Discussion for other Creator Channels

sorry, PU and SZ both have fields with the same name i believe.

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This post of yours is not a coincidence. Yes, I recently met my karmic soulmate and she had many traumatic negative experiences. I started meditating with the SZ karma advanced protocol. It was very difficult at first. Now everything is better. I think all the problems are solved in the astral plane. Nothing much happened in the physical plane but my perceptions were aware of what was happening in the astral plane.

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Thanks for your comment!
Its good that you’ve met someone. But Im a person struggling to meet anyone. My concern is, if I listen can it even clear karmas needed to meet someone I could have met if I hadnt done anything like SZ karma protocol. Should I just go on with my life without doing anything.

Im waiting for the creators answer but hes not replied back. But the creator wouldnt know what can happen to a listners life exactly. So if meeting someone is karmic then maybe I shouldnt listen. Thats what Im thinking.

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Thanks for your reply.
Yes as a matter of fact I have both
but stopped listening to them both because I dont know how it can affect karmas needed to meet someone.
(And SZ was overwhelming)

Can someone let me know what Clear333 is? What does it do?

I have a question for you, beautiful people - are there any pre-made radionics/manifestation devices you would recommend? I am especially interested in paper radionics/digital radionics. I’ve tried some over the years but did not get much results out of them.


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intention repeater may be good for you.


I used androstenol patreon, unconditional and goat and of course it works great, my body odor has completely changed and my girlfriend loves to sniff my pauzhe lol and forbids me to take a bath lol but when I added pheromone cologne by freedom, for the first time in my life I happened when i was walking behind 2 girls they turned 10 times to look at me and she even turned to take a picture of me with her phone


Haha looks good… Do u have Freedom Boosted Androstenol?? Cuz i wanna ask to try, Boosted Stenol + Phero cologne. If you don’t have it, let me know.

Depends ‘how you got it’ and what it actually is

Start with insight via HS, or angelic intercessions, or The Root Cause, or perhaps a custom reading… so you don’t spin too much trying everything.
Vegvisir from Maitreya might also help but I’d say inquire about it from a more direct source (things are not always what we might think they are, like for example if you suffered from SA it could also be the trauma being replayed, or it could be a shadow aspect).

Can start now: (6)
I think you can’t go wrong with / it might suffice to use both Sexual revision fields if you can (you can start now). Also AoT for those other apparitions, and maybe AoI. PU’s also got Nightmare Washer, additionally (if you’ve been dealing with these for a while, there could be an energetic momentum kind of thing)

But first: Prerequisites for any case (3)
For the SR and anything else, DO ground, as (in many cases) stuff might be brought up before they are let go, and do add Root Chakra to start, and something for fear (Amygdala… I think there is a PTSD or similar field on Patreon that might be better, so you don’t get bummed out). And Ego Diss. These are to ensure you remain calm while stuff gets ‘touched upon’ and your ego doesn’t mess with you (as it might consider it a ‘touchy’ subject). You’ll know if and when the time comes for Emotional/Trauma Release etc.


Edit: Ah I focused mostly on the succubus thing.
But do you shield?

As a rule of thumb:

  1. Protected Spaces playing in your bedroom,
  2. Exorcise/Clear the environment (most exo/banishment fields from SM also do that, but there are plenty of stuff from other creators also)
  3. Add Prerequisites from above
  4. Exorcise yourself
  5. Shield and heal aura
  6. RoST as mentioned above

See how you feel just with these for a few weeks




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No file sharing of other peoples work or our own here. Not allowed.


ok sorry


Anyone using Overcome Self-Sabotage by PU

Unreal so far…


What do you mean?

As in why it’s unreal?

If so it’s just made most bad habits and that seem completely pointless and irrelevant and I’d rather do things that will create my best life.

it’s a field with infinite potential really…


of course


This is so amazing. I had to share it with everyone! Ewfae Synergy Fields’ latest explainer video is truly phenomenal. It brilliantly showcases the power of the Zero Point, The Creator’s Project, and Phantom Power in a way that’s both inspiring and easy to grasp. This video is a must-watch. I’m excited about how impactful their new fields are. Definitely have helped me achieve some of my personal goals. I am much more relaxed now a days.


Did anyone try this audio?? Is this creator trustworthy?