Detachment for Spiritual Growth

I mean detachment from material desires

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Yes, this is in a self what the field is trying to teach you.

Seeking an end result, work with the field and allow it to drive where it does. Have faith.


Makes sense, we cannot spiritually grow while being attached to material desires. This is what I understand.


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Doesn’t need to be material, im not attached to materials either, but sometimes difficulties can arise from attaching to an outcome or a person.

Detachment for Spiritual Growth is for all not just material desires.

I was hit by bad news yesterday and i said ok be it.


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Terima kasih @Dreamweaver

Sudah beberapa kali tuhan memberi solusii atas semua masalah melalui audio² dari anda…

Mungkin ini yang dinamakan divine timing, semua solusi hadir di saat dibutuhkan…

Seperti audio ini… hadir disaat aku benar benar sudah pasrah kepada tuhan tentang apa yang harus aku lakukan di perjalanan ini…

Sekali lagi terima kasih


Thanks @Dreamweaver

Several times God has provided solutions to all problems through audio² from you…

Maybe this is what is called divine timing, all solutions are present when needed…

Like this audio… it came when I really surrendered to God about what I should do on this trip…

Once again, thank you


Thank you so much for this.

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This field is beautiful and deeply nourishing. The depth of surrender is supreme like being held in the most glorious golden elixir of the divine. Tears of gratitude well up as I have always known somehow that this state of mind was possible. My deepest gratitude to you dear Sapien. And even more poignant as you give to us so selflessly.


Can people elaborate on detachment please?

On one hand, I understand it, and experienced it in some aspects of my life
On the other hand, how does one supposed to have a goal and detach from it?

  1. How does it work in terms of energy, law of attraction, and the whole belief of “where attention goes energy grows” ?
  2. Does one need to first have desire and then turn it to detachment?
    It doesn’t make any sense in my head to not want/desire something and that way I’ll achieve it.

Help cause I’m confused :rofl:


This scared me (means it’s just the field I need) until I realized quantum love came just before, and an advanced version with resilience just after.

To the ultimate adventure :beers:


i’m no expert in law of attraction but i think i can make a conjecture from psychoanalysis.

desire and lack creates obstacles.

paradoxically, what you desire is what you feel you lack and you desire it exactly because of that (because you feel you don’t have it).

feeling that you don’t have something structures a reality in which your object of desire stays unattainable/unaccesible. in other words, the object of your desire that you’re lacking is the obstacle that produces your matrix of experience/belief system/thoughts/etc.

by removing that obstacle (lack and desire), that which you used to desire becomes another organic part of your reality that’s open for you to experience, in other words, becomes attainable and self-sabotage is over.

it’s paradoxical because once you’re sure you can get it, you no longer want it that bad as you used to.


Thank you for that!
It is paradoxical indeed… :rofl:

I’ll add to my confusion a little explanation,
Learning about detachment is making me feeling a lot of pressure around my growth and goals.

Let’s say I really wanna talk to a particular person, I have found out in the past that the more I wanna talk to them, the less I enjoy it when it is actually happening, and most times I don’t even talk to them at all at the end.
The second approach in this same scenario is being aware of how much I wanna talk to that person, but redirecting my mind to stay occupied with other things (aka, detaching from my desire to talk to this person)
With the second approach I always have a way better experience, I’m more myself, I’m more relaxed, less expectations, and if I get to talk to them, it’s fullfiling in a different way.

But let’s take it to a different goal,
Let’s say I have a desire to live a more healthy lifestyle and take care of my body, get stronger.
This goal and desire require me to have a plan,
What am I going to eat? How much should I sleep? What can I correct and change in my current schedule,
How many days should I workout, what exercises are best for my goal?

In goal A, if I talk to the person or not - I’ll move on, it’s ok.
In goal B, how can I detach and still achieve it? It makes no sense, I have a desire to get stronger so I make sure to have my 4 days a week of workout… My desire drives the action…

If I don’t desire something, I would probably won’t listen to it’s field for example…

Would love to hear more opinions and viewpoints on this! :white_heart:

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you can detach from pathological forms of goals.

our attachments and desires are networks of multiple connections with multiple emotional and ideological charges.

for example, if you want a healthy lifestyle and you can’t have it right now, there are multiple reasons for that.

it may be that you have friends that have eating problems and every time they invite you to have dinner or launch they go to mcdonalds and you end up eating fast food more than you would want to. many other factors too.

letting go of these things are going to help you to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

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Never heard the term “pathological forms”

Is there anywhere you recommend reading more about this topic?

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dunno, i came up with that stuff. i honestly don’t know if there are any authors that work it like that.