Cycling the SARM audios

Man I can’t wait to see how these new SARMS impact your performance bro… It’s PR season baby!!

Also how would a cycle work for you? Since you told me you’ve only listened to the old SARMS the days you work out? Would you still need a break eventually?


Keep us posted!!

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I’ve had myostatin field since inception, so I’m already pretty big.
Looking to cut mostly… at this point

So Cardarine
MAYYYYYBE Stenabolic(?)

I’ll be back later for formulating stacks for others.

@Captain_Nemo, hey buddy, pal, old friend, compatriot, (can you tell I’m about to ask for something?) :rofl:

I’ll donate for 20 trees planted if we can get these uploaded to Patreon in 3 days…

What do you say, my dearest old friend, buddy, pal, compatriot?


Yeap that’s why I’m probably not the best person to ask, I don’t know. All this about cycle on and off isn’t something I look too much into considering the nature of these things so my best bet to be safe and still use them is to use them whenever I workout. Idk if they are supposed to be used as a traditional cycle maybe dream can clarify. I read somewhere he said 3 listen of one of the older sarm should last about 30 hours (might be a few hours off).

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Dream, if you can get Stomach and Intestine regeneration added to Patreon as well, OM will donate 30 trees :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


What can we say, we love us some Patreon!

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CC: @GoddessesAndGod



I planned it anyways.
This isn’t a worry
my true worry is the intergalactic meditations
they are just too big to upload at 320 mp3


I was going to point to Google drive but patreon exclusive.

Don’t worry dear Captain. We’re happy to have the stunning visuals as a bonus on YouTube :)


So, who’s decided on a stack with these SARMs yet?

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Ooh la la. I’m just being intuitively inclined to start using LGD 4033.


I’m gonna formulate @Zen 's first cause I like him best! :stuck_out_tongue:
Actually, it’s because it’s the easiest to fix.

Just pick one of the LGDs for your stack… they both do basically the same thing, but 3303 (not 3033) is like the “liter” version of 4033.
In other words, if you want stronger results with more chances of side effects pick 4033.
If you want slightly lesser results but with less chance of side effects then do 3303.
But only 1 or the other.

The rest of the stack looks fine with it tho.


Feel like there was another file like this…meaning you could only download it thru the email/rss feed but not the actual website.
Same issue or not able to upload it to the RSS feed either?


So, @Zen - did you use the first round of SARMs released by Dream? If not, I suppose this will be your first cycle.

@_OM, I am Team @GoddessesAndGod!! :laughing:


ok, just gonna copy/paste a resource here.
I’m not a SARMs expert outside of research and intuition.
There’s only like 6-10 good SARMs websites on the webs,
so go out there and read some reviews and recommended stacks
and pick something that fits your goals.

And of course, please be responsible,
Sapien medicine via @uial posted in the other thread that these fields do act like the actual product so side effects are a real thing to consider.

Let’s all learn from the boosting thread…that wasn’t just about “boosting” fields…it was about an approach to life and all fields, in general.

Frequently Asked Questions

:question: What Are The Best SARMs For Bulking?

The best SARMs for bulking are going to be Ligandrol (LGD-4033), RAD 140 (Testolone), and YK-11. All of these SARMs are incredibly powerful when it comes to building muscle, increasing strength, and bulking up.

:question: What Are The Best SARMs For Cutting?

The best SARMs for cutting are currently going to be Stenabolic (SR-9009) and Cardarine (GW-501516). While they’re technically not SARMs, they are “research chemicals” and are often put together with SARMs as users frequently stack them together.

:question: What Are The Best SARMs For Recomposition?

The best SARMs for recomposition (or recomp) are currently Ostarine and Andarine. Each of these SARMs is known for helping users get lean gains, hard and dry muscles, and shred fat. In fact, it’s not uncommon for users to completely transform their physiques in just 2-3 months using these SARMs.

:question: What’s The Best SARMs Stack?

It depends on your goals, but the strongest SARMs stack would be RAD 140 (Testolone), YK-11 (Myostatin Inhibitor), and Ibutamoren (MK-677). These three SARMs will help you rapidly shred fat off and build muscle, and may be even stronger than a low dose steroid cycle.


@ryantraveling - so cycling is a good thing!!

So, OM, I sent an email (after a long time) to ol buddy Rayzorblades for some stack suggestions, let us see if he is still on that email! :crossed_fingers:


Great!! Tell him to get his a$$ over here!


Ok, as there are so many threads, here are all the SARMs released:

  • Stenabolic (SR9009)
  • Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
  • Ostarine (MK-2866)
  • YK11
  • LGD-3303
  • Cardarine (GW-501516)

Also adding non-SARMs to this thread which may compliment stacks:

  • Norepinephrine
  • Enhanced Fat Metabolism
  • ENPP6 Enzyme
  • Myostatin Inhibitor
  • Testosterone Booster
  • Estrogen Reducer
  • Endocrine Rejuvenation
  • HGH

As a newbie to this, would be interesting to see how cycles work.

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