Cycling the SARM audios

Okay so I’m little confused as to what to do now

I just finished my 10 week LGD cycle and I’m closing in on my cardarine cycle

Is it safe to hop on the new SARMS? I really want to try the new ones already :frowning: or should I wait 4-8 weeks before hopping on it?

I kind of need to be in the best shape of my life in like two weeks, so the timing of the cycles isn’t ending in exactly the best time for me lol

@MasterOfYellow @_OM sorry for tagging you guys but I feel as though you might be able to help me? pls :pleading_face:


Same bro I need to be in the best shape in like 3 weeks


I know very little about this topic, but after today’s new audio releases, I’ve been finding good info here:


But, if you’re just finishing a cycle of one type of SARM, I really don’t think you should immediately start using another one, especially a stronger one. Let your body rest.

But, maybe you’ll get benefit from the new non-SARM audios, like Stenabolic for example.

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Thanks man, I’ll be looking into that website right now…

I was just speaking to @AkiraTheWild and he suggested since it’s only two weeks that I should be fine I just need to make sure I listen to kidney and adrenal healing and the antioxidant formula so I think I’ll do it and then maybe have a more intensive off cycle afterwards

I just really can’t stop now bro

One thing I’m Worried about is that the effects won’t be as obvious since maybe I’m already fried from the last cycle…

Just work out hard man and listen to fields that can help at your age…

Make sure you’re sleeping 8-10 hours

1.2-1.5g of protein per lbs of body fat

See yourself in the shape you want to be in

stay consistent and stay away from SARMS haha


Well, I don’t know enough about why the cycles are needed. If the cycle is needed for the body’s hormone levels to recover, then rest makes sense. If the pause time is needed to give your body detox time so this stuff doesn’t build up in your system, well that concern doesn’t exist with Morphic Fields.

I did read on that site I linked that one of the studies in mice showed health issues with extended usage, which is probably why cycles are used. But, those health issues only showed up at 3x recommended dosage at something like 10x + cycle times.

So yeah, if you wanna add a few weeks, you’ll probably be fine, but I’d say check with higher guidance first and be extra perceptive with what your body is telling you.

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Mr. Biceps, a friend experimented with the below stack for 8-weeks:

  • Stenabolic (SR9009)
  • Cardarine (GW501516)
  • Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

And saw some good fat loss (which was his goal). But looking back, he feels SR9009 was an overkill. The problem with SR9009 is that most regular users do not have much reliable data to report - be it on benefits or side effects - because the bioavailability of it seems to be <3%. Now, Sapien’s field will potentially be a lot more effective, so that is something to consider!


Would you share what the new sarms are bro?

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Here you go man, they dropped today!

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Responding to @MasterOfYellow @GoddessAndGodOfAll from the other thread here …

The other things that seem to be worry me about YK11:

  • There are some reports of liver toxicity with oral versions, though not with injectables.
  • Asked around a few of my “fitness freak” friends and the response I got was " be careful"… Now these are the ones that were encouraging the use of more benign SARMs

A crazy bodybuilder friend of mine tried the below stack for 9 weeks:

  • YK11
  • LGD4033
  • MK-677 (INN)

He saw crazy gains but experienced severe depression, and super low Testosterone levels and messed up hormones. He has a healthy lifestyle and no other health issues - so he thinks its due to this stack.

At this point, I am thinking of playing it safe! As a pretty fit guy, I think dealing with hormones and SARms seems like unnecessary risk for me, other than perhaps milder SARMs.

O wise @_OM - what SARM/Hormone stack would you personally use?


Omg… salivating :drooling_face: Christmas came early!


Just found this:

YK11 Post Cycle Therapy

When it comes to the question PCT or no PCT, you really have to know if you are suppressed or not. The only 100% certain way of knowing if you are suppressed enough to need to do a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) is by getting your blood work done.

A good rule of thumb is that you don’t need a PCT for any SARM because they aren’t that suppressive, this includes YK11. Your body will recover naturally in a few weeks after the cycle if your compounds are high-quality and pure.

Sometimes, companies sell bunk products that are way more suppressive than they should have been so that is why some people get suppressed from SARMs.

Testosterone suppression

As we said, the only way to 100% certainly know if you are suppressed is by getting a blood test done. Another way of knowing, though not as reliable, is to see how you are feeling. If you feel like sh*t and have no energy and just want to sleep all day then yeah, you are probably suppressed. If you don’t feel like that, however, you almost certainly aren’t suppressed.

So, just pay attention to your hormone levels. I also wonder how much of this “suppression” can be countered by adding the Testosterone v2.5 audio to your stack.

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Yeah, so a few thoughts. They’re using chemical compounds, while we’re using Morphic Fields. So, we don’t have to worry about dosages or toxic buildup pretty much at all, while they do. Also, they need to worry about testosterone suppression, but surely we can counteract some of that with Sapien’s testosterone audios, no?

Honestly, I don’t think anyone can say 100% yes or no (outside of any higher guidance received), it just needs to be tested.

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Wow! That’s something to think about… 100% Bioavailability (maybe) Must be what this field is like!

That’s brings me back to what @MasterOfYellow is saying though, we’re not receiving it orally or through injections so we should be good right?

Crazy + bodybuilder = big ass bodybuilder haha

Man, I was starting to get some fatigue at the end of the my lgd cycle, I’m still kind of getting fatigued earlier than normal and I’ve been off for a week

Yeah man there’s really no point in going that hard if you’re not going to be doing some thing with your body at a higher level, just look and feel good, no need to go above and beyond, like you say, everything in moderation


I am like an energizer bunny… I work hard to tire myself and without ever getting tired. But with the current stack, I am indeed getting tired by late evenings. First time in decades, I fell asleep watching TV on my couch yesterday, I was that tired. I am thinking of cutting back on all SARMs (and explicit harmone related tracks) and do the elimination test to see if that is indeed what is causing exhaustion.


Man me too! The other day I had just finished eating something in the kitchen and low and behold i wake up a few hours later to my mom mad at me for falling asleep on the kitchen, man, she scared the shit out of me haha

I’ve never in my life fell asleep on a table other than when I was in school lol


The guidance I’m getting for myself is to build a new workout stack that includes:

Testosterone Boost v2.5
Loving Alpha Male (that’s what I call the new Unconditional Love & Androstenol for Men)

I’m not sure why I’m being told to not include anything else, especially since I do have some weight I’d like to lose, but I’ve learned to trust the guidance I receive to get the best outcome.

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Sounds good! Maybe your guides will recommend to add some fat related fields later on along the way!

I’m just going to stack

LGD 3033

Probably won’t use it for weeks on end but if I know I’m going out I’ll use it before.