Crystallization Attunement

Could this energy be directed with intention to different parts of the body e.g spine, solar plexus chakra etc instead of my hands? In a way it wil flow dirrectly to the desired area.




How exactly should I do that?

  1. start the crystalization energy
  2. Focus on the part of the body where I want it to flow



Thank you!


Hi I have a question. Can we use crystalized energy on other people like the healing energy, either in person or distant? @SammyG

Thank you!


If you wish
but since its such a great amplifier
use along with something else


sorry but just to be sure, it grows your energy system, passively, right ?


answer was no during the webinar


I have used the new skills from the course on one of the chipcards of one of my bosses. He was the biggest nazi rassist without a heart person, and also a bit autistic. And after only one charge of his chip card (he wears that all the time at work). he began to change. now he is a completely differnet person. can control him self and is humane. I assume he was under a constant attack or sth. Somethimes when i remeber i recharge his card from a distance.


Can crystalization be used on other people before healing them to increase the effect ?

you mean you activate the cristal energy and then place hands on somebody else? if this somebody agrees to it feel free to share his/hers feedback.

you should consider that you are already atuned to this energy and the other person is not …this meand the other person can be suddenly alot cleaner energetically and have a detox…not to mention that you may or may not clear him of things that can be dangerous to you.

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Thank you @Sarumann33

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I’ve red that you could “boost” the effects of other fields using crystallization, similar to Kinetic Quasi Crystal: New Release. Is that possible? Such that I could shorten the listening time and get the same effects.
If so, is everything I have to do, say “Start Cystallization now” and tune in for a minute or so? Would it be only active for as long as I focus on it or during my whole stack?

I never feel overwhelmed from fields, but I also never feel any effect, so it’s hard to figure it out by myself.

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I remember seeing a thread that Luna made in the past about using Kinetic Quasi Crystal as a Primer before your stack and it would help to cut down on how many times you would have to play your fields. I’ll try and find it now but I think if you play KQC as the first field in your stack then you would only have to listen to each other field once or twice instead of say 4 or 5 times. It helps to integrate the energy better. I need to start trying it myself also :ok_hand:t3:

Yes, that’s what I’m referring to. The thing is, I’m not willing to buy Quasi Crystal, if this one would do a similar job. Maybe it takes more practice?

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My bad I’m still half asleep.
From what Sammy wrote here

I would assume that it does.
It clears, purifies and amplifies your energy system so it should help the fields to integrate much better which in my view would mean that it should work to help shorten the stack also. Stating the “crystalize now all fields which will be entering my system” while the field plays should do the job.
I’ll try it out myself and let you know.

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Dreamweaver Can you please Confirm If this is true?