Discussion for other Creator Channels

I have bought her eye fields paid version I have quite recuring eye pain on the side of my eyes, blind spots, floaters, blood vessels showing up regulary, occipital nerve problems.

I have had less floaters, less eye inflamations, sometimes it makes the back of my eyes hurt more sometimes it doesn’t, I don’t know what’s the cause. I have had eye pain in both of my eyes now it happens less on my left eye and more on my right. my blind spot appears less dense too but since then I have picked up eye fields from other creators too so I don’t know who to give the credit for.

I can’t speak from an energy sensitive standpoint since I am not energy sensitive


Another male enhancement creation. I don’t need it but maybe it works, who knows…

Is this the place to ask about real world products that are not energy related or nah
I want to know if its worth getting a crystal bath tub lol

Edit: Sike I didn’t realize it’s 7 figures. False alarm I’m good

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the way I see it, the concept of objectivity or “absolute truth” isn’t really possible at the human level of consciousnes
Because we interact with consequence of the antecedent
Not the antecedent itself

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I understand the concept but i disagree with that this concept could ever be applicable in a discussion in general or on any forum. If it could, i could simply call black people stupid, have less value etc and if you called me a racist, i would just refer to the concept you mentioned in my defence.

It wouldn’t even have to be something disrespectful. Could be a discussion on saying the sun is hot, or we need oxygen to survive and I say no, and refer to that concept. It doesn’t really work to apply that concept in a discussion in my opinion - although you could use it as a general philosophy that you believe hold true within yourself. I don’t think the concept itself is wrong

It just sounds like a perspective each person is standing by though no?
Like (I do not wish to work with your aforementioned example)
The reason you feel x and x is because of your previous experiences. You (you as in general) already have some type of schemata which you base your views off from; experiences a major component to it. So when you see something new, you hold your current framework in mind and with the use of your intellect arrive to your newly based assertion
Where you might think objective, someone might retort (from a social interaction “objective” perspective) it’s just a blatant and complete social incompetence

Yeah I edited my post and made another example, there can be million of examples, I also added some more of my opinions on that concept.

I think it’s better if you elaborate more concretely what you are referring to, which of my statements, then we can continue from there if you want, so I can defend that statement if you believe it was not an objective truth, since it seems you want to continue the discussion itself, but in a more civil manner, which I’m all for.

oh no lol
I don’t want to interact with that whole situation
I was just very curious or picked up on that objective thingy tis all

But omg look! (IMO)
You said defend
To defend a framework is to defend your entire argument/ position. Argument/position is perspective.
We cannot argue on an objective truth.
But the fact that we are, show/s
We are interacting with the consequence of the antecedent .
everything we percieve/ observe will always hold an unintentional bias, therefore its bound to subjectivity ; such is the fallacy of man
But this is obviously just an opinion etc etc
Violet and her musings lol

Alright, well - it was a reply to my post so I feel I should be able to reply then :slight_smile:

Either way - I agree with the concept as a whole in terms of philosophy but I disagree with that it could ever be applicable in discussions. So I guess we can agree to disagree then and leave it at that

Exactly - but if you don’t agree with what, in my opinion, that objective truth is, the disussion is about me trying to explain the objective truth to you using logic (or you trying to explain to me why that is not an objective truth, using logic). Everything is not about perspective.

I semi-agree with that everything we perceive/observe will always hold an unintentional bias. I disagree with it being always. And even if biased, it can still be an objective truth.

I do like the philosophy, but it can be applied everywhere, and anywhere, in any discussion, and there would be nothing to discuss at any point really.

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Also, I said it before but I’d like to give more cred to a really underrated “physical” channel for those who are interested in more direct (and very immediate) physical/mental improvements, muscle building, confidence, deeper voice, assertiveness etc.

Binaural Nutrition:

His patreon is way more active and has much more content. Very worth the subscription. I’ve talked a bit to him as well and he is very, very serious about the scientific approach in his product, he has a ton of knowledge of the products his audios are replicating. He is not in this for the money in the slightest, which is also probably why he’s not very big now, he doesn’t do marketing. But it’s a real goldmine for that purpose.

I’ve also gotten him more curious about Sapien, when it comes to energy work and he said he would dig in to that more. Hopefully he’ll join the community at some point and enjoy the massive non-physical benefits from the fields in here.


Male Beauty Advanced Morphic Field - YouTube

This could be an other interesting channel, that seems to be targeted at males.

I will try it :slight_smile:

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Anyone here using Dr virtual 7’s fields? If so, which ones do you find effective? He seems underrated - think he even colabbed with sapien on a field once


I don’t like binaural beats because I’m against headphones, so BN is one of numerous creators I’ve long ignored.

I’m curious what others think. Is binaural a better tech than isochronic? If not, I don’t understand why they are still used. Maybe it’s a just a branding thing at this point.


Aren’t Binaural beats by far the “fastest” hitting of all types? Like you notice the change immediately as you listen to it, that’s my experience at least

Well, personal experience matters in such things. Maybe there is a faster onset.

Aye i guess, I have nothing against either subliminals (although i feel subliminals are the weakest of all for some reason) binaural beats or morphic fields as long as they work. I talked to the guy a bit too, got really good vibes from him, very genuine and does not care much for marketing or money, just a burning passion for the “science” in this and experimenting etc

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Very true man! For me, his “Overcome Pron addiction” video has been life changing. I’ve been an addict since last few years and although I was able to go on a streak of few weeks of NoFap, sooner or later, I would eventually fall back in the trap and relapse again and the cycle kept repeating.

So, this November I thought of participating in NNN and few days in and the urges started kicking in. I was scrolling through BN’s channel and I decided to play the Overcome Pron addiction binaural, and few minutes in the video and the voices inside my head compelling me to watch pron vanished, I honestly didn’t expected it to be so effective, and now it’s been few weeks of me using that binaural 2 times everyday and now I don’t get any urges and I finally feel like I’m free from that pron trap. God bless him!


Holy shit i forgot about that, it’s by far the best anti porn sub/morphic or what it is, i’ve ever listened to. I’m going to use that in my future non.profit org i’m starting up that will fight porn and general feminization of young boys that is going on today. (Please someone disagree with that statement and start a discussion with me on that subject, i can literally write a book about it)

I’ve asked him if he can reveal some of the things that makes it complex, no other anti porn field has worked so effective and so quickly.


Sounds a tad homophobic to be honest.

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Haha, sorry but that’s on you to interpret it that way.