Deceased people


I tend to have deceased people around me all day and they keep coming in my mind and also invade my space. I’ve tried visualizations, told them to leave, booted bhoots, get rid of entity removal by sapien med and demonic banishing however nothing seems to work. It’s been 2 years now and I can’t seem to take it anymore. Does anyone have a solution to this?

Angelic Intercession → ask Angels to help guide those souls into the higher astral planes


Very solid advice here ^ Intercessions work great for this.


One of the most unfortunate aspects of being able to ‘see’ is that entities, spirits and whatnot will notice that you do and be… pretty annoying about it. I’ve known people who had to deal with people who just passed and wanted to get a message out and whatever and it’s just a nuisance. That’s why I tell people that is NOT an ability you want to have. It’s more annoying than anything.


Sometimes spirits get stuck on this plane and need a little help crossing over. You can do this for them.

You can do this easily using a pendulum. A mineral pendulum, like quartz, is best.

If interested lookup Raymon Grace videos on YouTube. He offers excellent instruction on dowsing and pendulum work.


Ah i’ve tried that. Apparently all the deceased are negative and tried to possess me and destroying gods and goddesses at least from what ive seen, itll be where the deity has come to help but gets attacked by the deceased and then leaves or does nothing.

99% of the deceased go back to the astral planes, a few lost souls remain wandering around, refusing to change or move on or because they think they have open bills to settle etc.

Those 1% lost souls, most of these are not looking for possesing someone and are definitely not able to “destroy” or even “treathen” a Deity being.

If the deceased person does not want to be helped, that okay. Free will etc.

But if the deceased person is proactively attacking others, then it is time for an excorcism of sorts… but not in the sense of what many try to do on this forum, i.e. using shielding fields and exorcism fields and without having to work on themselves (“I will just shield myself so that I personally don’t have to actually change”),…

…but instead with what actually works, i.e. raising vibration, with fields that raise your and the environmental vibration (which also triggers the work on yourself as a side effect):

  • Deep Aura/Energy Body Cleaning/Clearing
  • Raise Environmental Vibration
  • Angelic Vibrations 2.0
  • Raise Your Vibrational State
  • Star Being Experience

Make yourself and your environment UNBEARABLE and INVISIBLE for the low vibe person by raising your personal vibration.

Most of the shielding and exorcism is not necessary if people would just constantly raise their vibrations.

The Number 1 reason why people are even visible to low vibe souls, is because their are vibrationally not too far apart from each other.

Ever asked yourself why Angels don’t need armor and shields in most cases? It is because 1. they are invisible to lower vibe entities in the first place and 2. their high vibration is unbearable for most low vibe entities.

I recommend you use vibration increase fields for several hours per day for several weeks and then see whether all of those negativ entities have finally moved aways from you.



tips: @Nav174

1- dont talk about it to anyone, not even “them” asking them to leave etc. because they are everywhere, if they confirm/notice/know you can see them, hear them etc they come around more and more and pass on the news to others.

2- keep your vibration high, if they want to leave the high vibration eventually catch on to them and help them go to where they should go without you doing anything. and if they dont want to leave they just want to suck on energy or bother around, the high vibration and light you emanate will push them away cause they dont want to be “gone”

3- Dragon Golems are the bomb to help them transitioning going to their next destination

4- until you make peace with that, try to avoid going to funerals, cemeteries etc. they smell who can feel them.



In my opinion the solution is not hiding behind a cloak or shield, but to actually proactively raise your own vibration.

Because if you don’t do the work on yourself, you are doomed for having to use cloaking and shielding solutions for life…

The negative entities are the symptom, not the source.

maybe as a temporary solution so you can do the other things in peace so you can get rid of them forever?

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Yeah, that’s totally fine.

Statistically though, nothing is more permanent than the temporary… :wink:

@Nav174 posted this as well, probably best to sort this out first


I’m trying to tackle it both medically and spiritually as of course no doctor believes in spirits etc but i know the actions are spirits.

FACTS, keeping it 100

it’s fun and games, until the madness begins.

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This is also sound advice, we don’t know if the poster is prone to schizophrenia, watches too much media, or is honestly dealing with that type of non-alive entity which is just left over energy. So why not cover all bases, medically, or withdrawal from sensory-stimuli, then use fields or the divine for dealing with that problem.

Edit: pls seek medical help.

I just read this

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@JAAJ Angelic Vibration is powerful, and Im glad you keep promoting it over and over. Hopefully overtime other’s will understand its inherent power.


Thank you!

Also, right now, this very moment, would be the final chance to get Angelic Intercession+ NFT for those who were still on the fence.


Just ignore them. There’s nothing much you can do about it. It’s the same way we can’t make other people leave. Ignoring them will make them stop bothering you so much. This is what I usually do when I am done reading with them.

We live in a world of humans. They are just there, and so are the dead ones.