Debate Club (aka The Bro Down !)

I don’t understand.
Do we close/purge the old Venting thread too?
Quite stagnant and ugly energy there…

Maybe you guys (mods) erase from it a little bit every week?

BTW I’m all for making the forum more fresh, with more clean vibes.

Feel free to erase my Venting and depressing comments (I mean those where I didn’t ask for help, but I just complained about the world, life, etc., many of them are pointless and not really useful), from anywhere.

(if you want)
(heck, I even thank you if you do, since I know that I posted waay too much stuff around this forum)

I wish that Everyone (who suffers) will receive as much help as possible, I’m afraid that there are waay to many people who suffer and way too few who are wiling to help.

If only more people would have more compassion, how much more beautiful would life be!

(I’m not talking about me here, you guys offered help every time I asked.)


Yes, it will disappear on Sunday night

I agree
But sometimes, people just wanna vent


For the most part…the venting thread is a conversation starter so it’s fine.

But I don’t support this. I will make a back-up of everything I can, I guess.

Think Indra’s Net. We are all connected in the energetic matrix of the forum. This is another opportunity for transmutation of the burden that many have felt while going through the exercises of life. Instead of just letting the venting energy hang out, it is vent + violet flame. You have an entire week to go through the thread and pull out your favorite parts. The idea of venting is to let go. This is the other half.


I don’t think that people don’t answer questions because they are busy with private projects.

3 years ago, there were no answers. We all shared our experiences, then we organized, made threads after threads of explanations, collections of posts, FAQs, all a search away.
Many people here have answered the same questions over and over and over, it feels like writing for nothing. Like there is no memory in-built in the community.

You’ve made 38 post. I don’t think you’ve been “helping” that much and before someone thinks it, no, it’s not an attack. Not really. Some of the people who answer the most now are also the ones who answered at the beginning. What happened to all those who’ve read and learned ?

It’s not always new users asking the same questions that have been answered in 10 threads, some time it’s the same exact users who already had answers multiple times.

After a while it does feel pointless, it does.
You log in, same question, you reply. Log back later, someone else ask it, you reply. Then you see it again, you copy paste their questions in the search bar and see a list of answers for that question.

Imagine if you spent hours writing stories with metaphors, detailing the processes and giving informations, over and over. On weekends, late nights, noon. Best case scenario, the enthusiasm fades. It’s human.

I noticed that original problems tend to receive more answers and engagement, 90% of the time (being generous here), it’s been answered for years, one old timer at a time.

There are even old memes about the repetitiveness of the questions on the forum.

Then, now that we know each other, many of us don’t necessarily have projects, but chit chat in private groups. Often 1 on 1, these are friendships with more intimate conversation. Some people only log in to chat with their friends.

Lastly, as the forum expands and older users leave, the initial brotherhood fades a bit and the individual impact becomes less important. It’s also harder to keep track of what goes on.


This here.

I have stopped replying to most questions because these have been answered here so many times again and again and people who are too lazy to simply use the search function do not deserve to receive an answer in my opinion. It is already all written out. Using the forum search function is like using Google or ChatGPT. You enter the terms or question and read the answers. Lol, it is that simple. How lazy can people be?

If I click on someone’s profile and see that they have been around here for many months or even years but have read less than 50k posts, then I know where their priorities in life are. If they really would want to learn they would have been reading the forum everyday and learning instead of watching YouTube or Netflix etc.

I also have stopped replying to questions in PMs if the answers are already on the forum. So many people are just too lazy to search and read.

Seeking help is fine. However please note, and I am speaking from my personal viewpoint here only, but if someone has their profile hidden, this is an indicator for me that the person is hiding itself, not playing with open cards and not being open enough to the world. In these cases I usually do not reply to any questions of such people as well. This is what I personally do and how I see it and others might see it similar. It do not have the time to reply to some anons, so whoever seeks helps should be at least be open to some degree if they, in return, want the world to be open to their problems.


Does anyone think that these recent attacks against the Sapien Med community are an act of organized dark forces?

Nah i personally dont think so.

Normally there are negative vibrations, haters, jealousy, plots to disrupt the peace any and every where, psychic attacks rampages etc all - the - time. Its nothing new.

Why is more noticeable for us? because we are more energy sensitive and more in tune with our surroundings than the media out there.

The thing is that the more we evolve, higher we reach and more awaken we are the more we are able to recognize when something feels off around, but there are things we should never forget:

1- that a lot of times (big majority of times) how we feel the world/people/events is a reflection of what is going on inside of us, from fear, paranoia, traumas, self mechanism to build conspiracy stories in our heads triggered by the people we hang out with, what we read and what we heard. Basically what we let our senses to consume.

2- that just because we are able to see/feel and experience better things than the majority thanks to all energy products, we (on different levels and intensity) tend to try to “experience” the opposite of that, thus seeing and believing more than what it really is. Its human nature.

3- that ironically and most of the times unconsciously, we are driven by our Ego to feel like there are terrible things happening we should work on fixing because “we know better” we have certain abilities, some powers etc.

Again. Human nature.

To give you a simple example, when someone is fresh out of university, or had just finished a course, or learned something new, everywhere they go they see issues “surprisingly” related to what they just learned. Lol but the issues were always there, they just notice them now because they have the knowledge now to fix it :)

Unconsciously they are eager to apply what they know so they attract that and the brain picks up where their attention should go to. They want to find the issues!!

4- that if those things are actually real… we just need to keep centered and simply create the daily/weekly habits to be unaffected and clean. Just like we brush our teeth daily to keep the bacteria away, we must do the same with the low energies around.
And just in case they are not real or not as bad or is just a conspiracy in our head, we must keep our mental worlds, inner voice in check and clean as well as uncluttered.

Be PRESENT. always not to worry but to flow.

BE A DETACHED OBSERVER. Flowing connected to your heart, have 1 or 2 protections whatever you choose, have some energetic cleaning habits, and practice mindfulness. Every - day.

And youll be alright. No matter what happens out there.

Now there is a lesson for everybody with all of this even for Dream. Even if we are far from looking for the negative around, we must keep in check what is happening to us inside, if something feels off, whether is physically, mentally or spiritually we should tackle it right away before it grows, never think you have all under control or you can manage in a blink of an eye because sometimes we cannot. And we are all humans at the end of the day.

Even him, and thats why we have to respect his space and let him heal at his pace, im sure he will come bk even stronger but this is not about how come this happened to him or to his forum or to his channel? SH*T happens, simple as that. Its when we get bk up dust ourselves and continue growing and learning where we show our real strength and power. All of us.

This too shall pass.

I sincerely admire his humbleness and his self confidence to come out and literally say to the people that lives through his fields for a better healthier life, that he is sick and needs time to heal and recover.

That alone shows more power in him than anything else.

He didnt have to say it, but he did, and for that once again, my upmost respect and admiration.


sry but i don’t think answers can be done in general.

every person that is asking for answers is unique and having a unique moment in the context of their life.

a person asking for help related to psychological trauma will have a totally different context and background from another person asking the exact same question. so, both persons have to be approached in a different fashion.

the main issue with forums is that it’s not as fast as discord or whatsapp, so, you need to ask more questions for the person to arrive to better answers.

dialogue is much more expansive across time.

so, if you need to address someone’s questions you need to question them, and then maybe question their answers to your question. and that takes time before you arrive to right answers.

maybe a person is asking for a field for their back, and the issue has to do with their feet. but you never get to that answer if you just take stuff as face value and treat every person with a general optic assuming everything their say has a transcendent meaning that is self-evident to themselves and yourself too.

I think that Americans (I mean U.S.A. and maybe some Western Europeans as well) have an innate need to export their culture and present it as superior, and for a while it was, but nowadays trying to impose the new transexual agenda on the whole world, I’m sorry, we don’t appreciate such values, Romanians don’t appreciate it, Eastern Europe doesnt, the Muslim world doesn’t, many Traditional countries throughout the world don’t, we have our own values and I feel and I think that they are Better.

It’s A new form of Imperialism, a new “cultural” one.

I feel that each society should stick with their Male and Female Dynamic, not (to) be obliged by Westerners to adhere to their standards.

Edit: just to be clear, I’m Not condemning transsexuals, just this elitist cultural push from the West to oblige anyone to accept it as the Norm.
It is not the norm for most countries and societies and we shouldn’t be attacked for wanting to stick with our own traditions and cultures.

A Catholic or Orthodox Priest should Never be obliged or pressured to promote or accept anything that is sinful in his Religion, religious people should have their rights protected, including the right for Priests to marry people according to their religious beliefs and practices - Just to give an example of rights being infringed (upon) nowadays, all in the name of tolerance.

@Dr_Manhattan @Rosechalice Can you please move this in the debate thread?
Thank You.

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I think this is a largely social media/lockdown thing, Most Americans don’t think about other countries, let alone what their male/female dynamic should be. Not. At. All.

It’s true that our films and television have all sorts of messaging, but I haven’t seen much trans messaging, but there’s so much cultural product these days that I can’t really keep up, so I suppose it’s out there.

Now, it’s a live issue in the education system and that story is in the our news, and our news does have a point of view. I realize that our news is global news, but that’s not an intentional thing on the part of most Americans, a fair number of whom probably share your beliefs on these matters.


Yeah, I know, that’s why I said

The vast majority of Americans are clearly in no position to influence others, I meant from the upper strata, the elite, anyway, yeah, unintentionally I made it seem like the American people are at fault - Sorry.

Also, yes, indeed, many Westerners share similar views to mine.

Fair enough. I’m not even sure the elite folks in the US care that much about other countries. Davos Man knows he supposed to care, but mostly this is dropped at the earliest convenience. This is more a matter of corporate board governance through asset management groups, and I think they many see these movements as a way to keep the left from focusing on labor/immigration issues in any way that affects corporate earnings.

I suppose they’re some cultish types, but the elite are not cultish. Some folks going to elite universities are, but they are aspirational elite, who have picked up these beliefs as necessary truths to navigate HR structures. These beliefs work as a sort of doublethink. What’s worse is spreading to other mid corporate and government settings. Still, I would argue this post-Floyd progressive swing is already fading.

I guess what I don’t understand is the path of the cultural influence. Is it NGOs? Social strings on aid money?

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problem is that people were already coerced into a binary and artificial gender spectrum.

why boys have to play with boys and girls with girls.

or why blue for boys or pink for girls.

all that crap is virtual and artificial.

by letting kids do their thing without coercing them into identities, they will do whatever they want.

transexualism is a byproduct of an artificial gender identity.

without gender identity there cannot be boys thinking they’re a girl because they like pink and playing with dolls.

most of transexuals come from very conservative families in which gender roles are very binary and they’re being coerced into one side of the spectrum.

if that wasn’t the case, a boy wouldn’t think he’s a girl because he likes pink or playing with dolls because he wouldn’t give a shit about it.

he starts to care about his identity once he has the social construction that pink and playing with dolls is for girls, then, if he likes pink, playing with dolls or playing with girls he will start to doubt his entire identity and may delude himself into believing he’s a girl.

because identity is an artificial construct based on delusion. not a biological and metaphysical existence.

people who delude themselves into believing that identity is a biological and metaphysical entity become mentally ill.

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or ill bodies due to hormonal disbalances (food, water, plastic wrappings etc.) and therefore not optimal development.

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Okay, if that’s the case, why are transsexuals numbers increasing at this cultural moment? Are conservative families a growing demographic?

We would have to define conservatism.

I say that even many so-called left wingers are very conservative.

This means that they see the world through binary lenses.

Non-binarism and Binarism is also a binary spectrum.

For binarism to not exist one must cease to exist too.

LGBTQ+ ideologues and theorists are trapped into believing they can scape the matrix by creating a new meta-matrix, but that meta-matrix is just another matrix.

To really escape the matrix one must drop identity completely and embrace uncertainty, void and emptiness.

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The only problem with this is that being a Dad or a Mom is an Identity too…

Let’s drop the parent identity and leave the children to survive by themselves lol…

No, I really mean it, we need some identity and identification, while living in a physical body at least, to make things easier.

(btw, that’s a stupid text in that meme)

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Yea, it’d be better to have open identities.

Being a dad or mom can mean different things.

The more close and limited that definition is, the less potential and possibilities are open for you.

Being a dad could mean being a very serious dude that ignores his children and spends all his weekend on a couch drinking beer and watching the game shouting at a screen.

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I do get your point, identity does not equal responsability…