šŸ¦· Dental Tech: Preventive Restorative Dentistry (Public)

thank you,
then by doing these, family members will also get benefit from the field.


I am sure that they will also get additional benefits in the use of standard hygiene products.


But shouldnā€™t fields like Plasma Flaunt, Blueprint of Life, Smart Stem Cells etc. be able to restore the nerves back?
I mean the original informational template is still thereā€¦


We need data and concrete confirmation.
The question is always about the person - how long is he or she willing to wait?
similar dilemma with those who donā€™t have a tooth

how long is a person willing to wait for it to grow with the help of the fields?
to wait for it to grow or to go to a specialist and get an implant?
wait for the nerve to form or invest in a physical restoration and solve the problem of aesthetics much faster?

I absolutely believe in the Captain and his work, but we are all different and our bodies are different.
my approach is that in certain critical cases it is better to use different comprehensive approaches to solve problems quickly


To find a naturally well-positioned jaw and teeth, a well-placed tongue posture, there will be an effect that will approach Mewing?


Does this help with gum regeneration too? Didnā€™t see it in description.

This :



the sooner you understand that this is a comprehensive, complete care and treatment for your oral problems, the less time youā€™ll waste searching for specific terminology in the description

questions like ā€œwill this help me with problem Xā€ can be endless

will it help you personally - I do not know

as an example - maybe you smoke 5 packs a day, which will neutralize all recovery processes (this is just a neutral example)
or you constantly drink strong alcohol - which constantly burns the mucous membrane of your mouth
or your diet is not balanced and lacks certain elements, etc.

or you have catastrophic plaque and calculus on your teeth, which cause gradual displacement of the epithelium, favored by the anatomical structure of the mucosa of the mouth and narrow gums.
or your brushing isnā€™t quite right - brushing your teeth often causes mechanical damage to the gum tissue. At first glance, it may not seem like a big deal. But if the damage occurs regularly, the condition of the gums noticeably worsens, causing the development of various pathologies. That is why it is recommended to use different personal care items carefully, choosing brushes of appropriate hardness.

These are extreme examples, but they are representative: Each situation is very individual, different :grin:

Take care of yourself and use all available methods to stay healthy :)

Also, do not forget to visit your dentist periodically for an assessment of your condition and for natural prevention. And share your feedback if you have any. :slightly_smiling_face:


I got it, thanks.

Bought this field a few days ago, it promises very well. I used to listen to the teeth whitening field and the old gumroad plasma teeth, I admit that they stretched the playlist beyond what I wanted.

Having a perfect mix of the 2 boosted by several times and in NFT form is ideal. Iā€™ll share results soon, but for now my teeth feel stronger.

They seem to get whiter and look better overall so far.


Most dentists recommend brushing x2 times a day :grin:


I bought this for 3 days ago, and I have a question: does it works for alignment of the teeth?


orthodontics has been included. Please read the project plan again, and read again what I have written here. how this aspect will affect you, I do not know. My orthodontic issues were resolved before this project.
To reinforce and concretize the effect, consider this audio

I would also consult with an orthodontist. Many problems are now solved in 3-6 months. Iā€™m sure - these fields will speed up the results several times over and save you a lot of money. I have paid a lot of money for every orthodontist visit in the past


Thanks for the reply, you have been very clear. Iā€™ve been using Plasma teeth for 1 year almost and havenā€™t had many results, but with this P&R, I have to say itā€™s much better, and by the way thanks for the tip!


I am a proponent and practitioner of holistic approaches, combined with personal responsibility for oneā€™s health and well-being, focused action, supportive aspects of specialists and powerful tools from Captain :muscle: :grin: = :bomb: :fire: :boom: :heavy_check_mark:


I just bought it !


What was your listening protocol?

I listen 4 times during the day and 4 times on the night playlist. (I donā€™t always listen at night, but thatā€™s about it). Then I always try to interact with certain mandalas during the day, so I would say itā€™s a constant effect (this is why NFTs are great)


my white coated tongue is probably finally getting healthy pink. really fast!
i tried fungus and and bacteria quite often but they never did anything for my tongue.
but this weekend they seem to do it great.
the whole mouth is probably better now with the dentist field. or the luxury wellness, that fields work better?
also took homeopathy but i do that often.


Can it solve the problem of grinding teeth during night sleep caused by stress?