Discussion for other Creator Channels

Please try everyone

No subliminalseither field has ever worked for me, as opposed to Sapien/Dream products.
Just my opinion.

Hello everyone I am new to sapien med and I have being looking through this topic to find similar channels that are also great but its hard to find between all the messages. Could someone give me a little summary on other good channels with morpic fields that work? thanks a lot

Welcome to the forum

Tbh id say a good 70% comments in this post are about confirming that is best to stick to Sapien Med :woman_shrugging: not kidding.

And some others have mentioned here and there subliminal makers (but thats not the same as Sapien’s Medicine work)

And if any similar channel the comments are mostly about hit and miss with the products

If you are new to Sapien and i guess dont know other channels much, then i def advice to actually take the time and read through this post as a precaution to not just try whatever you come across that may sound great but can bring havoc to your body/mind and soul instead.


I was about to say exactly the same thing. :grin:


thanks a lot spares me some time
If I come across a channel Ill look it up here but I think I will stick with Sapien:)


Yes also know that there are a lot of other “creators” channels and their defenders lol commenting in this thread talking wonderful about those channels some others have tried and regretted, and they literally dont comment ever about any Sapien’s product anywhere in the forum, but come right out of their caves when they see the chance to push for those channels in this thread :sweat_smile:

You do the math there…


:+1: :100:%


thanks alot for making it clear. Regards

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Dream has a field on DNA: The DNA Repair System - YouTube

I am skeptical of trying anyone besides dreamweaver but this channel seems welcoming,
If possible, can anyone check its energy and purity

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If you want what the video is about, there are fields for that. If you meant in general, I can’t help much.

That channel has both energy healing (in the titles at least) and light language, and maybe something else (I looked just now).

Her light language sounds just like other’s. Her tone is a bit calmer. Since I’m not psychic I can’t say for sure, but I feel light language has a single entity behind them. It is like a channeling, rather than the person doing it. And then, the channeling is of only one being. It feels too emotional and manipulative for me (even of the channelers…those beings seems to break them in half), for people that say they will do all sorts of clearing, their emotions are all over the place.

I think it isn’t their emotions, but they feel them on purpose “for empathy” and being able to tune into what they are supposed to transmute…but it may just be the entities instructing them to feed on them.

But then, I can be 111% wrong xD…but that’s what keep me away from them, the raw emotions I notice some of them feeling through while doing the channeling.


“Light language” as a concept makes no sense to me.

Pretty much all advanced beings communicate telepathically and conceptually.

Any type of communication that needs to be translated down from telepathic transmission to manual transmission and that needs to be translated down from conceptual to symbolic representations, is massively inferior.

And then, what is “light” supposed to mean?
That it is filled with “love”?
Just because it is filled with “love energy” does not make it true or advanced in any way.
Lower astral beings manipulate people’s heart chakras all the time, especially those of those many “ascension channelers”.

Big red flag and spiritual scam alert for anyone using the term “Light language”.


Here comes Kool-Aid Jaaj breaking through bubbles bursting them :laughing:


It actually makes a lot of sense, ive always struggled with understanding why people correlate light to good and dark to bad when both are equally important, probably it might be good for our materialistic lives but doesnt bring oneness to our spiritual ones.
Thanks alot all of you


In the Matrix movies, the “good guys” are dressed in black :slight_smile:


Im looking for the most effective subliminal channels and also the most effective subliminals yall have used

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Cone of Power hehe.
You can use subliminal affirmation with that field.


Depends on what you’re looking for. Also I think this belongs in Discussion for other channels on YouTube thread

But I’ve used Kottie, Moza morph, and Vetala with the most success.

By the way, if anyone here doesn’t like what I’ve recommended based on my experience, thats your problem not mine. Address it here rather than messaging me about it so I can tell you to
mind your own business publicly


For real? Do you play the subliminal same time as the field?
What results did you achieve?

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