Creative Group

Awesome Seamie, now we have thread’s backround music 4 posts in already!

And now for visual taste i can come in and show off what i have been working on lately:


Your collection is really really cool. I love so many of the names also which you have put to them.

Eternity, that reveals itself to you, and to then see Eternity revealed was awesome :blush:
I will definitely take a further look through the descriptions of the NFT’s when I have a bit of time later.
Great stuff @veh :raised_hands:t2:


Haha thanks, that made me so happy :smiley:.

You already know that i got the inspirations from the best!


Is this a creativity community project? Sign me up!


Very smooth and relaxing bro, i like it man


I drew this on an app lol

I wanted to draw a heart and i looked up a heart and found this :

When i was drawing it the arteries on the top right started looking like a face so i made it into a face of a thing lol


which app was it?


It’s called ibis paint


Count me in too! Painting and drawing are my passion! :relaxed:

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Thank you man🙏🏻 Still a bit of work to be done to it still. I might shorten it also.

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Hahaha whattt!!! Haha crazy man now I’m never gonna see that drawing the same ever again lol he just turns his head over his shoulder and says that haha thank you man!


Haha Im sorry man :joy: My head goes straight to the weirdest thing some times. I even had his little gangsta voice in my head and everything :joy:
I’m looking forward to seeing some of your other stuff. I can barely draw a proper square on an app :joy:

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Awesome music and voice, would love to see ur work with captain’s fields. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That would be so awesome :sunglasses: :star_struck: Thank you :pray:t2: :heart:

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Really cool Eliana. Great music and vocals :raised_hands:t2:


Thank you :pray:t2: :heart:

I really dig this track! Nice vocals!


Thank you, Sam. :pray:t2::heart::sparkles:

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Hmm… I used to write lots of rap back in the day. Sometimes would write poems… that would still just end up flowing like rap anyways lol.

Here’s a ‘poem’ I wrote back in college for an open mic.

What Makes Me Human

What makes me human,
what makes me real,
is it the way another person makes me feel,
Is it the fire, is it the drama,
is it the tension when experiencing the horrors,

Is it sight, is it taste,
of mother’s rice, beans and chicken in the plate,
Is it the questions, I’m chasing after,
am I a question waiting to be answered,
is it the need to read another chapter,
is it how im always dreaming of ‘her’ laughter,

Am I real cause my heart is beating faster,
what if I don’t reach what im seeking after,
would I be nothing, chasing after air,
is it the feeling of failure and despair,
would I be something, catching up to glory,
is it the happy, ending to a story,
it the passion,
music and the bass,
is it the water’s reflection of my face,
is it the lakes reflecting outer space,
is it the atoms that keeps everything in place…

It’s the motion of my body,
the circle of emotions when im dancing in a party,
smile in my expression,
life’s about connection,
to everything I love and how I go in that direction,
it is the depression, the happiness, the essence,
losing what is precious,
the gaining from these lessons,

I am the collection,
of hatred, the affections, acceptance, the rejections,
it’s all in my projection,
it’s everything I am and that I’m not,
everything I have and haven’t got,
it’s how im talking here today,
it’s how you react to what I have to say.


I also felt compelled to write a few days ago due to certain happenings and wrote this short lil poem.

Love and Let Go

How to love so pure,
In a world impure,
Ruled by rules,
Written by fools…

Does the heart know what it’s told,
Or knows what it ‘knows’?

Taste a pear when it molds,
And toxicity flows…
Pain is the poison that teaches the soul,
To love is to know when to let go…