So I finally figured out how to set up on our site… Pheww, what a process. Still going through it lol.
We plan to release the course on July 16.
Here’s a preview of the audios that will be on the course. There are two more audios we aren’t mentioning here that I think all of you will be very pleased with… :
Audios will make you energy sensitive and able to heal energetically over a relatively short period of time. The audios are programmed with energy that will work on your body and nervous system to direct it to change. Here’s a quick overview of what the audios do:
Body Primer: Cleans the energy body of any junk, stimulates and prepares all of the chakras, primary and secondary and nervous system for the energy work in this course. Listen 3 days then take 2 day break.
Energy Sensitivity: Helps to widen all meridians and chakras, enhances the flow of energy along the chakras and meridians along with working on your nervous system to help you naturally develop sensitivity to energy. After two day break from body primer, listen to this audio once a day for three days and then take 2 break.
The Healer Primer: Clears blockages from the heart chakra and widens its energy as well, does the same for the palm chakras, widens and strengthens the meridians as well, and increases the connection between the palms and rest of the energetic system. After two day break from energy sensitivity audio, listen to this audio once a day for three days and then take a 2 day break.
The break in all the audios are important, as this allows your system grow and adapt, a lot of people will try to rush it, but I implore you to follow the procedure. It is for you to get the most benefit. A little patience can carry you a long way.
Become the Healer: Connects you to the healing energy source that dream created. As to how this was done or is possible, I will go into it in one of the later chapters. For now, think of it as an attunement. Once attuned, you can begin healing using your palms and the healing energy looks for damaged areas in the body.
The energy is made up of: unconditional love, converting damaged cells to stem cells, supercharges the mitochondria to grant more energy to the cells to speed up healing. This is the most advanced system of healing yet. Over time, you can mentally heal without using your palm.
After two day break from Healer Primer, listen to this audio once a day for three days and then take a 2 day break.
You may restart the whole process over again if you’d like to expand your energy system even more. You will uncover more layers of awareness through relistens and practice. After finishing the first run, you can also just listen to one or two of the audios individually as well. But, always give your body breaks as it will definitely need it. This is intensive energy work and you can damage your energy system by overworking it. More is not better.