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I have no idea what are Rife Frequencies, just heard about it (as in heardbabout it before).


One of my friends had a Rife machine, and he claimed it helped to manage his mom’s arthritis pain. I never felt anything from it though … But it was some cheap stuff bought on ebay, so not sure…


I stopped using them… He indeed is a nice guy - I did feel energy from his fields, but I did not see any actual results (I tried two fields, not sure which ones) - so I just stopped. Also, the source of energy for some of the fields felt a little iffy… I was not guided to use his fields…

Last I heard, he was sick and recovering, hope he is doing ok now…


That and their water booster - is this the same as hydration booster? It’s the frequency that feels like a water refresh :D I tried these and they are awesome, I used it with the copper formula and I could feel this conducting part of the copper activating more of the NAD. They pair together quite nicely!

I tried to use the silencer frequency with the fields and I honestly got scared haha. I think it worked though! And their 11th formula is… something.


I’m so sleepy.
See you tomorrow.
Good Night/Day, Everyone. :pray::night_with_stars:


Yep , that is indeed a strong one👍


Used the luck/money one last year. Experienced some positive synchronicities and unexpected food/money. People got generally nicer towards me. Never sticked with it though.


Question. Do people really listen to these long subliminals with ‘old style’ affirmations? Like are they generally preferred? I use subliminals myself but a lot of the names I see around are those with the same style. Maybe they’re more helpful?


Was it Joey or Jobet? Those were the two guys I worked with in the past. Can’t say either of them are exceptional in terms of their personal energy haha

I did make some amazing contacts thanks to Xtrememind: Dale, Dream, Mr. GT (may he rest in bliss wherever he is), Sphinx, Raymon Grace, etc.

They were not bad or anything. I mean if someone is unhinged, drugged out or drunk in real life, swearing and cursing, angry and frustrated, themselves severely unfulfilled in personal lives - why would one want to buy anything from such people? Xtrememind folks, though, were not bad that way… But IMO, their technology/tools are pretty outdated and some of the entities they work with are questionable (especially knowing neither are mages who can really identify an entity accurately)…

We have better, safer stuff today!

Sad the forum was not preserved. There were some amazing posts! Dream had written some very lengthy and enlightening posts. There was a remote viewer who shared wonderful insights. I also wrote a lot of lengthy posts (hopefully someone found them useful haha)… Decade+ of great discussions… lost one day all of a sudden…


Do you mean long like 8 minutes long or an hour long?

I’ve tried loads of subliminals before I found fields I was really into them, but for physical results Kottie was the only one who really came through for me. And I’ve been listening to her for over a year now and she’s safe. Never any bad dreams etc.

Glowy nectarine also produced results for me (or rather, I produced results for me because of how her subs are worded).

My nose is different now. I knew it was Kottie because I could feel it changing in real time when I started listening last year.


Oh, I learned from Dale too, as did my friend Mr. GT. Dale was/is a kind teacher. But my interest, and to an extent, capabilities - were never aligned toward creating fields. I’d created some fields, mainly to test them out. I was not inclined at that… one, my work schedule is crazy and what little time I have, I owe it to my personal practice and my students; two, I took a vow never to monetize my gifts (let us be frank, whatever little gifts I have, I doubt I deserve them, they are just blessings from the Mother)… so I just did not venture that way…Moreover, the quality of work Dream produces, is not really possible for 90% of folks (myself included)…

From what I remember, people who trained under Dale were a handful, not many…


Quadible Integrity has released numerable new energetic frequencies recently after a period of long inactivity , including

(Healing music) Harmful Nanobots eliminator (Remove those nano-bots from your body)

ACTN3 Gene Activation (Alpha actintin 3 + Myostatin + Lower Albumin & SHGB T bonding)

Vision board amplifier (life changing)

Frankincense and myrrh (Super Healer - Space Cleanser - Spiritual evolver)

Audio expander ( Superior results booster)

Just for anyone here interested in Quad frequencies at all


I like the music and beat in this one very much. It sounds like one of those futuristic Unreal Tournament 1999 soundtracks.


Maybe if somone knows the link to the old fourm we can go on the time machine


It’s not like they don’t allow. It’s more like they don’t recommend in case anything bad happens because of other tools, they don’t want the blame pinned on their product.
Afaik they tried adding energetics at one point in their development with outside help. Dunno if it made it in or not in the end. Maybe someone energy sensitive can tell us in the future.

Their subliminals do stuff. I have dreamt quite a few times about things related to their products. I have had state changes on them too.

Sadly for some reason I stopped using them after a while. I return to them a couple months later, I use them then I stop again, and I have repeated this cycle a couple of times.

I am currently using their subliminal called Wanted, hopefully I don’t repeat the cycle again.

I don’t think it’s a bad investment to buy, and try one of their products, I am not sure if they have a free product, but they do have a 30 day no questions asked return policy. They have went from 1 hour audios that you have to listen to daily 4 hours, to 15 minute audios that you have to listen to 1-2 times every other day.


Am like 100 sure it doesn’t matter.

Don’t stop listening to dream, I think they only said that to give off the impression that it works or that it “higher quality”

Subs wouldn’t interfere and if they can’t explain why then don’t take stop listening to field

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I have tried Morphic Doctor and he’s good (Acne treatment, Remove cortisol, energizer and Schyzophrenia)
But I think they are energetic programmed audios, not morphic fields.

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I agree, I also like MORPHIC DOCTOR, it is effective. I especially like the fields of testosterone and purification of energy. The “Fields to Object” (patreon) field is also very effective. I listen mostly only to Sapien, QI and MORPHIC DOCTOR. Of the subliminals, Hypnodaddy is very effective


Those came back to mind today.

Helped me greatly in understanding the dynamic between my mum and me and forgiving her.
It got easier to express myself to her without feeling guilty or ashamed for it.
Sometimes, listening to this lead to her reaching out to me.

It seemed to higher my vibration fast, as it got easier to manifest, people suddenly reaching out to me, showing more respect etc.

The effects of this remind me of devil reversed and Amygdala Healing, makes me usually feel way lighter and reduces social anxiety alot.

I used to meditate to them running in 2 tabs at the same time which triggered some major emotional releases and repressed memories coming back.

I recommend them to all, but especially to the men that can identify with the dynamic mentioned here:


I find Anthro Teacher to be Helpful as well - I tried Intention Repeater some time ago, but I forgot; I think it might help with blockages, with fields/subs/affirmations/other methods, to make them work faster (maybe)?

The most Helpful Field, right now, seems to be