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Yeah I really enjoyed the concept of Runanu and 444. I’m not energy sensitive enough to really detect how they both affect me, but interestingly enough (for me), after playing 444, on the 24th, both times I checked the clock, it was 242am and 424am (:owl:).

you lost me at “reddit”. Also read this:


I’ve explained the reason why in this post from another thread:


Does anyone use Quadible Integrity’s {GAME CHANGER!} Super Session Capacity Extender (Multi-Formula Igniter) and Superior Results BOOSTER + Hydration AMPLIFIER in same time with others audios?

I am just testing these two formulas with help of app Soundpad where I can put many audios in same time simultaneously, and so far I think these two doing what they tell, I don’t have fatigue, tiredness etc when I usually had when listening many audios before.

Sapiens one I listen morning separately but later I listen others formulas with help of this app and these two formulas

I am just wondering if anyone else listening/using these two?

These two seems good formulas and interesting if they do what they suppose to do

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Yeah, I’ve experimented with that as well. I’ve not tried so with Sapien’s audios because I’ve read on this forum that his fields shouldn’t be played simultaneously. However, MEF Dynamics says his stuff is designed to be played multiple files at a time, so I have used the method you described with his fields, to good result.


Yeah, exactly why I listen Sapiens separately as usually but now I am experimenting with QI, PI, and MEF with this method and it seems good so far

So I wondering if anyone else tried this method

Anyway, Soundpad is very good app for experimenting with this


There is this online site https://viewsync.net/ one can post their youtube links and it will play any audio simultaneously, looped them etc… just in case


Yes I have with great results honestly! I’ve been able to 10+ audios (mixture of subs and morphic fields) at once which has opened me up to really focus on a few related to my primary goals the rest of the day.

What I do is have 3 tabs of QI Gamechanger looping, 1 tab of the Hydration booster, and the rest are my ‘foundation’ stack (topics like self love, luck, confidence, fear release, and super human mutant). Then I get into a meditative state and loop these simultaneously on low volume for 20-30 minutes. I think meditative state is key because I find it easy for me to distinguish the different audio tracks running at the same time (obviously not at the same time, but I pick up on bits and pieces from the different audios throughout my meditation). I can verify this definitely works since I have not been tired, or gotten headaches from running all these audios at the same time. Also verifiable by the fact that I notice that same energy surge from super human mutant that I would when I run it alone.

I love doing this because now I can really hone in on just a select few audios throughout the rest of the day and night, which is sure to amplify the results from those. So give it a shot - test it out for yourself! I’m definitely loving what this is doing so far and plan on keeping this routine for a long time.

Also, what is this app you speak of? Do you have a link? Currently running this foundation stack on my laptop but would love to be able to do it on my phone.


And you have also this link as optional


I have seen from QI comments that Superior Results BOOSTER + Hydration AMPLIFIER mimics effects like of drinking water and even multiple all water you have drank in your body,so this boost your results when you listen formulas, and Capacity Extender or Multi-Formula Igniter expands capacity of your subconscious in multiples so you can absorb as many formulas as you can… sounds incredible but it’s what it does…so these two are pretty much excellent combinations.

But someone in QI comments recommend listening at least once before or after Recharger×1, but I don’t find it as necessary, only if you really feel yourself exhausting etc, but that’s less likely

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Two things :

  1. Tested Thomas Subliminals for a month now , He is pretty legit.
  2. As stated above QI multiple formula audio is a straight hack for people with loooong playlists , Highly recommended. (use it once before , 2-3 loops during the main playlist and once in the end and you are set)

If you have a long playlist every, single title not booster, how many times should be looped?

2-4 times is sufficient

For example, if you have six titles like A, B, C, D, E, F, and you want listen these 2x, each titles together with Quadible Capacity Extender, how should best in the example below:

  1. Capacity, AA, BB, CC, Capacity, DD, EE, FF, Capacity
  2. Capacity, A, B, C, D, E, F, Capacity, A, B, C, D, E, F, Capacity

The Latter

If you want to add Quadible Booster Hydration Amplifier as well, what position in the playlst should it be added?

I will probable place it 1x at the start and the end no more.

So the playlist could look like this:
Hydration, Capacity, A, B, C, D, E, F, Capacity, A, B, C, D, E, F, Capacity

Add One hydration one at the end and you are gold