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What do you guys think about this field? It felt nice.


I always wanted to test his fields…but I have more than enough with Dream’s fields. But then, I read that he worked with entities and whatnot. And then he stopped. Problem is, the fields I was interested in are the old ones, when he worked with entities xD

Maybe his decision to stop working with them means he has outgrown previous weaknesses…but it seems he is always under some kind of influence or another.

I got the impression from his descrition in “substance unknown”, I think. Whether that one or another one, the description itself, how he/she talks…made me uncomfortable.


FAQ: Speakers/headphones both fine. No limit on the fields you can listen to beyond what causes exhaustion this number will be very different for each individual. Start with a few. Muted is ok. Unisex, no gender limitation here my friends. I appreciate you.

Me that mutes youtube when wading through submakers, etc:

That’s pretty vague

Morpheus has said he or she has worked with angels but other entities I don’t think so

Can you share where you got your info?


I think Morpheus mentioned his guides.


Debates - #191 by D11 - General discussion - Maitreya Fields
Debates - #206 by D11 - General discussion - Maitreya Fields
Debates - #232 by Klinthus - General discussion - Maitreya Fields

Sorry to bring this here. Honestly I didn’t properly read that thread either, nor trust anything said there. There are more posts by the same person.

Shouldn’t have spoken so soon.

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Just done reading this one, pretty fun and amusing. Heavily energetically loaded however.

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Hello Lanos, I hope you have a good day! There seems to be mixed review on Spirituality Zone.
Which is normal, the understanding and reason behind it, however, is intriguing to me personally.

I don’t intent to cherry-pick anything just because I am biased to have Sapien Medicine fields worked wonderfully to me, I am not expert either, so please take grain of salt on my testimonials. By no means I am hating the person behind Spirituality Zone, nor their creation, but perhaps my comment can bring some light, maybe.

Long story short : My experience Spirituality Zone’s energy are safe, they have what is called “natural energy” that can feel very raw and mold-able(?) to our intention.

Long story : I’ve used both Sapien Medicine and Spirituality Zone interchangeably. Here’s the catch :
Sapien Medicine’s morphic field can be mostly used in passive manner, Spirituality Zone’s energy field could be used passively, but it is more favorable to use it actively (e.g. their spiritual energy/shielding field can be used on animals, house, etc). Both feel deep… Another thing for sure is that when I didn’t give rest to my body after using fields from either creators to change it to vice versa, the effects can be unfavorable (headache, “negative-like”, lose sense of confidence). This, however, quickly addressed by them on one particular comment where a persone enquired as to why he felt the way he felt after using sapien’s field and spirituality zone’s ones, to which he answered that the type energy of energy infused is different (one is morphic and one is raw natural energy) and there are chances of nervous system got overtaxed.

So, I also personally agree to this tho, it is not energy drain… it is more akin to energy exhaustion. Most people, and I included, have fallen to mistake to use Spirituality Zone’s field passively AND looping it, in manner similar to how I use Sapien’s field. Just like how I observer that Energy Awakening Course fields such as Body primer crystall etc need rest and recommended to slow down on other fields, a handful of SZ fields principally speaking is like that… What I personally find it better to do with his field is that I need to use actively for it to integrate better.

E.g. I wanted to protect my mother when she is home alone, I can’t buy Sapien’s Shielding field, then I would consider to use SZ’s When Nothing Else Works, Destroy Evil, or 21 Shields and instruct the energy to stay at the place and perform clearing, protection and healing for my mom whilst visualizing the energy to do just as that, she can listen to Sapien’s field when I got home, just like that.

So, to conclude, there are different views because of there are nuances to it. Because of that I got more respect to my body than ever before for its capability to absorb and process different kind of energy, and act accordingly to align it with my goals instead of having attitude of “relying on audios to feel [insert confidence etc]”… instead, using them to change our perception.

Hope it helps,
Shanti Om


Very interesting links you provided. They revealed a similar yet substantially different community. I didn’t learn about Morpheus Fields over there beyond some hearsay. I did read the entire passage connecting those links (and a little more), and there’s some really odd talk—guides warning someone not to use Sapien’s fields, incompatible energy, bad things about QI, etc.

None of this is meant as a comment on Morpheus Fields. I’m just saying I wouldn’t take that discussion over there as at all definitive or proof of anything.


Maitreya’s forum itself is mostly fine… I would refrain from judging it based on what a few people stated in that thread… that’s what they want… to segment and split the community.

Both Sapien and Maiterya make decent artifacts, some of the people in that thread want you to believe otherwise for their own motives. Ignore and continue to use what is helping you improve.


I’ve discovered Programmed Intention thanks to one person in this forum (Maoshan) and it is very convenient that audios are silent, which makes it better for going out and about while listening to fields.

It also has very powerful effects IMO.

Anyone tried his mandalas?

I printed like 10 mandalas because according to him, effects stack:


Yeah, I should have written more carefully; “substantially different” can be read harshly. I didn’t mean it as a broad swipe against that forum in general, and I’m certainly not judging it (people say wild stuff on this forum quite a bit.) I did notice some differences. By and large, this forum–and this thread in particular–strikes me as more detached, less tribal than the same named thread on the Maitreya Fields forum (I haven’t read much over there, but I did follow the links provided by @Drift.) I don’t think there are any hardcore MaitreyaFields (I don’t know her name) haters over here, and she seems to have a fair number of supporters among people I respect here. I was surprised at some of the vitriol directed towards our favorite creator, but I think most the posts I read came from people trying to improve themselves . Mostly, I think the off tone was a case of the Narcissism of Small Differences.

My post was mostly a case of saying I didn’t think those posts proved anything about Morpheus Fields (Full Disclosure: I remember a character named Morpheus from Dungeons and Dragons group I played with, so that might factor into my defense.) I’m not endorsing Morpheus Fields. I just didn’t think those comments were proof of anything. Perhaps a Youtube comment link would have been some proof. Though stray comments do get blown up quite a bit. I’m weigh the gestalt of someone’s work than a comment here and there. I pray to God all the time for guidance, but I can’t say what I do is constitutes working with a spiritual being, but I can see how others might be looser with language.

So, just so we are clear. I think most people who listen to the work of Maitreya Fields and the people on her forum are people trying to better themselves. That’s probably true about most people using most of the “self-improvement” audios on YouTube .

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The Mandala you shared is one of my favorite of his along with Attract Wealth and Manifestation Booster.

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SZ’s “energy fields” are very yogic/tantric and rely heavily on your own chakras and on the fields/energetic signatures of some devas.

He does write lengthy explanations with precautions on some of his files… some of them can be listened to passively because they are more frequency based… but many of them are extremely taxing. The flipside is that the results are unquestionably fast. As long as gratitude doesn’t turn into worship, it’s as safe as can be.


Not exactly that Mandala, but the one for Breathing (Idk the exact name right now) it’s truly amazing, it’s working very fast (my Main Source of help comes from Captains creations, yet there are a few other powerful creations and creators).


Thank you so much @barong_caraka for writing such a detailed response. It’s been so many days I asked this question and I might have such missed this response.

Thanks for sharing your experience.
I always feel Sapien’s field as soft while SZ I experienced as hard or strong … so what you said makes sense


I am sorry I’m not sure whether it is yogic/tantric, some their recent videos have those tittle but I am not sure if their energy principally speaking are that yogic? It is possible tho, because the author himself implictly said he practice yoga,qigong, etc. and capable of engage with energy. but I agree with sentiments that their energy work with user’s own state, I mean they repeatedly state under comment sections that the result can vary to individuals because it works with user’s own energy body, chakras, vibration state, mind. Idk but I’ve got respect to these kind of YT creator who put some realistic salt to their comment.

That’s correct, most people that I see get issue on his YouTube comment are people who use their “energy field” and treat it like Sapien’s without reading their lengthy explanations, that however, include me in the past! I feel like your comment attacked and triggered me because I used to do same in the past ignoring their precautions and get my aura drained and feel negative and not confidence! How dare you pinpoint my ignorance!

lol jkjk I hope u get the joke.

Anyway, yeah despite all those conditions, and mixed review, they are safe plus we are learning something about other than morphic field (tho I felt guilty for thinking they just another Sapien’s copycat). All is good.

Shanti Om


Your welcome! I hope all is well.

It tend to felt that way mate, but I think there are reasons behind it…
I recall that SZ team commented under one of their videos (If what I recall correct, think it is their first shield/purge negative) when a person inquired whether they can loop it overnight (again, treated like it is a morphic field) to get faster result, to which he replied result might vary, but there’s no need to loop 8 hours that what can be achieved in minutes.

I assume it is because SZ field is “natural energy field”, it works straight to the case, changing and working at the subtle energy level, hence it feel “hard/strong” yet mold-able(?).

Just experiment with yourself, what I state above might not resonate and that’s fine. Remember if you/other want to loop their energy fields for one hour or more lol, there have been many warnings.

Shanti Om


gave this one a try yesterday and recognized that there were some things I haven’t shaken off yet because my ego-self was attached to them.

the channel is mostly meditation music using sound alchemy/alchemical coding and frequencies, but gives me extremely positive vibes.

Yes … thank you for asking and writing back


Sharing this mainly bc it feels so soothing, love the mantra.

My family behaved more loving towards me too.


Om Shreem Hreem Shreem
Kamle Kamlalayei Praseed Praseed
Om Shreem Hreem Shreem
Mahalaxmiyei Namah

You attracted this :beers: :money_mouth_face:

Edit: Also, Nitika is thought of as a Genius Spirit or ‘personified virtue’. Nitika is a very gentle yet powerful spirit, and is listed as one of The Genii of the Twelve Hours in the Nuctemeron , attributed to Apollonius of Tyana from the First Century AD. Nitika was made known to European readers through a French translation by Eliphas Levi in his 1897 book Transcendental Magic, which was eventually translated to English by A.E. Waite. The magic of Nitika has been around for a long time, but remains relevant and workable today. We believe that Genius Spirits are an embodiment or expression of angelic power; they personify the virtues of angels in the form of unique spirits, and these spirits have specific natures. Nitika is a distinct spirit who channels the power of angels to assist with the chance attraction of financial fortune.