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Do you have opinions on Teal Swan?

No real opinion. Looks like mainstream spirituality. My intuition tells me that I don’t need to listen to her content as there would be nothing new for me there.

My guess is that with her content, most likely there are many good realizations and insights, but almost zero actual techniques that work or bring actual real change.

But, the most important thing is that you listen to your own intuition.
Maybe watch her videos from both, a fan point of view and a skeptic point of view. Learn discernment of information.


Thank you!
I was asking because she was one of the first that I’ve learned from in this area, I recently saw this, and thought I’d ask the crew before I connect with that (her, not my ancestors — guess who’s got fields for that):

Never tried her techniques. I know there is controversy around her. On the other hand, though I’m not entirely ‘wise’ about these things, I have found great help and knowledge in her ‘teachings’ along the years. I found that most of the things she says have logic.

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Dream weaver? what is that or what is his channel ? please i’m new to this community

Welcome to his (Dreamweaver aka Sapien Medicine) forum.
To start off your journey:

Life saving YouTube channels:



Concordia booster x ego dissolution?





That said,
I wouldn’t boost ego dissolution
It’s very strong on its own already…


It has affirmations for removing chakras and some other harmful stuff
I think that’s not something one would like to use and especially boost with Ego Dissolution, right?


What type of harmful stuff?

Is not harmfull is just the belief of the creator he put affirmation literaly to help you be like Neo manifesting stuff removing chakras etc is like ah step to get out of this matrix ,he also has a sub to remove matrix

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Guys, don’t use suspicious stuff from unkown people on the internet who have no clue about how the subconscious mind works and where you don’t know what they are putting into their subliminals (and programmed energy audios/mandalas).

The description of the Concordia Booster alone is cringe and a big red flag enough.

You only have one subconscious mind and it manifests your daily reality.
If you put shit into it, you will be manifesting shit all the time.
Compared to this, bungee jumping is almost risk free.

This is my personal opinion.


Side-effects including remembering the incarnational process :smiley: :

Walking around in a pleasant daze, I had the sudden realization that I experienced this sensation before. A long time before: When incarnating to earth! I had a mystical experience, right there in the theme park. And I am sure others did too. Entering earth and birth also takes a leap of courage, a plummet into uncertainty, a scary but at the same time exciting jump into the unknown.


There was a more descriptive article (about the similarity of free falling and incarnating) that I can’t find, sadly.

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I’ve read several of Dodson’s books many years ago. He has a lot of good LoA techniques but most lack the component of addressing the Subconscious Mind.

Anyways, the feeling of falling, you also get that when you astral project and then return back into your physical body, this can feel as falling down or being sucked back in.

Being born physically is the process of your astral body step by step connecting with the physical cells and their human blueprint as the embryo grows. It is a gradual shift of consciousness from astral into the physical. You basically need a functioning physical brain and neural network for consciousness to implement and project itself into the physical and take over the physical body’s functions. Most of this process is done by the Subconscious Mind automatically.

During this process another fragmentation of your overall consciousness happens.
There is now the “new incarnated consciousness part”, that is like a blank page and that receives its own ego and personality setup from the Higher Self in order to play its earthly role. And then there is the part of you that remains conscious about everything all the time and that oversees the whole process of your new role consciousness slowly integrating into its physical role.

It is even more complex than this. Let’s just say that consciousness is like a fluid with the ability to focus and project itself into various dimensions and realities at the same time.


The only subliminal channel I still use is Sound and Soulful. www.soundandsoulful.com
I think her Youtube channel is mostly about Twin Flames, but she had a free week trial for her subliminals and I had never heard of them before so I figured there was nothing to lose. I immediately saw differences, literally overnight. Belly fat loss, toned legs, height, bigger lips - even my family noticed far quicker than I would have imagined they would. I hadn’t used subliminals for months and then the other night, looped “Toned Body” overnight and my whole frame seemed to have shrunk a whole size or something since then… :+1:

I listened to one other smaller channel in the early days, and had to stop because I would get nauseous and got bad headaches almost immediately. I don’t really listen to any subs any more now, but this lady’s energy feels very clean and safe to me. I had to recommend her to others because the fast results were what eventually led me to morphic fields and Sapien.

Sounds interesting! How much do you have to pay for their subscriptions?

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Hey guys check out this subliminal channel it’s pretty new but I’m open to any feedback and requests :slight_smile:


Was checking out their Instagram and they had some free mandalas released that I didn’t know about before (EWFAE Synergy Fields (@ewfae_synergy_fields) | Instagram for details on activation and use)

Flow Mandala

Water Charging Plate

Sacred Organ Alignment Sigil

The Magician Mandala

Soul Contract Revocation Mandala

Persuasion Power Status Mandala

Protection from Psychic Attacks Mandala

Lucky Bloom Mandala

Edit: New freebie they released on youtube recently (Ewfae Synergy Fields - YouTube)

(Although I am not sure if I agree with how Conceptual Realization was used, but hey, all uplifting stuff, so why not)

These are not bad at all, knock yourselves out ~


I don’t use it much but It’s good but you need to put many copies of the Talisman to make it powerfum and it’s not as powerful as morphic fields from Sapien.

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