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This is legit my face every day since I discovered Sapien in late December.

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Haha there was a meme I saw on Instagram or wherever, that said, “Are they really your twin flame? Or are they just a Gemini?”

Hilarious if twin flames weren’t actually real, everyone just falling for Geminis

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Hahaha possibly

They are a crazy sign but u gotta love them



POV: fell for a Gemini :joy:


I too noticed effects from Cheekbones one already, reduced malar bags and while doing my skincare today my cheekbones were noticeably pronounced, bone itself felt bigger, though I think it was just kind of lifted up? I guess some restructuring work, still early to tell, but considering I only played it once yesterday and once today the results seem good so far :hugs:


Can you imagine telling someone who has never heard of morphic fields what you just wrote? :joy::pray:t2: Amazing.

Try the square shaped jawline one if you can. Best dollar ever spent?! :scream:


I’ve just noticed Divine Tools has a new Complete Health 3.0 audio released with lots of new additions to it and its free to download.

I haven’t used much of their stuff but I’ve used the Aura Clearing ones in the past and they are great, very strong.


They are talking about quantum and scalar waves? It is different than a morphic field?


Can anyone tell me about Sigh Energy? What are your experiences with him?

The channel was mentioned before here and by the replies given, people here don’t like (them) much.
I used quite a lot of their videos too, even created bunch of playlists by topics lol (just to eventually delete them), but never saw any results. But I was inconsistent and had real doubts about it too. But things to note are extreme (the most I’ve seen publicly available on YouTube) variety of topics of their fields(?), the existence of which I’d discovered only after I saw them on their channels, relatively low amount of views and activity (because all of their work is silent? But they still upload, and yeah, they say they’re a team - without any details), presence of 5 different channels (seems to differ in general topics, some are older and have no activity). And also some of their most poular videos, I don’t remember on which channels exactly, have quite interesting comments, but that’s something to delve in. Also worth mentioning, there is a channel on YouTube in Portuguese, which is very similar to Sigh’s channels, at least visually, but that’s a speculation.

Yes. It’s a different type of energetic healing.
From what I understand Cap is the only person (besides Dale) who genuinely makes morphic fields. Many claim to do so but they are just energetic fields, not Morphic Fields.

Edit: I should mention that Psychic University also makes Morphic Fields but he does not have a YouTube channel so I wasn’t sure whether to mention him or not here.


Hi, I used the Lighter color from Eggtopia and now the green eyes from Roseline, she is arabic but her subs are in arabe, english and spanish.


All i can say been looping this for 2 hours ,and this could easy cost more thn 300+ because it highly effective


Good to hear. I’m feeling a bit rough today myself so I’m going to loop it while sleeping tonight and see how I feel in the morning.
I haven’t used their stuff in a while but their Aura ones are great if you have the finances to purchase it, there’s 4 separate audios.

It’s a nice touch that you can pay what you want for their work also.
The San Pedro experience is still one I want to work with properly when I feel fully able, don’t want to have a bad trip :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Not really sure, I usually only stick with Sapien, a bit of Psychic University.

I’ve tried PI (who I like personally having talked to him a bit), Morpheus (not sure), Quadible (nothing negative to say, though I don’t personally use), Maitreya (meh, hit or miss), SZ ( :no_entry_sign: :no_pedestrians:)… I stick to Sapien because they work and more importantly, they don’t cause any harm to my energy system. I am also aware of how Dream conceptualizes fields and it’s not some loosy-goosy new age process, it is methodical and the energy signature is neutral (which is key for me)…

I would say go with your gut feeling!

By the way, I do like Perfect Health 2.0 (have not tried 3.0 - @This_Boy_Here did remind me a few years ago that we need to set an intention before listening) - kudos to them for making it freely available - its just that my stack is full, and I get what I need from the Holy 5 (Eternal, Plasma Flaunt, Max Potion, Smart Rife, Project Mental Health) - which are more time efficient for me than having to listen to a long audio twice a day haha


:laughing: nuff said.


I’m using some of his fields regularly. Any explanation on this would be helpful in our decision making.

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Hello everyone I’m currently suffering from cheilitis on my bottom lip. I’ve tried the lip plumper and gum and lips on Patreon. But it doesn’t go away does anyone know which fields to use or how to make it go away😔

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I wish Captain would make get desired eye color fields too. That would be super exciting.

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Try the fungus destroyer from SM YT channel!