Debate Club (aka The Bro Down !)

Sure ‘x’ can mean (or can be contested to mean) different things, but the more diffuse the meaning, the sooner we have to come up with new words to do the same things X used to do. At their core, ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ are biological/social relational terms that imply rights, relationships, privileges and responsibilities that have high status in the larger society.

They can mean different things, but not too many different things. Otherwise, you’re talking about something else. It’s like those who say that their god is a Flying Spaghetti Monster. They can say that, but it’s not true. That’s not what we mean by ‘god’ or ‘monster’ — it just a word game at that point.

Language as such does not exist, because that would presupose its existence outside of our particular and limited point of view.

As a metaphysical ever present transparency.

Meaning is rather obscure and constructed upon particular structures and the ever changing set of concepts at our disposal at any given time which differ from person to person.

If meaning was transparent, anthropology, psychology and many other forms of knowledge wouldn’t be necessary at all.

Dad is tainted by your past, your own dad, everything you took from society while you were raised that pointed what was to be a dad in that particular historical context (90s, 2000s) and then how that definition got re-defined and re-signified in our actual times (2010s, 2020s) through advertising, movies, friendships, relationships, aging, what it means to be older, how my idea of my own actual age re-signifies my entire set of previous concepts, etc.

Language is primarily about communication and only secondarily about correspondence between the speaker and the world.

Language doesn’t have to be transparent for these disciplines to be unnecessary.

Language is a surplus created from a set of impossibilities given by our alienated and separated inhuman nature.

We create language to bridge the gap from that which cannot be transmissible to other.

An impossibility to communicate.

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Lots of animals have language. It’s seems more a tool for signaling and coordinating behavior.

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Here, despite Feminist Agony, it’s said that the Best societies on Earth are in Northern Europe, Scandinavia, to be more precise…

Would you guys agree with what he said and would you say that Sweden, Denmark and Norway reached a (far?) Better Success than America, as it’s implied in the video? :thinking:

My view: it depends how you measure Success, but I gotta say, a wealthy and safe society sounds Good to me.

Still, at its peak (not now), America I still find to be THE Staple for Prosperity.
Also, maybe some Peaceful and Prosperous societies wouldn’t have been on the map, if not for American and others intervention in certain key moments of History…
So, a Strong Military Equals Peace and Prosperity (?).

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Doing any good as a White Man???!

You CAN NOT Do any good as a White guy, since You’re an Opressor!

Yep, doing good is now bad… :exploding_head:
(according to some people)

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dunno who’s delivering such messages but many people that are on media jump into social studies arguments without education.

intersectionality serves the function to locate trans-generational trauma.

which means that if you’re the grandchild of african-american people that suffered from racism, segregation and bad economic situations from 1940 in US, that trauma passed on your parents and now to you.

it’s a way to measure how much people suffered due to social circumstances (not natural, climatic, biological, etc).

it’s also inter-objective, which means that it serves the same function as astrology, sociology or historical materialism.

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Here’s what I was thinking:

When we eat a lemon, we experience its taste, smell, and other properties. Even when there’s no lemon around, we can imagine eating one, and physiologically, we might experience similar effects, like salivating.

I’ve done similar things with fields I’ve listened to before, mentally tuning into those fields and experiencing the sensations and feeliings I had previously felt from them. And it worked. For example, fields like Unstoppable Will, Unbreakable, and others.

In the end, we’re all connected, and each of us has everything within us. We’re all creators of our reality. We can tune into the right frequency from memory and adopt the qualities and properties we need, or emulate any events, processes, images, effects, and so on.

Especially when we’ve already had experience interacting with what we’re tuning into.

Maybe we can even do this with a Dragon.

Going by that logic people should be able to have access to all nfts or protected stuff from other creators just cuz they experienced it before but that’s not how it works. There’s protection for a reason and there are many other things of collective reality to consider. What you mentioned would only apply for general situation at best for your own individual reality. Also you said everyone is like creator so what makes me different than that? In my reality I’ve rejected the access of it so it is just like captain has rejected access of nfts for non owners in his reality like he explicitly mentioned. Also I’m not the first one to address this either.

And yes like you said there are people who tried it many times despite me saying it wont work. Also I hope no one finds it offensive that I’m using captains word as a reference as people who attempts these stuff don’t tend to belive what I say anyway so maybe they will take this bit seriously (and in case if anyone misunderstood I’m not referring to Bobby who commanted above specifically but rather those people I just spoke of). But my point is that the protection mechanism is the things that will stop the access (people who are clairvoyant or see things can double check this) but it would be a different case if it wasn’t there and any creators can add these kind of stuff into their work for blocking access


I wasn’t talking about connecting to NFTs with protection, created by someone as advanced as Captain. But I can experience the effects of these fields without intermediaries. For example, I’m a premium subscriber to Captain, not because of the premium fields, but out of respect for Captain’s work and the impact he’s had on my life through both paid and free fields.

At the same time, I have access to premium fields operating on the NFT principle. So, when I engage with a certain field, I experience its effects, meaning it changes my inner state. The field acts as a conduit for tuning into my inner state and the effects of the field—NFT serves as a conduit between me and energies.

By interacting with this field requently and legally, I can tune into these energies and states without the specific NFT. Try to hear me. I’m no longer tuning into this field as a conduit for energies; I’m tuning into energies and states already familiar to me, which I once received from this field and which I’m familiar with.

Another example:

Imagine you have a super-expensive and super-protected NFT that tunes you into a universal state of galactic-scale joy. Let’s say you rented this NFT for a million dollars a month. This field changes your inner state, energies, and sensations.

When the lease ends, I can still tune into these states, energies, and sensations without the specific field acting as an intermediary between me and the energies. Without the NFT. I’m not interacting with either the NFT or its protections.

It’s not about stealing; it’s about choosing

Most people have lost touch with themselves, with the fact that they are creators of their lives. They think they need intermediaries. They shift responsibility onto fields, people, practices, methodologies, and use them as a resolution factor. But every person has the right to choose what to think, what to feel, how to react, how to relate to something or someone.

When you reach a level where you feel yourself not as an ego-personality but as a creator of reality (and I’m finding myself there more and more often), when you feel with your heart (rather than just understanding with your brain) that you’re connected to everything because you are everything, then you understand that you can choose anything.

For example, each of us has access right now to the entire spectrum of emotions and sensations, but you choose whether to suffer, for instance, from hatred towards your parents because you felt unwanted as a child, and you explain your life’s failures by that, instead of choosing to rejoice that your parents chose not to abort you and to be grateful to them for giving birth

Choosing to suffer from this likely creates much suffering in life.
Choosing to rejoice likely creates much joy in life.

And each of us, as a creator, as i said, chooses what to think, feel, sense, and realize. You choose where to focus your attention, and that choice creates.

So, as creators, how we perceive, we create.

That was not my point. Nor did I say what you said is incorrect. The point is that I made it in a way that people can’t have access to it anymore hence why I mentioned protection. If there wasn’t then it would have been different. That’s all there’s to it. And I didn’t disagree with what you said that it’s possible to mentally or emotionally tap into things but if I intended otherwise as the creator then that’s different case. I was referring to your specific comment “maybe we can do it with a dragon” Well one is always free to try. Let’s say even if there wasn’t protection and people were able to access the energy the being itself would refuse to follow any command due to my own will which is plain and simple. So in short no if I wasnt being clear in my previous comment. I wrote what I wrote cuz I thought I should give a clear explanation. Or feel free to correct me if you weren’t referring to dagon and something else cuz what I thought that you were speaking of accessing the field itself. If not then I probably misunderstood your comment

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I extremely rarely comment on such things in public, but this just hit the spot.

Oh really. Have you ever been gaslighted and abused for decades to the point of regular mental breakdowns, asylum-grade? When conditioning is so severe every single tool for removing it fails? Try getting out of that without intermediaries or any assistance. Out of the condition, alone and without support, when your psyche melts and you don’t even understand who you are anymore.

Honestly, I’d buy a ticket to that show just to watch people who cannot even begin to comprehend the levels of someone’s pain or dissociation experience it firsthand because of their arrogance.

If not for these fields, some people, myself included, wouldnt even reach the point where they started revealing that they are masters of their lives and realities, not somebody or something else.

Should I rejoice and be grateful for lifelong humiliation? I don’t think so, Homey don’t play dat (c).

The way from that hatred to acceptance and gratefulness is a road out of hell literally, there are a lot of factors involved. Saying “just choose” without experiencing the abuse firsthand or spending decades trying to rebuild your self-confidence and self-esteem just to be able to make that choice in the end, and saying “hey, you built that reality” is extremely arrogant.

That said, don’t you dare poking people here with this “reality creator choices” bs, and it feels like guilt-tripping, like, “hey, it’s your problem because you forgot it’s your choice”. Nobody needs preachers, people need assistance and it’s provided by sharing experiences how to get out of these nightmares and start living and shaping their reality, and tools to work with. That’s how we are connected. By reaching out with a helping hand, not saying “hey, you have a choice pal, look at me, I’m the reality creator here, woooooo!”.

Well, I’m the Lone fkin Ranger, so what? People started understanding they have a choice here. It’s a safe haven, not a “rock out with your cock out” or “Reality Creator Of The Year” show.

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Yes, I was an unwanted child, my father didn’t want me, and my mother gave birth to me as a second child only so that one child would remain in case something happened to another

Yes, I was gaslighted for over 10 years as a child, to the point where I didn’t leave the house for months and began to be afraid of people.

Yes, I had 4 of the five injuries from Liz Burbo’s book “Five Injuries”

Yes, throughout my childhood I experienced a lack of love and wanted to commit suicide.

Now I understand that it was my choice to think and feel this way.

I did not say that intermediaries are not needed. Even rigid religions are needed at certain stages of life. But then you realize that at certain levels of consciousness development, many of the intermediaries and gurus limit you very much.

it’s your choice to think that way
if you think this is the road from hell, then it will be like that for you
because how we perceive is how we create our reality

I am writing about my experience
you can use it or not
and I absolutely don’t care what anyone thinks about this

I’ll tell you one thing now
the fact that you just responded to a message that was not intended for you, this suggests that you saw some parts of yourself in a mirror reflection and this triggered you

What you wrote to me is what you wrote to yourself
What you write to someone else - is never about anyone else, it’s always about what’s inside you

At the level of feeling unity with everything and awareness of yourself as everything, there are no ego templates and they cease to influence you, so they do not trigger you

But when the ego is inflated, and even traumatized, that’s when bad things happen
Read your text in the context of the fact that it was not you who wrote to someone, but that you wrote to yourself
If you want to figure it out, take the tools for dissolving the ego created by the Captain or Matreya and you will see your template

I’m telling you that you are omnipotent and not even created in the image and likeness of God, but you are God, … to which you respond with internal aggression … " no, I’m a little traumatized man who has shrunk himself to the size of a standard person who needs to protect himself from the world, suffer, overcome obstacles, with a huge feeling of guilt, lack of self-confidence… probably also with a huge number of defenses on you"

Well, ok, it’s your choice to perceive yourself this way and life this way.

ps: imagine two children
one believes that he will succeed in everything in life and will achieve everything he desires. And the second one considers himself a failure and believes that he will achieve nothing in life
Who has a better chance of success?
This is a rhetorical question, you don’t have to answer it

Good luck )

PS: Sai Baba was once asked a question: Who are you?
Answer: I am God. So you are also God, only your eyes are closed.

Also, pay attention to what energies are behind your text and what energies are behind mine.

How they feel.

Now you are unlikely to be able to pull me down the vibrational scale if I don’t want it, because if you exalt yourself above your divided ego, then feeling like everything, you feel big and massive, I would say huge and it is almost impossible for you to lower me to your level of perception, i.e. to lower my vibrations


Look, I am a Creator - and I choose how to perceive the text written by you. Because the way I perceive something is how I create it. And I myself choose to create something different, and how to respond to aggression. Although I have enough arguments and words to really hurt your ego. But I’m not interested. On the contrary, I am interested in making you think, become more energetic, joyful, more grateful… and so on.

One person can change the lives of millions with his word. I will add some awareness to one person, thanks to these awarenesses he will become a healthier cell and pass it on. We end up playing a game together called “waking up the humanity.”

PS: Feel that any thought that you come into contact with yourself, it begins to manifest itself. As soon as you take your attention into your hands, you begin to be a creator. You are capable of creating anything. Imagine that everyone will be aware of themselves as a god every second. And that avery second he creates his own reality …What will this world be like? How much better or worse will it be? This will be the world of the Gods.

Although this is already the world of the gods. The truth is that for now this is a world of people who do not recognize themselves as Gods.
Unconscious creations.

I am really sorry to hear that. I really am. But how this could have been your choice - with the exception of the possible choice of your soul for evolving and gaining experience - is a bit beyond my comprehension. A child with malleable psyche and consciousness cannot make such choices in the first place.

I can sure imagine that. My point was this: to get to a certain level of understanding you need to remove this “set to fail” programming. Again, how an unconscious mind of a child in your opinion can make such choices in a situation where he / she is programmed against happiness is again beyond my comprehension.