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Views on the new love filled androstenol field cap?

Lol you mean unconditional androstenol?

That name …10/10 troll.

I dislike both androstenol and unconditional love, not sure what to tell you.

One turns you into an ape

The other numbs necessary pain

Go figure


@chainjoker Bro use Thomas’s Androstenol I am getting great results from it…like it’s crazy how good this field is

I prefer Sapien’s, or from other manufacturers such as Fabio, because what you are referring to is unisex.

what results are you getting?

Who said it’s unisexual?

Much more attention from females , respectful body language from strangers , I feel a powerful aura around me. Overall I feel much more confident and in touch with my masculinity

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Trust me, I want to use it. I just want to use it when this virus situation goes, so it is more effective in person.

Yes , that’s true! People’s reactions are the acid test of this audio!

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His stuff is good, I am hoping that the subconscious amplifier will work wonders and that it doesn’t wear off

What’s the problem? You can use it if you want, indeed you can test its effectiveness.

Which one? Androstenol or what I was talking about?

Yes Androstenol

I want to use it when I need it most. I get the feeling fields work for me at the start and then fade away in effectiveness, but I am not sure

Btw, he also mentions the method which he uses for making morphic fields. It is in his community tab on youtube

Hey @MasterOfYellow

Some persons recommended me this website, and they had results with it, please check it, if you want, and let me know for your opinion

Anyway I am still using your recommendation, thanks


Oh finally, after the various online sites such as onlinevideoconverter malfunctioned, I had to install a software (AVC) because there were no sites that convert to WAV, then this should download playlists too.

I discovered that channel two days.
He released a male enhancement that looks pretty powerful.

My primary concern is the level of safety he(or any other new Morphic field creator) induces in his work. For example, if his male enhancement one works, it may permanently ramp up heart rate(to pump more blood) and that could be a serious problem. Plus, unlike sapien, he doesn’t describe the process which is being undertaken for the goal to be achieved. This is problematic because the means of achievement might result in some other physical issue or mental one. Just saying that “on I didn’t have any side effects so it must be safe” doesnt cut it, transparency and safety are paramount in such use cases. I’d stay with Sapien’s work only, fields are no joke, proper description and safely while using anything affecting the body should be the primary precaution to be practiced.