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I like Morphic Healer style BTW, maybe this can help Athletic Charger (morphic fields) - YouTube ?

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Chakras are implant by the matrix it self


Can you elaborate on why you believe this? The full* hypothesis? The references relied on? I am definitely curious.


I dunno what that means but it seems to me that Chakras are highly tied to signification.

Which means that there is a logical dimension at play that disrupts chakras.

For example, the signification of an event, a death of a loved one, an accident, all those logical articulations create disruptions in our energetic aura and chakras too.

So, signification and signifying articulations are at play in our energetic awareness.

For some people the death of a loved one may disrupt their heart chakra, meanwhile for other people the death of that person may be insignificant.

It is all tied to a logical dimension.


No no, let him share his theory and/or references for this, I am genuinely curious.


I physically cringed looking at this. Not because it is “cringey” in itself, but I can feel all the red flags setting off


Even your DNA is implant ah software instaled in everyhuman been to pass genetics,programing,implants ,traps to other generations

I search this information here M24 | Facebook

Its in spanish but you can copie the whole sentenced with one click ,to traduced in google

You do realize that the ultimate end of this way of thinking is dissolution into nothingness, right? Everything is intentional? Gee, its almost like we have a creator :smiley:


Removing chakras to me sounds no different than those saying they want to cut off their own limbs or bleach their eyes … it’s absolute madness.


an eternal being lacks chakras, the chakras are seals on top of the sephiroth that serve as a funnel lid to the dimentional sephiroth of the template of an eternal being, obviously they should not be removed while we are here, since they are part of the multidimensionality of the monad of an expanded consciousness in the matrix of time. There is a creation of light and sounds totally static and two-dimensional of non-electromagnetic energy where chakras or mind or soul are not used, you are only consciousness and spirit, and that is what many do not understand. This is where the eternal beings come from, these beings lack chakras and mind before entering, they access the mental world via a triangular two-dimensional template, then their consciousness is expanded through a monad, and they are compartmentalized in dimensions thanks to the fractalization by chakras placed on top of the sephiroth of his holy grail (manifestation template-tree of life).


There is a world beyond the material worlds, and that is what spiritual awakening is all about, awakening from the mental world, expanding consciousness and gaining ground from its imposed vehicle (the mind).


The spirit is omnipresent, it is one with the eternal world without beginning or end. It is the energetic expression of consciousness to experience in the eternal creation.

This dual creation is just an experiment. and it is experienced through two vehicles, since neither the consciousness nor the spirit can perceive it by itself this creation.

Mind; Vehicle of consciousness.

Soul; vehicle of the spirit( and give illusion of space to spirit).

Outside of here these two substances are not used, it is not about going to nothing. The chakras only belong to this multidimensional creation. And they are part of the templates used in this dual creation.

A manifestation template is the energetic expression through which a consciousness expresses itself. When an eternal being enters this creation, its original template is manipulated, and this consciousness is projected into different templates, some, for example, lack the 8th and 12th sephiroth, like the current we are of only 10 sephiroth and that is why here there death and natural disease (Energy lack) antimatter(8thsephiroth) and pre matter(12th sephiroth) are blocked. Energy lack

A manifestation template is the same as what is called (tree of life or holy grail).

Edit; Postscript; While we are here the chakras are part of who we are (part of the template matrix where our consciousness is manifested), but being without chakras does not mean our death, they are just funnel covers part of the multidimensionality of this creation. Although it should be noted that not all beings come from eternity, there are artificial consciousnesses created here, perhaps those do need chakras to exist. As there are beings that are consciousness expressed through spirit, there are beings that are mind expressed through soul, and they are beings belonging to the matrix of time. The latter are not eternal consciousness and therefore lack the original template, the spirit.

Thanks for reading.

And about sigh energy. Whoever asks a question about a channel in this chat is because they must be willing to receive an answer, be it positive or negative. Personally that channel does not seem trustworthy either, but each person with their discernment.


sorry but what do you mean by red flags? bad energy coming from the field you’re listening?

this seems to be his most popular and answered audio.

it says it deals with Grabovoi codes

Grabovoi codes use Radionic signatures to manifest and ‘fix’ various life ailments . They were developed by the (controversial) Russian psychic Grigori Grabovoi using his Radionic machine.

I just to listening to his filesb also buy alot of his stuff but since his changin the price of many files i was starting to doubt ,cuz nobody gonna pay 1,000 $ for one of his gumroad files his thing works but is not something to exagerated

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And the practical application of this being?

I remember reading a nice SCP page about such topic - SCP-2470 - SCP Foundation (author sadly passed away).

In response to bashing chakras:

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