Discussion for other Creator Channels

Multiple levels, a version of your self which occupies each level.

The highest self is the version of your consciousness which reaches the highest level you currently have access to.


Think of it as a light hitting multiple refractive surfaces … each surface causes the light to grow dimmer and diverge into more shades … the original light would be the highest expression of you.

Honestly, I keep repeating the same answers to the same questions, how do you not grow dizzy from all this spinning in circles, lol.

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I try to keep up, hope you guys don’t get offended :)

This is just such a bizarre statement tbh…

It’s neither a race, nor is it a debate.

You’re the only one who either benefits or fails to benefit from it.

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Part of what that meant was that I didn’t come across or conceptualize such an explanation previously (not being around the forum entirely)


@Dyst0p14n Testing this out today! I’m aware of all the submakers you mentioned. I also took a look at the one you recommended and im cool with experimenting with that one considering the benefits mentioned.

Unrelated, running Speed Up Physical Changes multiple times actually made my face hurt by itself which is crazy.

@anon83343177 We love a defined face but theres a benefit in there that says less than 0% facial adipose tissue which is a bit concerning. That aside it looks like it would actually pair perfectly with The Deep Facial Remodeling since its an overhaul! Im a big fan of what going into the angel skull look though! So i will be playing around with some of those bundled subs but I love the idea of focusing on a single change at a time as well.


Yeah but these aren’t really literal – these are forms of exaggeration added to the sub just to get the “fastest results” etc.

Wow it must have recognized the changes you’re aiming for!

Yes it’s like remodelling subconscious version :)

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yeah i think, with every subliminal maker, whenever they become extraordinarily famous, they get these kind of claims. I used to think Quadible’s energy work wasn’t safe as well because I encountered a ton of bad energies when I first started using them. It may have been in the past, but the supports will say otherwise. Same goes for Moza morph–except that mainly it’s her fame and immediate results that is bringing these kind of posts to her.

Been using since 2020; nothing bad at all.


i’ll trust her more if you say so! i was just somehow confused with my feelings towards the channel
and btw there’re some claims of disappearance of results etc too but you’ve found the results satisfying right?


Yes, the results have been more than satisfying. There are some subs where I prefer other subliminal makers of course. My favorite has always had to be Vetala, but her channel is gone now. You can use Moza’s “All negativity has left the chat” subliminal to flush out old beliefs, feelings, and get a subconsious cleanse, and then use any of her subs. I recommend her new formulas the CR-777 and 4.0 a lot!


thank you for the recommendations!
and btw vetala has a new one and she’s reuploading everything

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I came across that but never got to save it! let me know, what’s her new channel? i love this lady! she’s extra with all her subs haha pretty immaculate one!

you’re more than welcome! :)


yes i like her a lot too!
here you go https://youtube.com/@vetala369?si=sC1mrmusNnxLKD1h


@anon83343177 I know, the exaggeration always kills me. Im like what if my subconscious takes things to far :rofl:

I would love a list of some of your fave subliminals! I just started researching them maybe a month or two ago so I’m not partial to anyone just yet!

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ahhh fantasy!!! :sparkling_heart:

thank you! I had contacted her on Insta recently to get a custom sub! that’d be my first and definitely Vetala is my go to for that!

haha I love these exaggeration stuff! They really work too well haha. The only ones where I can’t take exaggeration on is weight loss subs, THERE i am like what if my subconscious takes things far too ;D

But yeah; I’ll send you a list of subs privately but it’s mainly Moza, Vetala, Cee (specific subs), and i i think that’s my top subliminar makers - there are however specific subs that I like from other creators (and some i just find randomly haha but they are trusted) Lumiérd as well but only very select subs. S/he feels like a cult sometimes lol

You can let me know what topics you are looking for and i can recommend some :) but for anything - these 3 are my go-to!

Oh, and Slade. definitely slade.

Make them 4 :))


i feel you! and good luck with it!!

i want it i got it also amazing i like her and the overall vibe of everything


Omg! I just stumbled across Slade for the first time last week! I listened to one of her subliminals, I forget which one now, and I was in love with the vibes. I adore the overall aesthetics of the channel a lot too.

I’ve listened to at least one sub from each of the creators you mentioned except Lumiérd, I’ve never heard of them! I’ll send over a message with some topics!

@irisglitterz IWIIGI has a cool vibe! I’ve listened to a few of their subs. Im really intrigued by the whole Notes/Pinterest ones.


i’ve tried the note one and i think it worked pretty well; i had other sub/fields too but i get results from her even though i’m really inconsistent with my playlist i actually regret not sticking to them


Anyone got experience with this ?