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Yes you right, I was thinking about this too.
I have that Maitreya field emitter too and I didnt feel working either, maybe its only 100% compatible with her own creations or similar made fields.
They are not morphic fields but energetic programmed fields.


Do you have the free field integrator mandala? @Unbreakable

Does anyone have the file / download of the “spirit guide connection” energetic programming from regius pura from their YouTube?

My experience with it was a strong, piercing third eye stimulation

That’s a missing one for the backup i have as mentioned here

Thank you @Sarumann33


How does the talisman work with PU’s integration tool? Anyone tried?

I will only say this here
and I avoid this thread.

Dale doesnt train anyone.
At least as far I know remember, in a way, we simply had long discussions
and structured ideas.
and moved on from there, as I used to sell with him on psychic helps.

But there is no training as in tasks to do, or a school. Just a loose friendship and learning.
So it sorta confuses when people say he trained them.
It is a very strange thing.

Almost like a mythical figure that nobody can collaborate so his name is used.

Yes, Me, GT, you and perhaps OM
But OM worked more with GT.
was there another?
Yes Daniel, but he took another route and went back to a general life I think.

This is best I know.

and well… this is probably a different time/reality

What I remember may not hold here.

Originally He wanted me to sell his items and we work out a profit sharing.
But he moved on to another line of specialization.


PM me if you want to test a couple of things. I’d rather not discuss publicly. One I think would work well for this as-is but I haven’t tested and would appreciate if someone tested who has trustworthy discernment and products for the same purpose from other creators. The other has not yet been created.

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@Divine_Lotus after very dynamic and revelating hours i have come to the same conclusion as you about PI. i should learn to allways trust a womans feel on such matters. thank you!

@Maoshan_Wanderer i had my signs and decided to stop having anything to do with PI. perhaps thanks to his last invention. the energy he uses although good willed is unstable and can leave one unprotected and also blockes some ammount of the normal force from the morphic fields from Captain which given that somebody can live somewhere, where you may need more spiritual help than other places is a very high risk, which i took out of uncertainty and too much damage/fear. one last very disturbing thing about PI is that his work mends with the connection to my wallets…which is of course a catastrophy cos ya know…i paid alot for their hm…all in them…? so i wont be f…g myself with myself anymore and allow me to recieve all the benefits i am paying for a whole year.

in short ! i am true to Cap and because he stated his approval here on the Forum in the Excalibur thread also with Drvirtual cos he is great too…

in short. i made my experiment and will delete my posts of praise to PI now. thank you for your patientce @Dreamweaver and my dear Sapien community!


Hey… I don’t remember saying anything about PI can you refresh my memory?

I think all I asked was whether he’s updating his manifestation booster?

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i beg you pardon! will correct my post…alittle of in the head am i and very ashamed right now. take care!

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No worries honest mistake

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After seeing this i wanted to say it may not be a good idea to remove the posts due to giving the effect of confusing contexts and it may be a better idea to edit and give reasonable explanation about the more up to date info

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Erm… to ‘defend’ any form of related viewpoints about this. I wouldn’t generalize trust on any women :sweat_smile: and discern instead for yourself and your experience

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Ok, I did not want to comment, but Divine_Heroine seems to have hit a note here. The MD Shield does seem to manipulate the force and even block fields at times. And I know these fields are not bad as they are Dream’s fields (duh lol) and my guides-deities are very hardcore and do not allow me to listen to anything not beneficial for me - so there is something going on…

Till I figure it out, I also decided not to play the MD Shield audio. Frankly, the way I was using was to print out a few copies of the mandala and scatter it all over my home - which I did a few years ago - now I decided to search for them and remove them.

I am not saying PI is bad, or anything, but till I figure it out, decided to stay away from MD shield. Also, I have Shielding 3, Sapien’s Ritualis Pendant, Armor of Light, and the Dragon - so why worry about more shielding?

I have been carrying the pendant around, and frankly do not feel much. But listening to my Top 4 new audios (Prince, Iron Doom, Super Serum, God like Fella) - I feel the effects right away and physically but not via the Talisman. I added multiple copies of the mandala, as well as my NFT mp3s/images - but I still am not getting the same physical effect as listening/interacting with the NFT.

And now Sarumann’s post made me think further…


It was so exciting so I checked 1 week earlier than expected, my eyes finally turned green ! They lightened a lot in the last weeks.

Now they are green but it’s not light enough. I’ll stick to Quadible Integrity for 1 more month and only then, will start listening to Akuo’s mint green eyes to have final results.

From the start I have ultimate trust but it’s so surprising, it was fast as fuck, seeing my eyes from a really dark brown to amber, then green in real time, certainly 2 more months needed until light mint green eyes, it’s not over yet but wtf it’s mad even actual color, stopping now would really be satisfying.

I promise to post an actual photo in last stages to prove it’s no lying.


That is exciting for you super happy for you!

Did you use a melanin remover first or did you just straight up listen to the green eye file the whole time ?


I had a lot of melanin in my eyes starting from nearly black eyes, I use melanin and green eyes both in my playlist with the eye booster.

Also developed a technique to sleep with fields peacefully and shit I never sleeped this good for a long time, the problem with sleeping with field is that the brain can’t go on deep sleep because of binatural frenquencies.

What I did was just puting 30 minutes videos with no sound in between every 90 minutes so I can go in deep sleep state and sleep at night normally.

I swear I feel so good when waking up, but the main problem could be to actually sleep as sleeping with earbud might be difficult depending the person.


That sounds great!

Subs without frequencies don’t prevent deep sleep right?

From personal experiences it makes me sleepy but without the ability to be in a deep state. Every times I tried without the no sound rest video in between I always woke up in a disaster state and really feeling tired, as if I was drunken.

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Could you tell me your experiences with using Drvirtual7’s subliminals?

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