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This might be to someone useful
Description hits the home unfortunately

Are you planning on buying it? if it works the way it’s ended it could be a very good booster for seeing physical changes.

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I bought it, it seems to change the ground base of physical fitness first. Better skin. Better Hair

This one is giving me crazy results. My face is changing from day to day. My male member is increasing in size much faster now in combination with my other male enhancement fields. My strength and sexual endurance are skyrocketing like crazy. For the first time, I could hold my ejaculation during the whole intercourse.


Seems very fishy

His youtube channel seems unprofessional and has comments deactivated :man_shrugging:

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His stuff is working for me. I will ask him why he deactivated the comments. Maybe it’s not intentional…


Is not this guy same as the Ascension Archangel guy that folks here talk about?

And is Magnus fields the same as Magus fields, who is now listed on ES Marketplace?


Nice! To what kind of changes have you noticed in the face? How do you use his fields? Any expirience with Male Beauty Advanced Morphic Field? I just got these recent 2 that were posted here by you, let’s see how it goes (not that I’m energetically sensitive, but after 2 loops of each, haven’t felt anything physical etc.).

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my jawline, cheekbones and maxilla get bigger and more projected forward. I even feel my forehead shrinking.

I used the male enhancement one too with results but I have custom made ones I prefer to use.

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I bought this file some days ago and I have to admit that it’s the best working file for this topic I used.

My voice got noticeably deeper, more and thicker hair growth overall, bigger erections, more defined cheekbones, lower hairline, and even more attraction from women. They give me more positive eye contact than usually.

I will give updates in the future.

Thank you Puuh for recommending this creator to me!


seems a bit fishy… almost like a commercial


I am not paid or anything. Just a long-time lurker who decided to create an account…

and your first post and testimonial had to be from a different creator :smirk:


believe what you want lol

sorry that the creator got damaged through this. he seems to be a nice guy via email.

As far as I know he hasn’t.

dis all that was said

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They’re not on YouTube but on Patreon.


Feel it in my legs alot, thats all i can say for now


XtremeMind | creating Real Unstoppable Affluence | Patreon


So QI finally started moving away from her lengthy videos haha?