monday.

Monday: Body Primer
Tuesday: Body Primer
Wednesday: Body Primer
Thursday: Break
Friday: Break
Saturday: Energy Sensitivity
and so on…

Then it would be 72 hr after listening to the 3rd Body Primer that one listens to the 1st Energy Sensitivity.

Hopefully sammyg can confirm with us which is correct.


This is exactly what I’ve been doing! Completed 3 days of Body primer and now on a 2-day break.


Same but because some people wrote 48 hrs pause i asked again but 72 hrs is also the way i understood it and how i am doing it


I think the course instruction (pdf) is clearer to understand than the 48/72 hour terminology. I am going by the below:

Once a day, 3 days, then 2 day break


When I did it, I did 72 hours (not exact, but I’d listen to body for 2 days, then not listen for 2 days, then listen on the 3rd day). I don’t think it would hurt after 48 though so you can do that as well. To play it safe, you should maybe follow through with the protocol that has already worked though.


I personally love the meditation audio. Has been helping me go deeper and deeper in my meditations… It really gets better and better the more you listen. Like I’ve said in the course though, try to meditate at the same time by focusing on your breathing and watching your beingness. The benefits that come from being conscious at that level will become so obvious after several weeks. You’ll see what I mean when you get there, just stay consistent with it.


True Sam, that audio is showing its effects from 1st listen. I have also added Pranayama prior to this and practicing at the same time for compounded effect.


Can I listen at the vibration series in this period. I listen the body primer before sleep. Now can I loop vibration series during sleep time?


An earlier post by sammyg:

Edit: Please read the post below by sammyg.


I just edited that post.

Edit: Upon further notice from Dream, I think you should take a break or really easy down on energy based audios (such as vibration audios or energy blockage, chi or jing, ext…) for the time being. Not until you have finished with at least your first run of the audios (after finishing crystallization audio).

Reason for this being is because we are all at different levels of development and it’s best to approach the first run of the audios as a beginner. It’s best to all do it this way to completely avoid any issues that could arise. Overstimulation can be counter productive in energy development. (If you already have been listening to them, don’t worry, just stop for now and keep going as is. You don’t need to start over)

Vibration series for example can be pretty intense energy wise as well so it could overstimulate your energy system while going through the phases of the course. I do believe it would supplement it greatly as it has for me. But these audios came months after I’d already listened to the course audios. So after the first run of the audios, you will be safe to do so as your energy system will definitely be prepared for that sort of stimulation. And of course then you can mix and match (listen to body primer, energy sensitivity then vibration of creation, ext…).


@SammyG Also the new Soul/Core Energy Restoration I guess :disappointed_relieved:

What about The Politics of the Body album? That’s energy work too right?


Yeah that one too lol. Don’t worry. Those audios won’t go away… and will work for you on an even stronger level by the time you finish with your first run of the audios.

Politics of the body is organ work so no, that’s fine.


Thank you for the heads up @SammyG!

I absolutely agree with regards to the Vibration series should not be used while listening to the course audios. They are really potent.

I really didn’t think I was energy sensitive but when I listened to 1x Vibration of creation and then the Art of alchemy album 1x… my nervous system started to feel agitated and felt pressure in my crown chakra. So I’ll be pausing the Vibration series until I complete all course audios :+1:


@SammyG Is it ok to use the Cognitive and Memory Enhancement and Shielding tags, that’s the only ones I’m using right now.


Those are fine to use