Discussion for other Creator Channels

This was the original channel btw

I think the description should come with a warning though… people who have insecurities about how they perceive themselves, or if they don’t feel like sexual beings, or if they have some deep rooted clashing beliefs… yeah, this might be too intense for them… and they might experience things that, for the average every day person who has never done anything spiritual, may seem very alarming or scary. (nightmares, anxiety, dread, emptiness, etc. - the typical stuff that comes with each phase of ascension) Dealing with the pre-programmed beliefs that hinder progress, whether in fields or in daily action, is more than half of the battle.

I also think telling people to express love and gratitude for results, not getting greedy or power-hungry, is also very important.


It never ever made a difference whatsoever for me stacking lots of the same Mandala. And i tried with like 5 Mandalas bought on Gumroad.

The Mandalas never worked for me put it that way.
Id feel the energy strong but nothing came out of that feeling.

Sorry i said too much you didnt ask for lol

my answer its maybe not the best to measure that since the mandalas didnt work 1 or 10 or 50 of them stuck up. Maybe it works for others.


I have used his mandala multidimensional protection and I haven’t noticed any blockage.

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Didn’t notice any blockage meaning ?

I didn’t notice any wrong with that mandala.
No affecting any other fields from Sapien or anybody else

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Thanks @Unbreakable

But of course it could collide with a similar protection field or some which acts on chakras or aura, but that applies for any type of field.
If you listening a healing field from two creators which act on blood could collide with each other and so on.
But especifically talking about the clear part is to clean one from bad things, entities, etc.
Otherwise even PI other fields would get voided

Sorry folks, I do not monitor this thread. Just read some messages addressed to me.

  • Programmed Intention (PI) - I still like his products. After Divine_Lotus noticed that his Multidimensional Shield may be blocking some fields - even the ones that are safe, I tried out a few things and also asked my guides and this shield was blocking the fields which my Guides felt were completely safe (Sapien, PU). So, I stopped using this field. That said, I still use his Qigong and Holy Guardian Angel fields now and then…
  • Spirituality Zone - not a fan, at all. I’ve said enough, let’s leave it at that…I don’t want this creator to get his pants entangled in a bunch or assume I am making statements on behalf of Team Sapien.

Of course, these are my opinions. You should not take this as a recommendation (or its opposite) and start/stop using fields from these creators. The only creator I unequivocally feel is safe for all is Sapien Medicine. As for the rest, do your due diligence.


Anyone tried QI’s chakra series?

What do you think of it? Is it good/powerful and can it lead to productive results alone or in conjunction with SM chakra fields?

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Anyone have any thoughts if this will unintendedly block Dream’s stuff:

I’m guessing no because they’ve worked together before, but you never know. Thanks in advance!

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Feel the negativity being washed away…

This was organized in the sacred city of Varanasi, touted to be the most ancient city of unbroken spiritual lineage that remains alive today.
The recitation was by 1100 Mothers for the sake of humanity and children of the world (at the height of the pandemic)…

Note: Shiva and Shakti, the divine Male and Female enact two dances… In the cycle of creation, the dance is called Lasya - where the Mother takes the primary role and the Father aligns with her. This results in the projection of the manifest universe as the cosmic dream-play of the Divine. In the cycle of destruction where the apparent projection of the manifest universe is re-absorbed into Unitary Consciousness, the dance is called Tandava where the Father leads, and the Mother watches as its sole witness when every aspect of duality collapses. This sequence occurs in both macrocosm and microcosm continuously. …


To be written in large letters, also because the archive is now impressive and has no equal among any manufacturer.


I catched this one early. Seems he started posting 5 months ago.

If anyone wants to check:

He has typical content but some creative too.


Cool, I have been doing PI’s Qigong for some time with lots of benefits, now it is more assuring for me to keep it going.


Use only sapien Medicine

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Hey Moon, could pls tell a little bit more about the Quigong (PI), did you also use the Holy Guardian Angel?

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Hmmm, what changed? I found the channel (SZ) through earlier posts in this thread that I think you shared and vouched for. Any negative experiences? (I am personally not a fan of the - pay x amount of money for an enhanced version - approach, but what negative consequences should one be heedful of, if any? no need to be specific, just to take my precautions :thinking: )

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I guess I misremembered? Searching for the comment would be too tedious. It was either you or someone else.

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