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Cheat c🥚des man!

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This one kicked in instantly.

I was feeling really bad because of a bad night of sleep and this fixed it.


What are peoples opinion on George Huttons subliminals? I bought several of them, some are really, really complex subliminals it seems and I subscribe to his ideas in the documents as well. (The alpha mentality and more)

Are subliminals alone effective? have people here had great experiences with them/george hutton?

Another one that seemed to have extremely good reviews is Ulas - but damn, his fields feels really “sloppily” done and only like 2-4 minutes long and still everyone is claiming extremely good results.


The subs on yt that I have used and are credited to him worked for me.

Some say yes, some say no. For me they do if well produced, but I prefer to make my own at this point. safer/more effective (ofc there are few exceptions)

Never tried his videos bc I´ve felt the same about it. Looks to me like good intentions but not necessarily good produced.
The length alone doesn´t say anything about how effective it is though.

Oh i would never bother making my own subs, if people think it’s just to put a bunch of affirmations in, they couldn’t be more wrong. It’s extremely complicated to make subliminals that work really well.

So far i’m very impressed at the subs i bought from Huttons, unfortunately it’s not much of spiritual subliminals or vibration rising, but for general life, jesus. I have never had any sub work as fast and well as his frame ones, authority, dominance and alpha subs.

He has like 3-5 long sub for each category in different brainwave states to listen to at different times of the day etc. Then he has this mix, that mixes all the categories together, like the alpha one has 4-5 different categories, so they get supercharged, so if you need an instant extremely powerful boost for a meeting or whatever, you can listen to that, then the others for the long term integration.

I really like that.

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I’ve used his subs for a while, I find them to be very very effective!

Which ones are your favorite? I mostly use the mastermix to be honest, on those that they exist, and those alone are really powerful

Can we send a subliminal through/with the help of “Be the healer/heal those around you” to a family member or a friend who either doesn’t know english or is not into fields or subliminal or yoga or anything spiritual, But that person agrees to our help?

Can this be done or “heal those around you” can be used either by itself or at the most with another (Captain’s?) field, but Not with subliminals?

My brother doesn’t believe in fields nor does want to try, yet he gave me the ok to use any means necessary to protect him (well, he probably thinks it’s all in my head anyway :sweat_smile:), while my mother doesn’t know English, otherwise there would be no need for this.

I’m thinking of using some audios/subliminals, yet I just read/researched today about DrVirtual7 - Btw, what is your view on him and how many of you have tried his subs?
I read through the search function some reviews/opinions, only positive so far (?).

Now, I don’t want to sound like a fanboy, but I think Sapien/Captain has No Equal, still, others have good and unique content.

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to each their own. feel free to try his miracle generator and magic luck on yt if you haven´t already. Work very well

I can guarantee you BN is the real deal, his stuff is incredible, very powerful. Especially the DHT/Masteron stuff.

Newest Update: DrVirtual7 is one of the few creators whose work I use besides Captain.
Captain is number 1,yet there are a few other creators with very good content.

Edit: I made up my mind and I will continue to listen to that subliminal; thank you guys (those who took your time and talked with me) :pray:, I will not tag you.

Well, I will try this, hoping someone will answer, here or privately; I tried a few of DrVirtual7 subliminals and I felt on a range from Good to Amazing, so based on that I would say all is good, but then I tried this one

And I felt like some of the strangest feelings/sensations in my Energy Body/Aura that I have ever felt (actually, similar type of sensations, like when I listened to Alien Intercession made by Captain - well, I think that one gave me even more intense feelings, yet not understanding and out of fear, I quit listening back then; perhaps some positive/good Aliens were trying to help me);
And I actually started feeling sick; even though I was scared, I listened a second time, this time with smaller scale reactions (I tried even listening to Sword of St Michael on another device and some of the ugly sensations diminished significantly); I felt All kind of sensations, including like something being removed from my body, something being attached and even moving on my body, strange, strange things…

Now, supposedly this happens if you have ET implants, energetically or otherwise.

What is your view?
Please answer if you can help me, with experience or feedback, here or by messaging me.

Thank You.


Who’s BN?

Binaural nutrition

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Can anyone that is energy sensitive check this one?

Felt it physically (extremelly weird for me) but I could have been sitting in a bad posture (and have bad circulation, instead of hyperventilation like symptoms).

I have heard of intention repeater software. It just repeats your intention maybe millions of times. How is it linked to energy?

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I think the creator can answer that better. He has a forum and there was a discussion here too.

It is powered by a servitor that is a black hole (if you can make sense of that, my hat’s off to you). So yeah, the creator knows his work.

I don’t feel nothing bad coming from it (and most energy sensitive people like it), and think of it as sort of a radionic device. Hence, I’d rather use it than “morphic fields” by other creators besides Dream.

But I haven’t had like spectacular results from it. So I was curious about this one audio.


Servitor is a black hole or something you create in the thoughform to do your work ?

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The servitor is the black hole, or powered by it. You don’t need to create anything. The point of the servitor is that it is intelligent. So when you input an intention in the repeater, the servitor will most likely know what you mean and the intention will manifest in a reasonable manner.

So there is no misunderstanding with words and you keep getting stuff you don’t want. For example I’m sure the repeater works in any language, and with any way you choose to make your intention (like some people use affirmations, some people input commands. In the video I sent, they just describe what they want).

Spirituality zone really legit? I don’t trust him/his audios for some reason, just gut feeling. I trust dr virtual7 100% though

Me neither