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Well, that’s your opinion :) and I have my opinions about your opinion, about my opinion - but, it doesn’t really matter. I’m not going to die on this hill, and if you’re hell bent to find something wrong with SZ then go right ahead.

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Rather an intense form of curiosity than opinion! - it reminds me a little bit of groupie-mentality, that might sound disrespectful, speaking of that, but it genuinely does because of how irrational and biased your reply was. Your post here is equally irrational, you’re looking for things that doesn’t exist.

I’ve stated numerous times that I have nothing against him, and if i’m proven wrong I will without hesitation admit it. You’ve chosen to ignore that as well.

Perhaps it was also disrespectful and wrong of the lawyers to dig deeper in to Amber Heards statement of how she had donated millions to charity? And yes, I can make that comparison - because the purpose of her statement was solely to put her in a good light to the public and gain favorable reputation. It’s super common for famous and semi-famous, even non famous people to make such statements, that everything / a bunch of going towards charity etc, in order to raise their status and goodwill-reputation.

Unfortunately our discussion when we dissect this is going to make SZ look even worse, which is something I didn’t want really, but I also have my principles of defending myself, which I definitely will against such an irrational reply as yours aimed to me. You didn’t really do SZ any favor with that reply, to say the least.

Thanks for suggesting options to ignore him, I was aware of it - I chose not to.

Look not to be rude, I gave my opinion which you asked for. I’m sorry you didn’t like my opinion, but I dont wish to discuss this with you further. I didn’t agree with your approach, it isn’t how I would have worded it. It sounded rude.

And you’re being rude now.


I’m being honest and gave you my opinion as well, I might as well call you rude for making such an irrational and biased statement and reply, if you can defend that with “just my opinion” then I will as well.

I’m going to give you an extensive reply tomorrow, when I dissect his replies towards me and see if you understand his passive aggressive, and disrespectful tone in general in his replies. I don’t care if you wish to discuss it further or not, just don’t reply to that if that’s the case. But you can’t really reply to me with something that I find baffling and then expect to “not discuss this further” because I will defend it and ask you several questions when I dissect it tomorrow, you can chose to ignore if you want.

Your welcome. You choose to waste our time instead. Go ahead.

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How am I in control of what you chose to do with your time? You give me way too much power and credit than what is reasonable.

The only way I won’t take this further is if you introspect a little and realize how irrational and biased your post is/was and either edit it or remove it. It simply goes against every single core value of mine to let something like that go unanswered. If you stand by it - we just have to take it further because you don’t get to decide when the discussion ends for us both - only when it ends for yourself.

May peace be with you, my friend.


Where did you even come from lol

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Thanks for your input, I’ll read it later, but you had nothing to do with this from the start and I don’t really care for discussing this with you at the moment, I’ll read yours and give you a proper reply after the discussion with Jen is done on my end.

You seem to have a tendency to jump the bandwagon in a lot of my discussions, you’re entitled to your opinion for sure, and we’ll have to agree to disagree on the well being’s matter, although I did agree that your reply was slightly better, but I strongly disagreed with the rest, and it’s not relevant here either.

I know right. Newfrogs like me should know their place and fall in line to the forum hierarchy.

Also @anonymous111 , it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who you are.

Have some self respect please, and stand for who you are and what you post here when confronting me on another platform. I still have nothing against you and I said a lot of positive things about you, which were ignored, of course.

Guys let’s cool this down on the Venting or Disputes sections!


I agree, I’m just going to make my post dissecting his replies to me as a reply to Jen, which unfortunately is going to make SZ look pretty bad, which wasn’t my intention to begin with, but Jen’s reply was way, way out of line in terms of manipulative bias. After that I’m done unless someone someone wants to continue this whole thing.

No it wasnt.


The fact that she on purpose left out the most key part to make my ask look worse than it was, wasn’t manipulative bias? Ok. :slight_smile:

I don’t know why I’m biting though. I’ll say my piece in my reply later, if you want to continue with a real response to that, feel free. Preferrably something with a bit more content than “No.”

Elaborate. Lets take everything from step 1. I know what you’re trying to do, it doesn’t work.

Edit* I’m well aware of that I’m having a lot of negative energy in me right now due to very unfortunate external events, which is why I’m waiting on my reply. Normally I wouldn’t bite on troll comments like the one above, which further feeds that energy.

I’ll refrain from posting until that energy is gone, then I’m going to post my piece

You sure do love discussing and arguing :joy:

Hey Jen,

I respect your opinion and I won’t do any further in depth reply or whatever. I stand by my own opinions on this but I think we’re good here.

It does take a bit of a hit on my pride overall but I’ve got rid of most of my negative energy and introspected, I can have the pride take a hit rather than making you feel bad and generate further negativity in the thread.

I’m also done with the topic


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