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maybe that’s why there is no effect? or will this approach strengthen the talisman itself?

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It should be at the root and not in the folder

if you dont feel any effects, copy the talisman x20 in the root

and copy the fields within the folder xwhatever

you should feel a difference


On patreon he said he severely toned it down due to it being to powerful and giving him nosebleed

I guess it is made so literally everyone can use it

I personally have the talisman mandala x15 and the audio x15 at the root

and the audios within the folder x5 I think


But why should having it in both places matter?

I removed it from inside the folder - still do not sense anything so far… I notice some faint energy but does not feel like what I feel when I actually listen to the audio.

I will continue to use it, for a week, but so far I am still skeptical as similar fields from two other creators were kinda duds for me.


I will try this when I get home.

With SMF and Maitreya’s mandalas, there was some weird energy - sorta dumb and unintelligent - that was coming through their versions of the USB mandalas, but it basically did not seem to give me any actual results that I would usually get by listening to the fields once or twice. So, I come with a bit of skepticism, but PI is certainly more skilled than the other two - by FAR - so I will try this out a bit longer…


If I may, what does the root mean?

Not sure how to explain it well

if you open your local disk without going into a folder

thats the root, the start

for example (c:) or (d:) at your computer

or when you load up your USB, the very first thing that pops up without going into an existing folder


I have tried it with some PI audios and Sapien Swords of destiny and I feel it working.
I put both mandala and audio in Manifestation Folder in root directory.


This is PI’s response to me asking more details. Hope he don’t mind I post it here:
"Hi, I put multiple copies of the same field and it worked faster. Generally I keep one usb per subject eg one for fitness and one for wealth etc but I think you can have 2 or 3 subjects on one usb. If you create a folder called manifestation folder1 for one intent and manifestation folder2 for another. "


Thank you :)


The more copies you make of these files on the drive the stronger the talisman will become.

Does he mean more copies of the mandala and the MP3 in the root or more copies of energetic files in the Manifestation Folder or both?




Another question or concern is about energetic overload, at the end of the day, the goal is to produce a talisman with the hundreds of fields and NFTs we have to carry throughout the day. How the tool is supposed to deal with the issue, if it is about burning our nervous system, none of us is interested in that.

PI wrote its best best to use fields that work on the same topic

Since the number of copies determines the fields power. It’s up to you to determine how many copies you can handle.

You can also use more usbs and make more talismans

So talisman 1 can be used for wealth and talisman 2 for health and so on

I am kinda curious tho, I have a servitor on one of my usbs. I wish I could find out if the talisman conflicts with it.

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Tips from PI on using the Talisman:

Using the talisman creator, you no longer need to print out multiple copies. You can place the mp3 version too which is more direct and active. Just by copying and pasting alone you get a surge of the energy so that becomes a sort of block breaking exercise in itself and then then the energy goes into talisman mode. You can keep multiple copies of the same mandala in the folder too. It can itself boost the energy. You can also add energy fields from other creators you feel like you’ve got more results from or subliminals etc or just your own commands that resonate with you more.

So as a talisman it will better the closer you are to it but In the manifestation folder you can write your commands in a text document. The energy can fill up a room or be restricted to just you. So you can write in protect my home and then keep the memory card above your front door or welcome wealth in to my home. It will work without you having to keep it near you. As for different goals, I personally prefer to keep it to one general subject matter. So right now I’ve loaded it up with road opener and the wealth mandalas. You can create your own combo of goals but I’d keep it to 3 or 4 max to be able to process easier. You can create sub folders for each goal.

So when you copy mandalas etc in the manifestation folder you’ll get a surge of the energy during that scanning process while copying and pasting. Once you close the laptop it goes into talisman mode. I tried to keep the energy stable because when I originally created it, it got a bit strong and I started to get nosebleeds which I haven;t had in a decade so I calmed the energy to stabalise it. So you’re seeing a difference between the loading and scanning and talismanic state which is a bit more subtle.

Hello PI, I hope you are doing fine. I have a question, I just bought the USB Talisman and I was wondering what the audio is for? Should I just place both audio and mandala within my usb? And they should be outside the manifestion folder right? Can I go overboard with the copies?
PI: I place both in the folder. I created the audio so that when you play it, the files in the manifestation folder will manifest by playing it. I haven’t been able to try it that way yet but my general indications it will work that way.

Radius of the Talisman is generally around 2m from the device but it’s tuned to you

The more copies you add the stronger it gets. More copies of both your fields and the usb talisman files. initially, I got a nose bleed and heat in my chest after having too many copies. It’s why I toned it down a lot. Increase in incrementally.


@Maoshan_Wanderer Does the energy output feel better now? If it worked, how did it work - what did you try to do - multiple copies (e.g how many?) of the mandala in the root folder and also multiple copies ("" “” “”) of the fields and/or NFTs or did you choose one of them?

But to be honest I only put a copy of swords of destiny, it is far from the same energy as opening the mandala or carrying it with one.
But definitely I feel some energy.

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I’m gonna need a video tutorial for this.


I have not yet tried anything else…

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This was the same problem I had with Maitreya’s similar field. There was some energy - but it was not the same as the field, and carrying it around did not produce the same results that I would get by listening to Dream’s fields directly. Hence the skepticism …

Feeling energy is not necessarily the same as getting results (which was one of the main reasons I stopped using Maitreya’s creations). Spiritual fields are hard to objectively test - I mean veils to another world, connect to god, etc., unless one is advanced or sees real-life results, hard to say which are real results vs which are placebo (the mind is very powerful and imaginative).

Like take Thermogenesis or Super Metabolism fields - I “know” they are working without any room for doubt…

Here is how I approach it:

  • Do I feel the energy? If yes, good, at least there is some energy being broadcasted by the Talisman
  • Whether or not I feel the energy - am I getting the same practical results as listening to the field directly? This is the only true test and this is probably best tested with fields which we know always work for us (for me Thermogenesis, Super Metabolism Boost, Angelic Intercession)