šŸ¦· Dental Tech: Preventive Restorative Dentistry (Public)

Various reasons, including not immediate usability as with products from Gumroad (like the Wallet).

you can use it instantly after purchase, without even downloading it to your wallet
email with a link to download the audio will be sent to you instantly too

My parents were once afraid to use e-banking. But they learned, and now they canā€™t imagine themselves without this technology.

Good luck with your decision. :slightly_smiling_face:


Unfortunately due to constant Piracy of Gumroad products Sapien M is releasing almost everything as NFTs.

I dont think thats gonna change, so i think its better to just get accustomed to that. It might be a bit of work at first but heyā€¦ you are getting invaluable products at an incredible low price.

Its your choice at the end :) but NFT option for releases wont go away as long as Piracy exists.


Hahah same!!


Thatā€™s exactly what I was implying.
that sooner or later everyone will have to deal with it.

thank you for that post. :wink: :pray:


On a more fun newsā€¦

I was just a while ago saving the picture to be printed and when i looked at it with intention thinking how beautiful it was i immediately felt like if this had been put on my teeth :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


And a feeling of fresh mint fill up my mouth

Like if i had just had a full teeth/mouth professional cleaning.

And that was 5 seconds.

I havent even listened to the audio :grimacing: i forgot yesterday haha.

Ill start everything today im exicted!!!


Probably a frivolous question :blush: - but is teeth whitening an included concept here? Thanks.


absolutely yes

all dental services

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular aesthetic services. :tooth:


Thanks, @Ugninis - if you are involved, there is no reason not to buy this one :innocent:

All your collaborations with Dream have been Holy Grail fields in my playlist.

Getting it this evening once I get homeā€¦


I think we will all be waiting for your first / initial impressions :grin: :tooth: :boom:


:point_up_2: :100: :trophy: :boom:


the face scluptor has teeth in it too. avaliable on gumroad.


I will most likely get this one! I know it heals teeth, but if the majority of a molar is hollowed out by cavity damage, would this build it up to a full tooth again; or would it be better to wait for Shark Teeth Clinic to pop up? Something tells me this could have some of those abilities added in anyway.


this project is complete, and it is provided in limited quantities
a copy can most likely be found on the secondary market, but in this case that is not necessary

this (this) project is absolutely holistic and comprehensive, recreating a modern dental clinic in an energy format

These are identical projects, but created on a slightly different basis. I will not compare and detail them, it would take a huge amount of time, and it is not important

I canā€™t guarantee you a complete restoration of the tooth, many results take a long time

if a large part of the tooth is damaged, it may be worth going to specialists to restore with modern methods and maintain and prevent problems that have not yet arisen (with this product)


I just got this yesterday! I figured it could help still for preventing further damage. Iā€™ve had great results with basic fields, but this one seems special. Even as I was putting in payment details, my whole mouth was buzzing a bit! The NFT was getting ready to connect just off my intention to claim it. Iā€™ve never had another one do that before.

I was happy to see you had made it as well. I had only read good experiences about other projects of yours. Thank you for doing this one. I will also look into physical treatment as well.


This NFT is seriously powerful.

I did not have much results with the other teeth fields in the past.

My gums bleed a bit at times if i brush my teeth fast, i noticed that i had lost a lot of enamel, i dont know if it was due to eating a lot of citrics or tea or what.

And i had a little bit of plaque/tartar on the inside of my lower front teeth, not much but stubborn that it wouldnt go away and i hateeeeed it lol

2 days or 3 using this i dont remember.

My teeth are shining, feel incredibly clean and soft (soft because the enamel is back i guess)

The tartar is almost gone like a good 80% not kidding.

Not bleeding anymore but i still have some pain around

Also like a month ago i had to go to the dr for ear pain and swelling, unfortunately i had to take meds which i hate and very rare take i always look for a natural approach and of course Sapien fields, but none was helping much the inflammation or ears stucky feeling.

I didnt even finish them, i cut the treatment on the 5th day because of the side effects and they werent even healing me anyway.

One of the side effects was a dry mouth and tongue. Jesus it was awful and it wasnt going away, i just had to wait and wait i guess.

I finally feel my tongue coming back to normal like a good 50% wetter.


Oh and i charged the tooth paste and washmouth

And they feel strong :muscle: as heck as well!


I was gonna hold off on this since I have the other teeth fields but after having to get my cracked molar removed Iā€™m honestly so irritated with this space being there. All my other teeth are really straight and no longer yellow because of the Shark teeth clinic. But by any means necessary I need a new tooth there so that is my fuel for purchase.


Due to some recent allergies, my teeth and gums have been sensitive. Heard this field 6 times before bed. Woke up with no sensitivity.


how to charge toothbrush(?) ,toothpaste and mouthwash
and what are the benefits of doing it?


while playing audio, or looking at a mandala near which there is a dental care product, imagine that the product is saturated with additional powerful energetic elements

fantasize :grin:

an additional factor of protection, healing and care