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So, (some) creators/youtubers promote Rife frequencies as Fields?

Maybe I’m ignorant. But what is the difference? :relaxed:

Below post is a snippet from Sammy’s post on another forum. See if that answers your question?


From Sammy:

Regular energy programming forces an energy pattern onto a thing/sound/image, person or environment. Energy programming doesn’t stay on a human body because the body’s homeostasis clears it away it eventually and environments also clear away such patterns eventually. But on items/audios/images, the patterns can latch on for long periods of time.

For example, back when I used to work with radionics machines, I could charge an audio with ‘virgo’ energy. While meditating, I mentally set the energy to integrate with the audio and for the audio to emit this energy when you listen to it. Meditation doesn’t need to be long and I can leave the radionics machine for a day or two. Sometimes go back to it and increase my intention on it. And then tada, the audio would have the energy programming become a part of it. But, it’s forced. And when listening to it, the energy forces itself on you.

Now, that’s fine and all. I used to do it and it’s fine. But the main issue is self regulation. Energy patterns are far more prone to degredation over time or even being shifted by someones own patterns or even someone elses patterns. The energy pattern isn’t fully integrated and even when you program protection and programming in it that allows it draw in zero point energy to keep repairing itself, the energy is not solid. It is fluid and can easily be distorted.

That being said, it is still useful and works great for short term projects. Heck, if you’re skilled enough, you can make some energetically programmed audios that last years in effectiveness.

Morphic fields are our preferred method because the energy pattern is being integrated into the audio/image/item’s very own energy pattern. They are becoming one. Indistinguishable in the sense that the audio is the field and the field is the audio. The field is solid and has a life it’s own in a sense. Fields also assimilate to your beingness rather than forcing themselves on your pattern. Blends in rather than forces itself in. It’s safer and the subconscious is more prone to accept the new pattern this way.

That being said, that is why it’s more difficult. Dale would spend days creating just one field. It is a matter of pure, unbending focus that creates a pattern that takes on a life of its own. Your consciousness is creating another source point of consciousness and to do so, in a way that the pattern itself can self regulate, takes a lot of time and unbending focus. Of course, over time, you can reduce the amount of time it takes to do it. If you do anything difficult long enough, you will find ways to shorten the time. But anyways, sorry for the long winded explanation lol.


does anyone use PI’s usb talisman maker? is it good? thinking of buying


I’m thinking about getting it. He sent an email about a 55% discount or something.
edit: On second thought it sounds too complicated for me lol. I’ll just wait for him to update the extra strength manifestation booster. That booster is a game-changer.


I got it some minutes ago and it feels good.
The good thing it works with subliminals


I had bought that but never really used it. Now that you mention it, gotta check it out again :smiley:


Is there supposed to be a new version coming out of that?

He has been upgrading and updating all his existing fields. So potentially he will update this one too


It was like an etheric blanket or a bubble for me. It kinda reminds me of the mind settings album from Sapien Medicine

As an empath it helped a lot in keeping my own space ‘free’ / have less influence from ‘the matrix’ (whether online or irl) even feelings and projections from others (though i’d use subconscious protection for that. Works well passing through public music and stores… seems other people leave trails of intent). - possibly even etheric AI i have an easier time discerning since o’ve integrated woth it more

I personally have not experienced (or perhaps not completely aware of) being able to / ‘seeing’ auras, entities and didn’t have that in mind when i used it.

I’m still healing my brain and 3rd eye, so i may be shifting back and forth between seeing and not seeing. It’s getting better.

:thinking: I should probably try this while bilocating in the astral so thank you for bringing this up for me.

I personally don’t ‘see’ yet in the physical, so perhaps enhanced visual processing may help.

However I do feel their presence with my ‘heart magnetism’ and their emotions and body sensations since i’ve been in tune with feeling subtle energies as i work on myself, so you and anyone involved in this may have a much easier and faster time given the NFTs and other premium fields at your ready that can help

Note: i have not worked with servitors but i can ‘feel’

More vivid dreams started happening when i started falling asleep to it



from what I understand, that 55% off he will send to who bought smth before he activated the holiday discount. bc he started his really late. I think 28 dec. his 25% off from the holidays is still active


I think I’ll get it too. not enough time in the day to listen to everything I want. I’ll just dump it all in a usb and listen to the most important

What has been your experience with it?

Me too, same here

I also found it in my gumroad library

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Supposed to be HappyHolsApply, right? It seem to be invalid/expired.

I used it to change my eye color in about a week. I didn’t take before/after pictures but other people noticed the results and it made them believe in morphic fields, which was my goal. When I open multiple tabs of it and play it alongside other audios, it multiplies their effectiveness and I can actually feel it working on the part of me I’m trying to change. It’s a staple for me.


Speechless. I assume that that USB/SD Card Talisman Creator & Manifestor tool is based on a similar concept for manifestation.

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You play multiple fields through the same device?

Sometimes I do that, or I’ll open like 10 tabs of the booster and play the other fields on my ipad or phone.
Edit: 10 tabs might be too much though

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