There’s a guide to what SARMs are linked in the second post of this thread.
In the Sapien world, there are a bunch of fields to duplicate the effects of specific SARMs. Those fields aren’t on Gumroad, but on Patreon. Some of those fields are linked right under the first post of this thread. Or you can use the handy forum search engine to find those fields.
Nah, not “silly” at all. (P.S. Since you said in that other thread that you don’t want to gain weight even if it’s from muscle, I wonder if you want to play around with SARMs at all.)
Yes, I would strongly encourage you to research the topic before playing around with those fields so that you’re sure how they will help you with your specific goals.
The fact that you’re asking me that tells me you simply bought those fields without reading the descriptions.
Come on man, I understand that you are new here, but the bare minimum is to at least read the threads and do research about the products you are buying, right? I mean, why would you buy something when you don’t have any clue of what you’re getting yourself into.
…but to answer your question, NO. Hardcore, arm shredder, leg shredder, chest and back don’t do anything to your hormones. These fields only target your muscles. So you don’t need to cycle them or anything, you can use them daily for however long you want to use them.
But, please read the threads for those products. If you read them, you wouldn’t need to be asking these questions.
I get it, but really it not difficult to use the search function. All the answers to your questions are already there.
But i’ll answer your questions anyway.
First off, you really don’t need to use the induced follastatine or the myostatin fields at all. Why? Because Arms shredded and jacked, leg shredder, chest and back all contain the Muscles Beyond Limits field. If you actually read the description of the muscles beyond limits field, you will see
Do you see this? It already stops the production of myostatin in your muscles cells for those specific body parts, so you really don’t need to be wasting time using the follistatin or mystotatin fields. I guess you could potentially have some extra gains, but probably not much. I’d rather save my time for more fields.
Do you see that? That’s why you need to really read the description of these fields! If you abuse this, it could cause balding, excess estrogen which could lead to gynecomastia (man boobs), etc. all the side effects of abusing steroids, the exact same things.
But again, everybody will react differently. Personally, I wouldn’t mess with my hormones using those fields. There are too many potential side effects, I would just stick to the powerful premium paid fields you already have - Hardcore, Arms Shredded and Jacked, Leg Shredder and Chest and back. Those are all great fields, there’s no need to use hormones. But if you are adamant about using SARMS and the Extreme Muscle Growth fields, I would advise you to cycle them properly and not to over-use or abuse them. You also need to do proper research regarding PCT aka Post Cycle Therapy with the SARMS which is a whole other thing.
I also saw your other post, Stenabolic and Cardarine don’t have the same side effects as a normal SARM, but for Ostarine, you DEFINITELY need to cycle that. Again, if you don’t know anything about doing a cycle of steroids and Post Cycle Therapy I would NOT use those fields.
It’s all good man, but you’ve really got to do your research. I keep seeing you make posts concerning your hair etc. If you abuse the SARM fields like ostarine and testosterone+hgh fields Extreme Muscle Growth, you can definitely lose some hair due to the side effects. Not even worth it imo, but there is a way to use them safely if not abused. Even then I wouldn’t bother.
I also noticed, in your stack that you don’t have anything to stimulate your androgen receptors. Stimulating your androgen receptors properly will enable steroid-like growth without actually using steroids. The two fields that do that are the Blessings of Saint Biceps, and the Manly Man. The Manly Man, being newer is probably the better choice for most people, because not only does it stimulate your androgen receptors, it also increases its density which is some next-level stuff. Blessings of Saint Biceps has other benefits though, like a unique smell and any special sauce Captain put it that isn’t in the description.
I personally have zero tolerance and patience for people who don’t want to read the most basic things.
“Being new” is not a valid excuse for laziness.
That’s just entitlement and trying to steal other’s energy.
Being new does not entitle you to anything, in fact, you should probably pay others who have already done the work and if you want to profit from their knowledge.
With that mindset you will not survive a single day in any proper paying job.
You have joined the forum almost 3 years ago.
So you are are not “new” at all.
Read what is already written here on the forum, then if the questions are still not anwered, ask your questions.