Discussion for other Creator Channels

Or maybe we can just accept that some boys are feminine and do not need a cure?


Testing if this can work. System wasn’t letting me reopen

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Their channel got wiped off of YouTube… and this is why it’s best practice to archive / protect / back-up what’s invaluable for us. This can be a call for the data / archival enthusiasts to combat censorship

Many of us don’t know what we have until it’s gone. We can take it all for granted

They are still on Patreon

In case anyone needs the files, i have many saved. Feel free to DM me


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 2 days.

Open again :thinking:


Alright after this I’ll chill with the praising of Binaural Nutrition, and I have no affiliations with him what so ever, just want to make that clear,

But holy shit, his latest field is by far the most potent masculinization audio I’ve listened to yet. It’s literally instant result too. I’ve listened to a lot of various DHT fields but nothing comes close to this for me. Two listens was enough for me and by the second listen my veins were visibly showing on my forearm and bicep, as well as my upper body/chest tightening up as hell.

I don’t care much for his steroid fields, but that one is really, really good. Combine that with any of sapiens MBL/Androgenic bicep/androstenol and you get the alpha mindset plus all the muscle building basics you could ever need in 15 minutes basically.


I’m female so I can’t make much use of this channel but I’ll give his weight loss audios a try when I get home


Just tried Spirituality Zone recently, very good content: I like his mantras and the fact that audios are quite short (I see that as well in many of Captain’s uploads), I mean listening to a 3-4 minutes audio, even twice is definitely better (time-wise) than 10-15:minutes, yet, I also understand that not any field can be so short.

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I really love his Pineal Master Gland Detox, it’s one of the strongest pineal audios I’ve felt.

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Is it not better to first clear and balance the chakras?
Before trying such audios?

I still need quite some time to do this chakra(s) balancing thing …

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I dont know guys but this channels deserve our attention ,been using it this to increace my prenatal and i feel it my naval and reproductic system area ,also my muscle and testicle full up

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I really love this channel but it annoys me how they never write a description for their audios, especially when some of the titles sound really abstract.

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It’s advised to be centered and grounded, and to listen in a meditative state

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Yeah ,maybe ,is very simple it does what the title says ,it also reupload some of his frecuecy but upgrade it like healing chamber frecuencyy 1 ,healing chamber frecuency 2 etc ,but it really works

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The one, the only, to rule it all…


Imma use this non-ironically.

Celebs make money because of who they are, not what they do. This sht be real. But it is highest level of success. I think we all have to go through a doing phase before we can claim celeb/guru status. And not all jobs are conducive to this.

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